Friday, October 27, 2023

A Brutal State of Nature.

 The shootings in Lewiston, Maine and the atrocities in Israel remind us that we are never entitled to let our guard down.  The brutal state of nature can arise and absorb us at any time.

Our ancestors knew all too well that we are constantly prone to violence and life threatening issues.  Just because we have managed in some localities to avoid tribal raids and slayings in the 21st Century doesn't mean that we are entitled to a false security and are able to  lay down the genetic caution the we could be brutally elimininated at any time.

To those with a gun agenda.....that is not the issue.  The voices that invade the mental health of those who perpetuate heinous acts will always find a way.

Vigilence and a modest acceptance that we must always protect who we love can never be shelved.

Thursday, October 26, 2023

Adding Adirondacks

Turkeys checking out a Mahogany Adirondack Chair that I built a decade or so ago.  It has held up very well structurally and needs a good sanding  and varnish now.  The cost of this hardwood has increased significantly and I have since made quite a few of these from solid Composite decking material which doesn’t require varnishing.  We are busy on orders for these comfortable outdoor chairs here at Nanepashemet Woodworking.

Sunday, October 22, 2023


This is Stramski Beach in Marblehead, Massachusetts on a crisp October morning in 2023.

I have walked by this setting literally hundreds of times, yet never saw it until today.

Sometimes you are oblivious to the incredible beauty that gathers around you.

I am resolved not to continue to make this mistake.

Friday, October 20, 2023

Insane are Running the Asylum

 The Billions that our Prez wants to give to UKraine and Israel.....  nice gesture.   Why can't we be equally magnanimous to the homeless in America, or the victims of wildfires in Hawaii, or the flood victims in Tennesee.  Biden didn't hop on a jet to see these Americans, did he?

And what about the Arab nations that snubbed him, yet we still send them unfettered amounts of cash?  How does that make sense????

The other thing that pisses off the MOAM is the way our college kids seem so anti-Semitic.  Do they have any conception of what the Jews went through in the Holocaust?  Or do they even Care????  When they scream for a cease fire.... do they even consider that Terrorists attacked innocent Israelis, and raped women, and killed Babies????  Now they don't want Israelis to retaliate???

The Insane are  Running the Asylum.

Monday, October 16, 2023

Adding Nanepashemet Adirondacks


We are gearing up production of our popular line of Nanepashemet Adirondack chairs this fall.  This one is solid mahogany with five coats of Epiphanies marine varnish.   Also popular are the no maintenance chairs made from Composite Decking.   Ask us about custom chairs, firepits and end tables to make your deck a special place.   

Call for 781-727-6516 pricing.

Saturday, October 14, 2023

Big Balls to Boot

 So Steve Scalise steps back and Jim Jordan is the new Speaker of the House.  Excellent Choice and one that I did not see coming.

The MOAM would have been happy with either, but Jordan will be particularly entertaining as the Left hates him so much.

He is articulate and presents well, with big balls to boot. 

Watch for the smears that the Dems will throw at this guy as he is a forthright supporter of President Trump.  It will be American Politics at it's Obnoxious Best.

Seeing a Total Eclipse of the Sun

Solar eclipse is hitting the Western part of the US today.  Lucky.

I would love to "blow my winnings in Nova Scotia seeing a total eclipse of the sun."


Friday, October 13, 2023


 If you ever had any question about what the WOKE Movement was all about.... the answer is clear now.

These Leftist sycophants are the successors to the BoxCar operators as they support Hamas Terrorism and the extermination of the Jews.  

It is so disheartening to see support for the barbaric acts killing babies, raping women, and the Hamas chants to "Gas the Jews".

Wokeness up until now has been disguised as Liberal openmindedness about stuff like exposing kids to Drag Queens and other obnoxious stuff.  But now the true face of these haters and bigots have shown forth as Woke Assholes embrace the ethnic cleansing of Jewish people.

Stand up against this phoney totalitarian sickening WOKE culture.


I stand with Israel.

Thursday, October 12, 2023

No Answers....

 We look at the atrocities in Israel and wonder why....

Why are women raped and murdered?

Why are babies decapitated?

Why are innocents burned alive?

Actually, the answer is quite simple.  The barbarians committing these heinous acts are highly religious.  They scream "All Glory to God" when they brutally murder innocent people.

Throughout history, the greatest atrocities have been committed by those who think that they are on the side of God... therefore their actions are completely justified.  Religious zealots slaughter others because they fervently believe that God wants them to do it.

So Catholics in the Spanish Inquisition burned people to death.

And Muslims today fly aircraft into the Twin Towers and cut off the heads of Israeli babies.... while the Mullahs of Iran shout encouragement and give aid.

I don't have answers.....

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

A Strong and Uncompromised Leader

 In this tense period, the US needs leadership more than ever.

Reps Steve Scalise and Jim Jordan are the leading candidates for the Speaker of the House job vacated by ousted Speaker Kevin McCarthy.

Either candidate would be a vast improvement over the twisted Nancy Pelosi.  To the MOAM, this issue is not the choice between these two, but the speed in which the Speaker's job can be filled.

The turmoil in the Middle East and Ukraine illustrates the need for strong leadership in the world.  We can't let a compromised corrupt pol like Joe Biden stand as the face of the most powerful nation in the world.  One of these guys would become third in line for the Presidency, and in the case of Biden and his useless VP, Kamala Harris, this position becomes critical.

This is the best we can do to lead the world.... until a strong, uncompromised President is elected as our Leader.  In the meantime, the sick and demented scumbags of the world from Iran and Putin's dictatorship feel free to spread havoc in an uncertain world.

Sunday, October 08, 2023

Nature View DENIED!

 So on the MOAM bike ride this morning.... I decided to pedal by Echo Lake in North Conway to experience a little solitude next the Pond.... Thoreau style.

No can do.

The parking lot was full and a Park Ranger was guarding the entrance to the pond site.  I asked him if I could just ride my bike down and look at the Pond.  That was a negatory.  Actually no... I could do it for $4 Dollars.  But I didn't bring my wallet.

So.... "No Nature for YOU!" 

 The guy really wasn't like the Soup Nazi in Seinfeld, because he cracked a smile as I turned my bike around.

Saw some other stuff though so the ride was still worth it.

Disaster De Jour

 So here we go again with the Biden Foreign policy Disaster De Jour.

That means disaster of the day for those of you who are not as sophisticated as the MOAM.


Biden gives Billions of Dollars to Iran.... under the caveat that it can only be used for peaceful purposes.  (The sheep will believe anything, but that's something for later.)\

A short time later, Hamas sends rockets into Israel killing at least 300 people.

Iran issues a statement praising the terrorist action of Hamas.\

Do you think this is related to the demented and inept state of our Presidency these days?  It is staring you right in the fre
aking face.

Remember when Iran imprisoned our entire diplomatic Iranian presence while Carter was President?  And the day that Reagan was elected they were released????

That's why a strong President is important.

You may hate Trump.  He may scare the crap out of you.  But nobody dared to pull this Bullshit when he was the Prez.

With Biden, it is a phucking free of all.