Thursday, October 05, 2006

Dale and Gail

These people are friends of the Nestor family.
The guy's name is "Dale".
But he thinks it is "Buck".
You are better off going along with it.
His wife, Gail, is really nice though.
BTW, their kids, Jeremy and Amanda are awesome. Jeremy is a lawyer in Minnesota and Amanda is a starlett in LA.

Before Photo

This is a picture of me before I got buff and totally jacked.
OK ... so I'm not buffed up yet, ... but I'm definitely going to be real soon.
Even in this out of shape condition, you have to admit that I am still a fine figure of a man.

Lynn and Marblehead

Tom DiMatteo, an avid reader of this blog, reminded me that I was not from Marblehead, I was from Lynn. Couldn't be more accurate.

I live in Marblehead.
But I am from Lynn.

I'm equally proud of both for a host of complex reasons which will not be articulated here... not at this time anyway.

At least I'm not from Medford.

Backyard Birds

In the birdfeeder on our deck, we frequently see Gold Finches, House Finches, Cardinals, Blue Jays, Morning Doves and Common Sparrows.
Plus a couple of kinds that I haven't ID'ed yet.
I find them to be intrigueing swatches of color from nature's palette.
Joanne thinks they are messy.
Which reminds me.... I'm flat out of freaking birdseed.

Sent the SWAG

Shirts to the Paramus guys. Darwin should be styling there soon.
Seems like a fair trade.... a couple of golf shirts in exchange for millions of dollars of wireless telecom business.
In other news, best and final pricing to Atlanta, and California here we come.

Brown and Blues

Bobby Brown playing the Blues.
We'll be looking for Tuna this Weekend.

Preferred Emotions

Dow is at an all time high of 11,850, gas at Perley Burrill's Filling Station was sold at $2.17/ gal this morning.
Don't hear much celebration. People don't necessarily celebrate when things are good, but they are never short on complaining when the stock market dips, or gas is selling at $3.00 a gallon.
I wonder why that is?

Iraq - Time to Get Out

Let's declare victory in Iraq and leave.
That doesn't mean that we shouldn't finish our business with Bin Laden, let's just stop the connection with Iraq.

We deposed Saddam, a figure on par with Hitler. We proved to the world that we would not tolerate mindless assaults on our way of life. We made our points.

Iraq will never be a sane democracy. They don't want it, and by definition, it can't be controlled by us. Kudos to President Bush in doing the right thing and using America's might to rid the world of a dictator that was causing excruciating suffering to some of our fellow Earth dwellers.
But now, our work is done.
I don't want to hear of any more funerals for twenty year old American kids who are blown up by Iraqi's. Let them now work our their own problems, with the proviso that if it gets jiggy, we can always kick their ass.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Emerson had it Knocked

A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines.

RALPH WALDO EMERSON, “Self-Reliance,” Essays: First Series

Blogging is NOT Gay!

People who know me, know that I am a MAN, a Man's Man, a Manly Man... the type of man that women immediately undress with their eyes... a real man who doesn't drink martinis or light beer... not a limp wrist in either arm.
Yet Bobby Brown, Laurel DiMatteo. and my own sons, Ryan and Mike, have of late acccused me of being gay ~(not that there is anything wrong with that!) ~ simply because I Blog.
Because I am confident in my manhood, and actively maintain an extreme preference for the female gender, I will continue to Blog, and reach out to fill a void in the lives of the thousands of desperate people that seek daily solace from this small piece of cyberspace. I can't let my peeps down, regardless of the personal abuse that is cast upon me.
Blogging is NOT Gay, and I will remain a proud heterosexual male who Blogs.
If I was gay, I'd probably still blog, but there would be a lot more gay stuff in the Blog.
Anyway, it doesn't matter because I'M NOT GAY!!!

I hope this ends the confusion.

Weird Affliction

I love small wooden boats. But I don't know why.
What is it that attracts us to certain interests? Affiliation with previous lifetimes? Environment and exposure to subtle pyschological promptings?
What attracts people to pursue certain aims and ignore others? Is there a pre-determined path or destiny to our lives?
The religions of the world have detailed, highly defined answers that have failed to solve the inner confusion.
Questions to ponder.
Maybe I'll ask Tom what he thinks tomorrow. I also like to aggravate Tom.
At any rate, I'm attracted to small wooden boats. I like to build them and look at them.

Marblehead's Proud Legacy

Proud Legacy of Marblehead.
The people of Marblehead played a prominent role in the Revolutionary War and American Independence. They were renowned fishermen and seamen.
There is a good feeling to be had from living amidst this legacy.