Friday, February 18, 2011

POTW Week 7

This was a tough week... transitioning back into Nanepashemet Telecom after the move was essentially completed.  Cash flow is less than expected, mainly due to the weather screwing up the completion of some construction projects.   It's always a pain to look for cash.  Especially when you know that you will be flush again in a few short months.
Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for the 7th week of 2011

Ben Martin
Scuba Steve Lewis
Lisa Panakio Rowe
Kelly Light
Hosni Mubarek
Dave Bruett

In about a month, things will be back to normal.
BTW... to the Peep in Key Largo who has been checking out this Blog.... you lucky Bastard,  I'd love to be kicking back where you are these days.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Rape and Peaceful Protest

While our network news spindoctors were cheerily reporting the party in that Egyptian Square concerning the peaceful overthrow of Hosni Mubarek, Lara Logan, a CBS news correspondent was being publically raped by a frenzied mob right in the middle of it all.
What kind of a culture does this???? Gang raping a person for a half hour while screaming, "Jew, Jew!"
But the networks were enthralled by the peacefulness of the activity in the square.  Reporting how people picked up the trash and fixed the bricks and stuff.
I don't understand why the liberal press treads so lightly on the Muslim culture......   the way that women are oppressed and the West is vilified.  I've often felt that liberals have a deep seeded hatred for themselves and their own base emotions... which is why they lash out at others and project their own maliced feelings upon others.
Could it be that the Liberal press embraces a culture that is so blatantly opposed to our way of life  simply because it is akin to the hatred of us?
It's not right to generalize, and downright dangerous and wrong to characterize a whole group or religion.  But when stuff like this rape occurs, against the liberal spin, we should stand up, take notice, and express our outrage.
Didn't see any of that from Katie Couric or George Stephanopoulos.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Marblehead Gunning Dory Revival

It's been over four years since I've started building the Marblehead Gunning Dory.  And now, with no onsite workshop and no real practical room to set up in our Nanepashemet Telecom shop in Peabody, it seems like the project is pushed out for the foreseeable future.
The shop in the backyard will have to be built first.  But the new shop will undoubtably be influenced by the space needs required to build the 18' dory.   The base, frames, and laminated bow have been  completed for some time now.
With no other conflicting prorities, the Gunning Dory will be resumed in the autumn of this year, in a new backyard boatshop disguised as a detached garage.  The design and appeal of the craft is timeless, but it is starting to feel like the project is endless.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Carpe Diem

Tomorrow morning, I'll be up at dawn and barrell assing down to Rhode Island with stops in Johnston and East Greenwich.  Have to jump through some hoops to process a permit and then meet the power company to ponder an easement problem.
If all goes well, I'll roll back into Marblehead before mid afternoon, with another 200 miles racked up on the F-150.
Not every day is as exciting as this one at Nanepashemet Telecom.
Living the Dream.

Tuna Lips said...
you gits tired of that telephone business, c'mon down el Paso way, get your fixed up runnin' special packages over the border. Pays good, and all the jails bait you can handle, no word of a lie, I tells ya. Coooo cooo ca choo!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Walk like an Egyptian

Not to sound too unsophisticated about world affairs, but I just haven't been worked up about this Hosni Mubarek, Egypt thing.
I mean.... what does a few million Muslims crowding around the Nile River, who are pissed off about their government, have to do with me?  So what if they screw around with the Suez Canal for awhile.  How much can that cost?  The mega oil freighters can't fit through anyway.
And our President, Barack Obama says its a new day for Egypt.  But as far as I can see, there is just the military in charge and parliament suspended.  Not such an exciting new day if you ask me.
But the network newcasters keep saying that it is mega important.
I don't get it.

Access to Condoms

The debate is on today regarding whether or not students in Boston Public High Schools should have access to condoms.
Am I missing something here?
Can't anybody at any age stroll into the local drug store and pony up some cash for a Trojan Enz or two?   I believe they can.
So the debate isn't about "access to condoms" from the schools.  It's about whether the schools should distribute free condoms.   Clearly kids already have access to condoms.  It's really a budget issue.  Schools that can't afford athetic and sports, now seem to be able to dish out rubbers.  Go figure.
I personally don't see any morality issue here.  Just because a horney kid has a rubber, doesn't mean he is going to get laid.    It's the same problem that comes with Viagra.  You might have the ability, but the opportunity is a whole other matter.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Possessions and Memories

So we have substantially completed the move of our accumulated possessions from Beverly Ave. to the Sundance building.   There still are some stuff in the garage, and our deck furnishings remain covered with snow.
I filled the F150 to capacity with trash this morning, and Mike and Scuba Steve helped me to move the dining room table back, because our tenants wanted to use it, and from here on in, Joanne and I will be sorting out stuff and putting things away at our new Sundance home.
The amount of stuff that we have is mindboggling, and I'll be tossing stuff away agressively for the next couple of weeks.  
My problem with accumulating things is that when I look at a book, a file, or a piece of clothing... it stimulates a memory associated with the item.   And then, I'm afraid to part with it because I think that I won't be able to retrieve the memory without the stuff.   This has become an issue because I can't continue to haul around all of this baggage.
Plus I have trouble parting with electronic equipment that I paid so much for, and now is obsolete.   So I have a few useless, CPU's and laptops hanging around that I have to trash.
The bottom line is this.... I'm not placing a file in the file cabinets unless it has a present relevancy... otherwise it will be trashed.   I'm not putting any clothes in my closet or dresser that I haven't worn in the last year... otherwise, it will go to the Salvation Army bin in the Town Dump.   I'm not putting any book into a bookcase unless it has current relevance.... otherwise, it is going to the book bin that Joanne will soon have removed from the  Sundance building.
There is simply no sense in carrying around these possessions that have no place in the present or the future.  Just don't have the space.
So I'm heaving them and taking the chance that memories that they hold will still crop up from time to time.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Power Day

Yesterday was one of those power days that don't come too often.... because if they did, then I'd be rubbing elbows with guys like Donald Trump, Bill Gates, or even Bill Hillegas.
Closed the rental deal on Beverly Ave., received orders from a highly sought after carrier with the promise of more to follow, was invited to bid on a major regional build by another of the big four carriers, and picked up a couple of paypoint milestones for our core customer.  Plus other stuff confidential to Nanepashemet Telecom.
And in between, Joanne and I substantially completed the move of our stuff from Beverly Ave. to the Sundance building.
All of this didn't come without cost, as I was pretty wasted by the end of the day.   But you know the routine... Mountain of a Man... yada, yada, yada.
I'm not expecting today to match yesterday's accomplishments, but you never know.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Man UP

Sorry for the lapse.
But as you can imagine, I've been working my all too bounteous ass off trying to complete the move plus maintain the high standards of Nanepashemet Telecom.
The only thing that saves me is that I'm a Mountain of a Man.
Thank God for that.
Things will get back to normal after the weekend, so stop sending me your neurotic, panic-sticken emails about the lack of freaking Blog content.  
Man UP for Cripes Sakes!

Monday, February 07, 2011

A Moving Experience

There is nothing fun about moving.  It always takes a lot more time and effort than you had imagined.  And it is physically and emotionally draining.
But we got by on Saturday with a little help from our friends.   Make that a lot of help.  Eight solid hours worth.
I appreciate anyone who lifted one thing for us that day, because that was one thing that my worn pudging form did not have to move.  As it is, I am quite stiff and uncomfortable two days later, but I least my back didn't give out.
I know that a whole lot of you were planning to come and some couldn't for a host of reasons, but the people who heard the call on Saturday were...

Alex Watts
Brian Stanton
Harvey Rowe
Mike Lec Elsier
Katelyn Nestor
Sue Sue Raiche
Gail Johnson
Dave Bruett
Maria Rowen
Tom Raiche
Dale Johnson
Tommy O' Shea
Mike Nestor
Linda O'Shea
Tyler Gill
Will Crawford
There were acts of heroism and bravery, plenty of thrills and almost no spills.  By 5:30PM we were licking our wounds at the Gerry 5, and I was basically too tired to lift a couple bottles of Sam.
Thanks for your help and we also appreciate the well wishes from those of you who could not attend the epic event.  Jeremy Johnson and his sister Amanda went the extra mile by sending a bottle of Lagavulin, the King of Scotch.   It was a nice gesture and worth their "Automatic" selections as Peeps of the Week.
By the way, the rest of you listed also have also achieved the coveted designation as POTW's for last week.  An unprecedented number but highly appropriate.

Joanne and I were very moved.


Thanks to the help of some great peeps, the move was bearable.
More to follow.

Thursday, February 03, 2011

Feeling Bullish

Real Estate is where it's at.
If you live in New England, you have to realize that that this part of the country is mint and the prices are bound to go up.
Give me a call and we'll make some money together.  781-727-6516.

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Monkey Wrenches

Moving day looms near and the weather has continued to toss monkey wrenches into the critical path of this project.  The remodeling work is not complete and we will be forced to put furniture into the unfinished rooms.  And the kitchen appliances have not been reinstalled.
So there will be a lot of workarounds left for the next couple of weeks.
But being a Mountain of a Man means that you take these inconveniences in stride, and realize that they are small in comparison to say... being a rice farmer in Cambodia or a Peruvian copper miner, or something like that.
You get the picture.   I wouldn't be caught dead whining abount how much work this has turned out to be, right in the middle of record setting winter storms.   Being a MOAM says, "You throw all of the snow and slush my way, and I'm still going to pull the move off in style.
Well, maybe not exactly in style...  But the offers from Peeps to help on Saturday morning keep pouring in, and I'm sure that my bar bill at the Gerry 5 Saturday afternoon will reflect the considerable help that we receive.

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Pablum and Heating Oil

Once again, Joe Kennedy is asssailing the networks with television commercials starring him and picking out disadvantaged individuals and thanking the "people of Venezuela" for giving our poor Massachusetts families a handout of home heating oil.
Quell the nausea.
I'm not sure why this act turns my stomach so much.  Maybe it's because he's so obviously trying to talk down to us and forcefeed some bleeding heart bullshit down our throats.
It doesn't bother me that he pulls over $400k as a salary from his non-profit Citizen's Energy Corp.
Nothing's for nothing.
Which brings me to the question of who is really profiting?   And please don't repeat that "people of Venezuela" line.   They don't know us, and could give a shit less.   Why do the "people of Venezuela" single out us poor Northeastern Americans for their largess???  I mean, send money to Peru or Somalia or something.  Us New Englanders sitting in the richest nation in the history of the world have hardly put out the donation cup to Caracas.
I have no way of proving this, and probably shouldn't say it,,, but this is my blog, so what the hell!   I figure that Joe Kennedy has found a profit making revenue stream through his "non-profit", and needs to feed a mega political ego as a by-product.   There is a certain bleeding heart liberal constituency that feeds on the pablum that he serves and the circle is complete.
Plus some poor sick New Englanders featured by Joe on TV gets to be mortified before Joe saves them.
Call 1-800 JoeforOil,.... or set your browser to www.


If I was a kid, I'd love this winter.   All this snow... all of these snow days.
But it is starting to cut into Nanepashemet Telecom profits by making sites inaccessible and prolonging schedules.   And the time I've had to take moving it from Beverly Ave., Sundance and the Peabody Shop has definitely affected the Sundance renovation project.
We are still moving on Saturday, but there will be a ton of loose ends to take care of.
And naturally we are staring at a forecast today and tomorrow for another foot and a half of snow.  Which means that instead of taking care of Sundance details, I will be expending a great deal of my limited middle age energy shoveling and snowblowing.
In a couple of months, all of the snow will be gone.... we will have fixed everything at Sundance.... and this period of stress and strain will be another footnote.

Jim L. said...
"Limited middle age energy"? And, this, from the mouth of a mountain of a man. Somehow, the world just seems different today.


Just to clarify, Jim... being a Mountain of a Man sometimes means that you recognize long naps and no heavy lifting with appropriate acceptance and dignity.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

POTW Week 4

Had another bout of frustration with the Bank of America today holding my deposits.   But this time, the blame is mine for not getting off my ass and switching banks the last time this happened.

Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for 4th Week of 2011

Peter Crawford
Scott McBurney
Steve Lewis
Emily Engardia
Lisa Panakio Rowe
Alex Watts

It I had enough money, it wouldn't bother me that that the bastards steal the float.

Jill Phillips said...

please let me know you complaint...I will be sure it will be heard.

Done Digging

There's something about the inherent futility of shoveling snow.   Working so hard to move a material that will eventually turn to water and flow gently away by itself.
There is an ironic, life's lesson somewhere here, but I don't  feel like digging it out.
I'm done digging today.... whether it be snow or for Life's Hidden Meanings.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Justifiable Lapse

This has been a decent lapse between Blog posts.  It's because on Tuesday, the new cabinets were delivered to Sundance, in between snowstorms.  The extra activity of snow removal is an unplanned contingency that has strained the daily progress.Plus I've had a nagging cold that has sapped my energy big time which has really been a hurdle.   In the middle of it all, Nanepashemet Telecom has been busy, and I had to spend the day today at the Dennis job on Cape Cod.
Course, it's none of your frigging business why I haven't posted recently, but I guess my exhausted physical condition has caused me to let my guard down. and be nice to you.
Anyway... the move date stays firm for a week from tomorrow, and I'm optimistic that all of the big stuff will be in place.  Joanne has done a great job painting, and we are getting some help from a bunch of close friends with a range of the remaining details. 
Ultimately, it will all get done, and life will slow down a little.  When that happens, experience shows that some other crazy bullshit that I don't even know exists now, will liven things up.


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Extreme Violence and Strong Sexual Content

Spartacus is back on Starz and is as bawdy and gory as ever.
If you like extreme violence and strong sexual content, then this series is for you.
But historical research has shown that the Roman culture, which accepted human slavery, and watched human butchery in the Gladitorial arena with the same zeal that we watch a football game, makes the depictions accurate in detail.
Granted, the Spartacus series presents the worse aspects of the culture, and if some future audience viewed a depiction of our culture with its most lowly face, then we too would seem to be barbaric, with our drugs, alcohol, random acts of violence, technological warefare,  and the disolution of the family with a 50% divorce rate.
But the Roman practice of Gladiator combat makes for an interesting series.

TommyO said...

Loved the first episode of this season.
Can't wait til Friday Night....

Monday, January 24, 2011

Simple Drop Off

It was a cold day today with temperatures starting off below zero and staying in the single digits.   A good day to stay indoors and get some paperwork done.   But I had a couple of 80 lb. bags of concrete in the back of my F-150 from the Cape Cod job, that I knew I had to get into the warehouse or they would be ruined by moisture
As it was, we didn't show much intelligence in loadng the bags in the first place and they were carelessly thrown next to some shovels and hoes which pierced the bags on the ride home.   So I had a bit of a mess with loose concrete mix combining with handtools, straps and snow.  Had to climb into the back of the truck and shovel out the loose mix
Just opening the door to the warehouse required a decent amount of shoveling too.
So a simple drop off ended up to be a decent physical ordeal.   I had the workcoat that Katelyn bought me for Christmas and figured that the low temps would bother me, but I actually broke a sweat.  That coat is really warm.
This wintry weather is starting to complicate things.   Another foot of snow due by mid-week.