Those of you who know me best know that my politics are generally conservative, and I have always found racism, sexism or any kind of oppression to be particularly disgusting and abhorrent. And numerous times, I have indicated that I believe homosexuality is biological with no true choice in the matter (i.e. what gets you horny is out of your control, so why the hell should you judge people about what side of the green they prefer to putt from ).
That said, I am generally more comfortable around people who keep their sexual orientation as a private matter (i.e. hate it when gays make an overt effort to queer up the place.)
So... WTF is up with men's figure skating???? Gymnastics doesn't turn male competitors into flipping costumed She-Men, so why should figure skating?
Joanne makes me watch figure skating after she endures a football monopoly on the tube, and I really enjoy the athleticism of the men's competition, but why do they have to gay it up with the costumes and music and interpretations????? ..... And the commentators are also so effeminate. Frills, Ruffles, Rhinestones... how about T-Shirts and Sweats???
Why couldn't they man up the men's competition a little? Just like floor exercise and tumbling in gymnastics, the men could line up and take a run down the ice doing technical stunts and moves designed to demonstrate their ability and athleticism.
Naturally, my lefty friends will label me as a homophobe, for speaking my true mind on this issue, but that is a lot of bull. It doesn't matter to me what the sexual orientation is from the competitors.... but when they make you dress up like a girl and do your routine to music and dancing.... it pretty much limits who is going to gravitate to men's figure skating.