Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Popular Vote

My Libbie friends like to point out with apparent correctness that H  won the popular vote.
Here is how that was accomplished.

There are 3,141 counties in the United States.
Trump won 3,084 of them.
Clinton won 57.
There are 62 counties in New York State.
Trump won 46 of them.
Clinton won 16.
Clinton won the popular vote by approx. 1.5 million votes.
In the 5 counties that encompass NYC, (Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Richmond & Queens) Clinton received well over 2 million more votes than Trump. (Clinton only won 4 of these counties; Trump won Richmond)
Therefore these 5 counties alone, more than accounted for Clinton winning the popular vote of the entire country.
These 5 counties comprise 319 square miles.
The United States is comprised of 3, 797,000 square miles.
When you have a country that encompasses almost 4 million square miles of territory, it would be ludicrous to even suggest that the vote of those who inhabit a mere 319 square miles should dictate the outcome of a national election.
Large, densely populated Democrat cities (NYC, Chicago, LA, etc) don’t and shouldn’t speak for the rest of our country.

Credit Allen West with this, and fact check to your Leftist Hearts Content.

God Bless the wisdom of our Founding Fathers who established the Fairness and Logic of the Electoral College system.   Now, should we talk about the death threats made to the Electoral College members?  Why is this not surprising? 

Saturday, November 26, 2016

First Pass at a Water Heater

So I bought this Finnex Digital Heater Controller with Deluxe Titanium Tube heater for the Fish Tank and it seems to be doing the trick of keeping the water at 50 degrees and the temperature in the greenhouse at about 5 degrees cooler as it filters through the system.

The unit sits on the the bottom of the tank and must be immersed in water to work safely.  I think the fish will like it.

It's way too soon to draw conclusions, but I'm optimistic.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016


This is my youngest son Mike... about thirty years ago.

I still get that same stare from time to time.  Followed by a "WTF??!!"

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Love Trumps Hate

In case this got by you.....
Donald Trump was elected as the 45th President of the United States by a majority of the Electoral College last Tuesday,
My prayers to watch the biased Libbies at ABC SNOOZE "report" on this were answered.
Thank you God.  I remain your Humble Servant.
So imagine my shock this morning when I turn on the TV and see that George Steffy and his Clinton Sycophants are still sitting in their chairs!!!!!!!!  

  • Didn't they say that there was NO WAY Trump could win?
  • Didn't they spend the first five minutes of their pathetically biased program slamming Trump for the last 365 days?
  • Didn't their Highly paid, professional Pundits cite source after flawed source detailing why their "conclusion" was valid?

(Note to Nanepashemet Telecom Staff..... If you kept feeding me the wrong shit as "facts" for a whole year.... not only would I fire you.... I would persecute and vilify you most egregiously for a shit long time afterwards.)

So why the PHUCK is George and his incompetent band of Libbies still sitting there and making Bank?


So I tune to Good Morning America in this morning (because I have this need to self flagellate apparently) , and the Snooze Staff are reporting that protests are breaking out all over the country.  Naturally, my quick conclusion was that Dems were finally protesting about H stealing the primary over Bernie with her Rigged SuperDelegates.... then WikiLeaking all over him after for good measure,  Bernie would probaly have been President today.

But no.......  Your MOAM is wrong again.

These Libbie  protesters are against Trump.... saying that he is not their President.

Makes sense.

Remember way back eight years ago when Obama was first elected and Conservatives rioted throughout the nation?   You don't remember that????  Maybe because it never FREAKING HAPPENED.

Toughen up Snowflakes.  The veer to the Left just got straightened out.  Time for you to get a job.  And as my Congressman Seth Moulton posted time and time again over the the past year....

Yes it does Seth.

Sunday, November 06, 2016

Trump's National Service


Whether Donald Trump wins the POTUS race or not....

Whether you like him or hate him....

Whether you vote for him....

He has been the best candidate available to stare down the Republican Establishment, the Democratic Party, the Liberally Biased Main Stream Media, and the Clinton Syndicate.

Trump has the Gonads to point out the disgusting corruption in the system, and in Hillary Clinton.   And he has set the slate for a realistic review of her administration if the Establishment machine sweeps her into office.

For that reason alone, Donald Trump has done the nation a great service.

Friday, October 28, 2016

Weiner Roast

So Carlos Danger's Weiner is causing a bit of commotion tonight. Someone in Congress has scared the shit out of Comey for his Clinton Shill act. He didn't just "reopen" this FBI H email investigation because of a Weiner revelation. There is ironclad pressure on him. Trump has not closed the gap.... There is no gap...... He has surged ahead in the true polls indicating that a Reagan-Carter like landslide is in the making.
The Main Stream Media realizes this and will now sink H in order to salvage credibility. We will see more softball interviews with Trump and his Family in the next few days, as the MSM tries to walk this back.The MSM has thrown the kitchen sink at Trump in order to keep H in control and maintain their Establishment Order. Now that they see that they have failed through unbiased polling results and unprecedented Trump rally electorate responses, they are heading to the Trump Train station.
Against all odds, Trump is going to win this, and the MSM knows it now. MOAM could be wrong, but check back in in eleven days. I don't think so.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Concealed European Door Hinges

I'm building another storage cabinet, and going with concealed European Door Hinges for the first time.

Bought six of these from McMaster Carr as well has a Kreg Concealed Hinge Jig.

The Door Stiles and Rails will come from left over Brazilian Cherry hardwood flooring left over from the kitchen renovation.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Positive Procreation

Congratulations to Ryan and Kim Nestor who were blessed with the birth of Baby Emmy Nestor and Baby Jack Nestor on Sunday morning.    Their Brothers, Ethan and Will are happy and their Nana, Joanne, is ecstatic!  Mom and babies are resting and healthy.  Praise be to God.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

King Tide at Stramski Landing

King tide at Stramski Landing.  Never gets this high.


Aquaponics Final Stages

Aquaponics Greenhouse is in the final stage of completion.

I just have to glaze in the front and the back.

All of the roof and side panels have been designed to be easily removable in order to tend to the plants in the growbeds.

A wireless thermometer captures the temperature reading and sends it to a receiver in my living room.  My hope is that this will keep the system warm enough over the winter to maintain the circulation of water between the fish tank and the grow beds.

And maybe I can harvest a Kale salad from time to time.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Insults and Ass Kicking

The election for POTUS this year is one of the nastiest in this MOAM's memory.  It just seems like both sides envision the victory of the candidate that they oppose as a dive into wholesale oblivion.

Of course, this isn't so.

Our Founding Fathers designed a system of government that causes gridlock.... and the inability of any change by any one faction to be efficiently foisted onto the masses.  It has caused an amazingly frustrating but stable system.   Change is a bulky and clumsy process in this system of checks and balances, and only occurs after much realignment and iteration.

So as Disgusting as Hillary is, or as Obnoxious as Donald is.... neither will have the ability to ride roughshod over our laws and institutions.

Foreign policy is a different matter.  The President has the ability to act swiftly in matters of national defense, but that doesn't necessary effect our daily way of life.

So people shouldn't be afraid of the electoral outcome.

Being aggravated, however is a different matter.

Your MOAM has declared his intention to vote for Donald Trump.  As such, many cyberfriends note that I must be a Republican, even though I maintain a standing as an unenrolled Independent.  But I would be disingenuous to act as though I didn't favor the Republican Conservative view and hardly ever side with Democrats.

I also tend to engage and debate those who like to call Republicans "Racists".   This a a MOAM pet peeve, because history distinctly points out that Democrats were the proponents of slavery, Jim Crow, the establishment of the KKK, and consistently voting against the landmark civil rights legislation. Thank you Senator Robert Byrd.  I don't call Democrats "Racist".  I just don't like it when they are so oblivious to the historical stance of their party, and then try to deny the fact and glibly paste the label on their opponents.  Of course, they deny this, change the subject and call me names.

As such, I have been accused of being a Hater, Insane, Uneducated and exhorted to Crawl Back into the Cave where I came from when the election is over.  I have been blocked and defriended in Facebook, and I have even had people decry their relatives who have not thrown me out with the morning dishwater.

Peeps.... Your MOAM was born and brought up in Lynn, Massachusetts.  That may mean nothing to you, but to Lynners like me.... it says it all.   Verbal abuse runs off Lynners easier than "Hi. How are Ya."  Doesn't matter if you graduated from Lynn English, Lynn Classical, Tech or St. Mary's.  But that's for another post.

So when a high minded outraged Libbie decides to call me names..... it is "Bring It ON" time.

For the record, I have paid a shitload of tuition and ended up with degrees from UMASS, BU and a number of professional certifications such as PMP.

I don't live in a Cave and own a couple of houses.... although living in a Cave might be cool.

I am a Lover, not a Hater.  Have real non-cyber friends of diverse races, religions and places of national origin.

Insane?   ..... well not by legal standards anyway,

Unfortunately, I do get a bit of sick enjoyment out of these exchanges.... does that make me a bad person?   Probably to some.

In three weeks. we will have a new asshole President.  That I can predict with the utmost certainty.  I personally prefer the obnoxious ego maniac Trump over the Racketeer Corrupt Clinton... But that's just me.   Over the short haul, neither will have the unfettered ability to do much.  And over the long haul.... like the outcome of Supreme Court Appointees.... well that's my grandkids problems.

But if H gets in, and that is my current assumption, Libs shouldn't be thinking that I'll have my tail between my legs.  Give the MOAM shit and he'll kick your Ass.... figuratively of course....  just like normal Lynners do.