Saturday, August 15, 2009

Blackburn Challenge

As I enter day 13 of Operation Buff, I've allowed myself to fantasize about entering the Blackburn Challenge open ocean 20 mi. rowing race around Cape Ann in Gloucester next July.
Emphasis on the word "fantasize".
Don't think I'd want to do it in the Herreshoff Columbia Yacht Tender. And the Marblehead Gunning Dory is far from complete. I would have to finish the Dory, install two Piandetosi Sliding Seats, and find another victim who would like to make the 4 hour row with me.
The first two conditions are doable with the right commitment. Finding a rowing partner is another.
If you are comfortable with torture, and would like to volunteer, send me an email at
..... and I will consider your proposal.
Course you would have to be in shape for the challenge.... and so would I.
Plus, in addition to the physical torture, you would have to have the mental edge to endure my constant whining and kvetching for multiple hours. I would have to insist that no instruments with sharp edges be taken on this row. So if you threw me overboard, I wouldn't be attracting sharks from open wound bleeding.
From my experience in rowing 4 miles around Marblehead Harbor every once in awhile, 20 miles is a freaking hike. But I'm game if you are.

Friday, August 14, 2009

No Plan Weekend

This weekend is shaping up as the best weather of the summer in the Boston area.
So I don't want to get myself wrapped up in a single project. That's right... Katelyn's Adirondack Chair will be on hold. And I won't be doing any obligatory household chores.
I'm thinking a little fishing, and a lot of tie-ups at Brown's Island. Maybe I'll clean out the boat grill and fire up some snappers, wings and burgers. Plus beers. Lots of them.

No Shit

After they kick the shit out of you....
And then they kick you some more....
You just don't give a shit.
How could you?
There's just no more shit to give.

POTW Week 32

I wisely gave up an offer to go tuna fishing at 3:30AM this morning.
Just too many loose ends at Nanepashemet Telecom to clean up before the week closes.
Even though we'd be back by noon, that trek to Stellwagen and back is an exhausting haul, and there is no way I could get to the details today, which would send them to next week, and I don't want to be looking at the same stuff on Monday.

Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for the 32nd Week of 2009

Chip Clancy
Michael Vick
Paul Lynch
Melissa Sherwood
Betty Quinn
Bill Howard

Next week, I'll get a tuna trip in.
And BTW, if you think you won, it is not over. Not even a little bit. I will etch the final score on your gravestone. That's when it will be over.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Streak Continues

I'm going to say that I completed Day 11 of consecutive workouts on a technicality.
At 5:30PM I was on the Cybex, with all intentions of getting a half hour burn in. But after 5 min. the doorbell rang and Joanne was in the shower, getting ready for the "My Brother's Table" fundraiser that we were scheduled to attend at the Nahant Country Club.
I let it ring a couple of times, hoping that it was just the FEDEX guy wanting to get a signature on something. But then I heard someone in the hall, so I had to abort the Cybex and get upstairs.
It was Craig LoConte, in from New York and dropping by to say hello. No way would I tell Craig that I had to continue my workout, and I was happy to see him, so the workout was over.
Only had time for a quick shower to get to Nahant, but when I got there, Harvey Rowe convinced me that the streak was not broken..... that the 5 min. on the Cvbex and my good intentions were enough to keep the streak going.
I agree with Harvey. Screw it.... Tomorrow is Day 12.

Heigl Hex

Most of you know that I am a big fan of Kat Giantis, the fashion critic. Look at what she has written about the evil Katherine Heigl!


Green Heaves: Katherine Heigl's reputation for kvetching makes her seem older than her 30 years. A lot older. Think somewhere between bitter, two-time divorcee and grumpy old man. And she's not doing herself any favors at the London premiere of "The Ugly Truth" by dressing like she's heading to a Bicentennial-era key party at Kermit the Frog's bachelor pad, where she'd surely face the wrath of areal diva, because Miss Piggy would be most displeased to find her wearing the very same sequined dress she had custom-made for the occasion. Everything is just slightly off with the actress's one-massive-sleeved disco wreck: the skirt is a little too long, the bodice a mite too unsupported, the shoes a touch too matronly, and her titian-tinted tresses a bit too shellacked. And then there's the mint-green ribbon belt, an unnecessary addition that does very bad things to Heigl's very good figure. She would be better off unwrapping it from her waistline and recycling it as a handy gag, which she can stuff into her mouth whenever she feels a gripe coming on.

The Nanepashemet hex on Heigl, based upon her unfortunate dissing of a Nanepashemet Peep, is obviously working. You GO Kat! Just have to love good fashion journalism.

Tuna Lips said...

I likes her boobies plenty fine.

One Stupid Mistake

In another slow news day, Good Morning America is spending a lot of time talking about the sexual indiscretion six years ago of Louisville Basketball Coach, Rick Pitino. Apparently, Pitino banged a model in a restaurant, she got pregnant, and Pitino shelled out $3k for an abortion.
Plus he is a father of five. Since he's put himself out there as a leader and motivational speaker, his fall is long and hard.
Pitino has had an outstanding career. He was at UMASS Amherst in my class, and we generally didn't take to him because he was really full of himself and a complete showboat on the basketball court. Never missed the chance for a behind the back pass.
But I was always happy to see him become so successful.
Now one stupid mistake threatens to take him apart. It only takes one.

Tuna Lips said...

I cants fault a man fer watering his seeds. And au contrary to yer rushin to judge, he done so in a top notch eatin place, and even waited for all them folks to pay up and leave. That, mi amigo, is class.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

A Close One

I came so close to blowing it on Day 10. Had a Four Guys Bacon Cheeseburger and Fries for lunch at 1:00PM and felt like a log all afternoon.
But it sure tasted good.
With a little mind over matter discipline at 5:30, I got in 20 min. on the Cybex and salvaged the streak.

Obama's Presidential Health

Obama's Health Care Reform Bill may be extremely unhealthy politically. Barack just doesn't seem to be able to get the message out. First he derails it by the racist "Gates" debacle, now he is encountering a swirl of intense protest.
It will be interesting to see if Obama can defuse this, or if he cascades into political ineffectiveness as Jimmy Carter did. I don't see him getting impeached like horny Bill Clinton, but time will tell.

Pisc said...

Obama is irrelevant to the current debate. It is your representative who is responsible for the legislation. Hold them accountable. Don't let them hide behind BO. Its about policy, not ideology.

Whoa!! Our boy Piscatelli is all business on this one. Maybe we'll see him screaming on TV pretty soon.

Giant Loss

Rumor has it that "My Friend Who Doesn't Want His Name Mentioned in the Blog" and the prominent Marblehead Attorney, Paul Lynch, hooked into a Giant Bluefin Tuna on Stellwagen last weekend.
"MFWDWHNMITB" was at the helm of Paul's sweet Pursuit boat, and was blamed by the Marblehead Attorney with losing the fish due to his helmsmanship.
Lynch did look a little shell shocked and "Friend" seemed a little contrite when I rowed past them in my Tender on Sunday.
Does this look like the one that got away, Paul?

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Public Hearing

Late this morning, when checking in with the Town of Groton, CT, about the status of a Planning Board Hearing, the Planning Director told me that he could put me on the agenda this evening. A bit of an unexpected surprize, but not to worry.
So I made the 100+ mile trek down to Mystic Country and back. Naturally I was successful at the hearing. Some of the people at my customer's office didn't think I had time to prepare, but I have been doing this for so long that it is almost automatic.
Public Hearings for wireless installations are not the controversial events that they used to be either. I've only had one contentious petition in the past year, and that was caused by a group of crazies who fight against wireless as a hobby.
Still, when a Board approves your petition, there is always a bit of an adrenalin rush which makes it hard to settle in for the night. When I was a city official in Lynn, it was much worse. After meetings, I could never sleep.

Photo Op

Having a camera in your cell phone is so handy.
Like when I am coming to the front door and Grandson Will is standing there.
I know that your kids and grandkids are probably gifted and cute, but Will and Ethan RULE.

Blog Birthday

Next month, this Blog will be three years old. Seems like yesterday since I found this outlet which is therapeutic to me yet can entertain and antagonize others. Time flies. In no time, it will be six years old.
I'm afraid that there will be more antagonizing than entertainment in posts for the next three years.

Monday, August 10, 2009

One Thousand Days

Today was Day 8 and tomorrow with be Day 9.
To be truthful though, this is really a 1000+ day program.... about three years or so. By that time, I'll either have set up a lifelong habit of exercise and clean living, or be dead.
I vastly prefer the former alternative.
The difference this time, from other resolutions to return to buffness, is that I'm not setting elaborate training goals, like mileage buildups designed to run a marathon. This program is simply resolving to get some sort of aerobic burn in before I take a shower.... consecutively every day.
Since I've always kept a routine of personal hygiene.... i.e. I take a shower and brush my teeth every day .... adding a sweat in ahead of time doesn't seem to be as much of a stretch.
Three years has a bit of significance. That is how long it took to turn me from a chubby kid to a decent track athlete in High School. In retrospect, that time passed pretty quickly. I actually was thinking of quitting drinking over this 1000 day trek, but that would be too drastic.

Impatient with Karma

I'm sorry, but if you want to piss me off, then just do these three things.
1. Think only of yourself and your narcissistic existence.
2. Take absolutely no responsibility for anything.
3. When questioned or seeking to make a point, simply lie or make up the facts.
That behavior is guaranteed to give me fantasies of smashing heads like pumpkins.
Granted... I know that the law of karma says that I need do nothing to see torture come back to you sooner or later. But I still fantasize about helping it along.

Tuna Lips said...

Now hold on there, mister, that sorta principalled livin' dun raised a generashun of us folks and placed us among the giants in the hoboin' and 'shine runnin industrial complex.

Northern Flicker

This great specimen of a Northern Flicker woodpecker was caught on camera this weekend, foraging at the beginning of the driveway for ants.
Unlike other species of Woodpecker, the Northern Flicker rarely feeds in trees.

I also have the video.

~So if you haven't seen a Northern Flicker lately, then this is for you.

Not Slow

Although it would seem to be the doldrums of summer, this week is shaping up with a decent amount of activity for Nanepashemet Telecom. A zoning hearing in Western Mass tonight, customer meetings throughout the week and a couple of bids due.
Thursday we will be at the "My Brother's Table" benefit at the Nahant Country Club.
So even though there will be no kicking ass, there will be no kicking back either. And this week will include consecutive workout days 8 to 15.
Plus the Grandkids will be around, which always makes everything better.

Sunday, August 09, 2009

Habit Forming

Day 7 of consecutive workouts. The first six on the Cybex and today a 4 1/2 mi. row in the Tender. Maybe a habit is forming. Course travel is always the thing that screws up a nice routine like this, and I didn't travel hardly at all last week. The challenge will be if I can maintain the habit when the schedule gets all twisted.
And no. I haven't weighed myself. That will come on the 100th consecutive day, which will be December 12, 2009. I am feeling a lot better, stronger even, after only one week. That is what's important. Not some number on a scale.
But I'd love to leave the Clydesdale class and be weighing in somewhere south of 200 lbs. by then.


Last evening, before cocktails, Lou Panakio made the following observation.
"If you wanted to kill the Nestor's, not only would you have to kill them, ... you'd have to nail the coffin shut."
Kind words from a dear friend. Lou knows from experience that we know how to take the hits.
But let's put this into perspective.
Those of you who have seen your kids go to Iraq in harm's way have it way worse.... Those of you who have seen love ones pass on with debilitating diseases have it way worse.... I can go on, but you get the picture.
Life always offers challenges. Most of the time, these are endured quietly and relatively privately. Just because ours went loudly public, doesn't mean it is worse than the hits that all of us have to take from time to time. So don't feel compelled to tell us how bad you feel for us. We appreciate it, but there are those of you who have it far worse.

Gorilla Glue

Yesterday was a big push for the garage projects.
After a run to Moynihan Lumber, I had all the meranti mahogany needed for Katelyn's Adirondack Chair as well as a nice 10' Redwood 2x6 which I cut into three pieces and glued into a panel which will be the carving base for a sign to be placed at the Nanepashemet Peabody Warehouse.
I also bought a 16 oz bottle of Gorilla Glue, which is an expanding polyurethane based, waterproof glue which I have been curious to try.
So when I got back to the garage, I bandsawed all of the Adirondack pieces, and assembled the meranti legs for the Workbench.
The Gorilla Glue was easy to use, set up quickly and expanded through the tenon and mortise joints nicely. It is supposed to cure to a very strong bond.
My plan is combine the legs into the base this morning, and start the assembly of the Adirondack Chair. This will take some time, because of all of the sanding and routing prior to joining the pieces together. I could have bought a nice chair for Kate much cheaper, so I'm going to take my time on this to make it as perfect as possible.
BTW, at the Crawford get together last night, Dale Johnson aka "Buck" asked me if this Blog took a lot of my time. Naturally, I kept my cool. I mean, does it take a long time to breathe... Dale/Buck ???
I'm thinking it was Buck who came up with such an annoying question.... not my friend, Dale.