Saturday, September 09, 2006

Sharapova won the US Open. A great Tennis Player, A great Athelete. Think I'll have a Lagavulin in her honor.

Dark and Stormy

A Most Satisfying Drink.

You need Goslings Black Seal Rum from Bermuda and Ginger BEER. Not ginger ale.

I buy A. J Stephans Ginger Beer at the Community Store in Marblehead.

Put 5 0r 6 cubes in a 6 oz glass. Cover with Black Seal. Add a touch of Lemon Juice if desiired. Fill to the brim with Ginger Beer. One 12 oz bottle of Ginger Beer should make three drinks. I know... I've opened two bottles and I'm now on my sixth cocktail.

A Most Satisfying Drink.

Not much progress on the Yacht Tender today. I had hoped to glass the interior, but opted to clean out the garage instead in the hope of getting a better work environment. Not much success.

It seems that I should make the garage a work environment only, and not a storage facility. The stock and portable tools should be housed in a storage facility under the deck or in the back yard.

I'm going to start planning that conversion.
Watching the US Open. Gladys Knight sings a mean"America the Beautiful".

As Maria Sharapova came out onto the court, she was interviewed by an American reporter and gave responses in perfect English. I am so envious of people who have mastered an additional language. It seems so difficult to me, yet I suppose in a "must learn" situation, I probably could manage. I wonder if the brain needs to sift languages into different areas to be "fluent".

Fishing is Always Good.

Coming back into the Salem Harbor , I noticed this traditional Swampscott sailing dory. Very nice. Probably built by the Lowell Boat Shop in Amesbury.

No fish today, but there were birds diving ourside of Devereaux Beach. I saw some blues hit the surface and had one strike. Didn't see anyone with a bent rod, which generally makes me feel adequate. I'll try again tomorrow. Chris and Gill left at 4:30AM for Stellwagen to try for tuna. Hope they got lucky.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Nokia is doing deployment services on a national basis for T-Mobile UMTS. It will be interesting to see their competence in the service environment.

Many OEM's have tried. No successes in my opinion.

Blue Blitz afternoon

Trying to get some takers to leave work and go fishing. No luck. And it's a beautiful eighty degree windless day! The Blues must be blitzing everywhere. But I'm sitting here, doing my weekly sales funnel report. AAAAARRRR!!!

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Blues and Stripers. Should be a great weekend.

Game on. Inviting Sprint/Nextel to the Darwin Box.
Full Moon tonight. I'm tempted to take the Hydra-Sport out for a little night striper fishing, as per the suggestion of a couple of guys at work. Probably won't because my running lights might not be right and I'm running a string of bad luck with my IRS audit.

Jay Ohania just called and mentioned that the Blues were all over the mouth of the Merrimack.

Ryan and I talked about investing in some tuna gear at the end of the season.
Cingular is showing cash flow issues. Major deployment contractors like General Dynamics, Bechtel and Ericsson may experience substantial retainage issues.

Cutting Edge Company utilizing
"Best in Class" Project Management practices.