Monday, June 03, 2019

Tick Tock

I'm a Conservative.

I know that is provocative to some.... because I live in Massachusetts.   My vote as a Conservative Republican is perfunctory and irrelevant... because the only Republicans who get elected in Massachusetts are not Conservatives.   They are Republicans in Name Only (RINO) and do not embrace anything remotely resembling Conservatism. 

But I vote anyway.  And I speak up anyway.   Because I truly believe that a Conservative viewpoint is an important anchor against the winds of raving Moonbat Liberal, self absorbed , narcissistic lunacy.

Now if I said that last statement in an open forum like Facebook, I would be pasted with a number of monikers informing me of my low level of intelligence and other attributes that are guttural and nasty. Plus the Facebook police would have a clear shot at labeling my statement as Hate Speech.... because they alone are the arbiters of  proper thinking ie.  thinking in lockstep with their Liberal Narratives.

But these self righteous moral high grounders, ie the true haters, are in for quite a sea change.  Because they can't count too well.  People like me are seething, and growing.

I'm a Conservative.  And the clock is ticking.
Image result for clock

I'm Back

So Peeps who used to follow this Blog.....  I am sorry that I let it lapse.   Facebook took over my attention and need to express my thoughts, inspirations, and frustrations.

Then last night, I apparently violated their Community Standards regarding Hate Speech.  I think it was because I referred to transvestites as "Trannies" in two different posts.   Is Trannie a bad word?

If so, then Facebook has violated my Community Standards.   So Back to Blogging.  Don't need totalitarian Libbies telling me what to say.  Course, Google here on Blogger might be just as bad.  But I've never had the same experience here.

So.... I'm Back, and glad to be.

Image result for hate has no home here

Monday, March 11, 2019

Farewell Jeffrey Scott Middleton

Thinking of my friend Jeff Middleton tonight. Met him at Eastern Jr. High School. He was always a leader in school. Very Popular, friendly and congenial. He had honest emotions and shared them with his friends.

We were roommates at UMASS Amherst. Amazing amount of memories that keep seeping out. He left to do community work in Springfield, then started his career at the GE in Lynn.

He was a groomsman in my wedding and I was one in his to his great wife, Kathy. Godfather to my first born, Ryan. Jeff had a grounded love of life with a great sense of humor and a serious reflective side. You could disagree with him and still very much respect his outlook and I knew he felt the same about others.

Like many friendships, we drifted our own ways and saw each other sparingly. Last saw him at Phil Freeman's Funeral and it was sad that such an occurrence had to happen to see him again.

About two weeks ago, Jeff was on my mind all morning as I was working on a construction job. Very weird.... in fact it creeped me out. So I called him during a break and left a VM telling him to call me as soon as he could. I was worried and not sure why. Jeff got back to me the next day and gave me shit for leaving such a voicemail. We had a great conversation for about 45 minutes.... covered a lot of ground and dug up a lot of great memories. It was like old times again.

I hung up satisfied that he was OK. But I guess he was not. Jeff dropped dead this morning in his kitchen of heart failure. His wife, Kathy witnessed the horror. My sincere condolences to Kathy, his daughters, Kryssi and Mari.... and his mother, brother and sister.

There is a sad void in the world of Jeff's family and friends tonight. Rest in Peace Jeff. You will be missed.

Sunday, September 09, 2018

Electric Smokers

Was considering buying a smoker and did a little research. Hope this helps.

Saturday, September 08, 2018

Mechanic in a Bottle

This stuff is literally unbelievable. Before you bring your lawnmower for repair, pour a bottle of this in the gas tank. Cranks right up.


Why would anybody use a wood lathe?

Seems like a lot of money to make spindles and wooden bowls.
Yet I really want this.

The Powermatic Choice

Who has a spare $3,000 to buy a bandsaw? If I did, I would give this one a close look.

A Beauty

Friday, September 07, 2018

Juice Fast

This is the juicer that I bought. Expensive, but robust and will make your juice fast routine a permanent fixture of a healthy lifestyle.

Dream Shop

Best Bandsaw

Thursday, May 03, 2018

Chest for the Grandkids.

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Very Cool Blanket chest.  Going to make a few of these for the Grandkids.

Tuesday, May 01, 2018

Morning Ideas

Book Idea - a year of mornings at Grace Oliver.

VAR - complete tool kit in crafted box.

Panel Ripping kit - Kreg Straight edge and ripping jigs, Makita Circular saw, Ripping Blade
Dado Routing Kit - Porter Cable, Dado Gig, Clamps, Bits
Pocket Hole Kit - Milwaukee Driver, Kreg Jig, Bits, Clamps