Thursday, May 20, 2010

Double Down

It was so nice today, I was tempted to call in sick.  But I work for myself and the Boss would see right through it.  He is really sharp.
I did take an hour in the morning to spray the second coat of InterLux Top Coat on the interior of the Pram, then headed out to Rhode Island for another day of Permit chasing.  Fairly successful and I rewarded myself by stopping at a Kentucky Fried Chicken in North Providence and ordering a Double Down.
That's two slabs of chicken with cheese and bacon on the inside.  No bread.  
It was freaking sinful.
When I was a sophomore in high school, I worked a summer at a Kentucky Fried Chicken in Lynn and it is a very clean operation.  But I really haven't eaten there much since.
Maybe I'll go back a little more now.

Jim L. said...

I never liked that place because it bumped Johnny Joyce's out of Joyce St. I miss those 10 cent chopped ham sandwiches!

Everybody remembers Johnny Joyces.  Chopped ham, Easterns and Westerns on white bread.  Now that was eating!

Bob Hill worked in the Dairy Swirl that went into the Johnny Joyce space for awhile.  I used to sneak out some leftover cold chicken breasts from Kentucky Fried Chicken and trade with him for a large cup of chocolate soft serve.  Good Times

Rafe Said...
So read the blog this morning, as I do every morning. Here was the exchange between Tom McMahon and I about todays entry;

Me: "Jay Nestor ate the double down from KFC, I shit you not.

Tom's reply: "There are a few guys at my work that are all about that thing. I don't see myself ever trying one. J is a "mountain of a man". He can do just about anything."

Needless to say we are both impressed that you even purchased the DD, yet alone eat it. You are the first person I know to order it, eat, and talk about it. Truly a mountain man.
Rafe Hershfield

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Official Stuff of Nanepashemet

The other day, a truck drives by me on the highway claiming that what was inside was the "Official Window of the Boston Red Sox".
That got me thinking of what was the "Official Stuff" of Nanepashemet.
Such as.....
  • Official Scotch of Nanepashemet - Lagavulin 16 Year Single Malt
  • Official NCAA Football Team of Nanepashemet - Merrimack College Football Team
  • Official Pizza of Nanepashemet - Vesuvius of Marblehead  - Garlic, Pepperoni and Extra Cheese
  • Official Summer Beverage of Nanepashemet - Dark and Stormy (Black Seal Rum and Stephan's Ginger Beer)
  • Official Autumn Beverage of Nanepashemet - Seagrams and Cider
  • Official Winter Beverage of Nanepashemet - Classic Winter Cocktail (Seagrams and Cranberry)
  • Official Summer Dinner of Nanepashemet - Lobsters and Stripped Bass from Salem Sound
  • Official Autumn Dinner of Nanepashemet - Deep Fried Buffalo Wings while watching the Patriots
  • Official Winter Dinner of Nanepashemet - Macaroni and Cheese
  • Official Hand Plane of Nanepashemet - Lie-Neilsen Adjustable Mouth Block Plane
  • Official Chinese Restaurant of Nanepashemet - Feng Wah of Marblehead
  • Official Domestic Beer of Nanepashemet - Sam Adams in their patented Lager Glass
  • Official Imported Beer of Nanepashemet - Guinness
  • Official Has-Been Hockey Team of Nanepashemet - MooseKnuckles
  • Official Tablesaw of Nanepashemet - Jet 708480K JPS-30: 10" ProShop 1-1/2HP 30" SW
  • Official Clam Shack of Nanepashemet - Essex Seafood of Essex, MA
  • Official Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream Flavor of Nanepashemet - Cherry Garcia
  • Official Jig Saw of Nanepashemet - Bosch 1591EVSK 6.4 Amp Barrel Grip Jigsaw
  • Official Feeder Bird of Nanepashemet - Chickadee
  • Official Epoxy Resin of Nanepashemet - West System Clear Coat 206
  • Official Vegetable of Nanepashemet - 8 oz bag of Lay's Potato Chips.
  • Official Five String Banjo of Nanepashemet - Gold Star Model GF-100FE
  • Official Sander of Nanepashemet - Porter-Cable 371K Compact Belt Sander
  • Official Charity of Nanepashement - My Brothers Table in Lynn and anything else that Harvey Rowe Supports.
I am sensing a theme here that most of the Nanepashemet "Official Stuff" appears oriented toward eating and drinking.  But that's all I can think of for now.  There will be more.

Voodoo Pins

While we're on the subject of truth....
If I were one of those prep school kids, studying my ass off and sweating bullets to be accepted into Harvard, I would be sticking pins into Voodoo Dolls the likeness of Adam Wheeler, the guy who lied on his entrance application to Harvard University and forged recommendation letters.
Said he had a perfect 4.0 and a perfect SAT score.
But in reality, he is pretty freaking stupid.
Lying like this is so disrespectful to the majority of us who pay the price.  You took a shortcut allright.... but it was a shortcut to a place that you didn't anticipate.

Election HiJinx

Looks like the incumbents took a beating in the primary elections yesterday as the trend established by Senator Scott Brown continues to have legs.
The first Tea Party candidate, Rand Paul, trounced his Republican opponent in Kentucky.  Naturally, Robin Roberts of Good Morning America hailed the victory as an "impact to the Republican Establishment".
What???!!!  Say again Robin???  It was a Tea Party candidate overturning an Incumbent.  If I were an incumbent President (ie Barack Obama), this wouldn't be sitting well with me.   The Republicans have been out for 14 months.
The GMA Liberal spin is so obvious, and I am such a Moron for continuing to watch this insidiously untruthful daily broadcast.
I'm particularly glad that Attorney General Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut, running for a seat in the Senate, who claimed that he was a Vietnam Veteran when he actually remained Stateside during the War, was defeated.
He deserved to lose, and he also deserves to go to Hell.  Lying like that negates the sacrifices made by real Vets who legitimately suffered and solely deserve the credit to say that they served in Vietnam.
There should be a law against this...... this guy should serve jail time.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


A friend yesterday said that he is not on Facebook, because he doesn't want to put everything out there. 
Just because you have a Facebook page, you don't have to expose your private life.  Twitter, Blogs and Facebook should be for your social recreation.  It starts to get creepy when people put their private issues in detail out there.  And there is no requirement to do so.... so why would you?
This medium is a way to send your message, but if the message is your private information, you have taken it too far.   That should be reserved for you, your family and your inner circle.
I'll admit that I have a lot of fun with this Blog, and it has been a great outlet for letting off steam with a rant or so, but rest assured that you don't know shit about what is really going on with me and mine.

Monday, May 17, 2010

The Pacific

Just finished watching "The Pacific" produced by Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg.
Warfare reached its most vicious apex in that conflict.   The intelligent weapons of the future will be much more targeted so that the overall scale of slaughter will be reduced.
The sacrifices and horrors endured by the veterans of wars for the overall welfare of our country are beyond comprehension.
I vastly prefer to watch this series by myself, because it's always embarrassing if someone catches me with tears in my eyes.

Tuna Lips said...
Ise thinks that tearin' up is occuring due to the stench youget to reekifyin' whilst in the privacy of yer own cellar. Open a window.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Pram Processing

After some intensive cleaning of the spray gun, I did get the first coat of polyurethane top coat on the interior of the Pram.
I'll give this coat a good sanding in the morning, then spray another coat.  It will probably take four coats, but I think that it is going to be worth it.  With 16 hours recommended between coats, this job won't be done until next weekend.... given that weather and Nanepashemet Telecom don't get in the way.
Before I put the Pram down at Village Wharf, I definitely want to fit it out with a mast and centerboard for sailing.  The rudder can be borrowed from the Tender.  Shouldn't be that big of a deal because I have a sheet of 3/8 inch okume marine plywood that I bought from Boulter Plywood in Somerville a couple of years ago that I will laminate and epoxy for the centerboard, and the 8 foot  mast will take a glue up of whatever 3/4 inch spruce that I have lying around.
I'll have to make a custom tiller to use the Tender rudder on the pram though.
By Memorial Day, we should be sailing around Salem Harbor.

Spray Gun Delay

Naturally, when I went to use my Fuji HVLP spray paint gun yesterday, I found that I hadn't cleaned it since last fall when I sprayed the last coat of marine varnish on Katelyn's Adirondack Chair.
Huge mistake...... which sent me into an intense session of self loathing.  What kind of asshole doesn't clean out his spray gun????   I guess you now know the answer to that question.
Anyway, today, I'll eventually spray a coat of Interlux Polyurethane Top Coat paint onto the interior of the pram.  After a little heavy duty spray gun maintenance.
When I finish that by late morning, you can bet I'll be cleaning the gun

Saturday, May 15, 2010

What's Up for the Weekend?

So many of you irascible, irritating and as well annoying Peeps have emailed me with your pathetic questions regarding my weekend plans this morning!
You just have to get your own lives, and stop this insidious practice of living vicariously through mine.
This is almost too much to bear sometimes, and I have to draw deeply into my Mountain of a Man reserves to find an appropriate copeing mechanism.
It's a burden that I accept.  "To whom much is given, much is expected."
I plan to work on the interior fit out of the Pram, and get it all painted for launch on the Village Float next week.  Taking a break from FreshAyer since Joanne and Kathy Peabody made the trek yesterday afternoon.
What's up with you?

Pisc said...
Thanks for the POTW props.

I got a call from the 206 area code, a gravelly voice on the other end. William Hillegas has resurfaced. Sends his regards, he is in Lancaster. We oughta get him up here for a few laughs.

POTW Week 19

 Last week, there were no Peeps of the Week chosen.... for the first time in four years.
Does that mean anything?
How the hell do I know????

Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for the 19th Week of 2010

Kathy Peabody
The Guy with the Beard at the Boston Beer Company
Art Kreiger
Ben Aquinno Orichi
Maria Rowen
Patrick Piscatelli

I can't be blamed because I only do what the voices in my head tell me to do.  And nobody told me to pick the Peeps last week.  We'll have to begin a new streak.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Special Glasses

On the way home from Sturbridge today, I stopped at the Samuel Adams Brewery in Jamaica Plain and picked up some Boston Lager specialty glasses.
I swear that the Sam tastes better in these glasses.
The Brewery was packed with people taking tours and I had to wait in line to buy the glasses.
You have to love a business that produces a product which people will pay to see being made.
I didn't take the tour, but I probably will go back one of these days.  The location of the Brewery, right in the middle of triple decker residences in Boston's Jamaica Plain neighborhood, in a refurbished brick brewery building, is impressive in and of itself.
Plus....I saw one of the bearded guys  who appears in the TV commercials.

Maria Rowen said...
Wow...Can you imagine a career in beer? I wonder if they 'toast' all day long...Personally, my passion and my palette are more poised for the purple pinot...but I could be persuaded to take a tour...purchase some beer glasses or perhaps some beer goggles...*_*
Tuna Lips said...
Lotsa dykes in that JP neighborhood. I likes dykes. We on the same team. Like to get me a triple decker dyke sammich.

Thursday, May 13, 2010


Maybe I spoke too soon.
Sometimes goose eggs hatch.
I got calls from the Building Departments in North Providence and Johnston, RI saying that my permits were ready and that I could pick them up.   So I feel a little foolish about whining.
As for the zoning hearing, I still got my ass kicked and nothing can cure that.  Although my client is resolved to follow this through to the bitter end.  And judging by the condominium residents, the end will be bitter one way or another.
Tomorrow, I have a sit down with the Sturbridge Town Administrator, Town Planner, and DPW Commissioner to see if we can sort this out.