Sunday, September 04, 2016

The Sheep Don't Care




I confess that I am mystified why anyone would support Hillary Clinton as their President.  It seems that they just don't care about all of the lies, and immoral behavior that she exhibits.

So I have been examining a theory of why someone who probably is a good person would vote for a disgusting racketeer like H.

My current rumination is that Moonbats see Republicans as authority figures who somehow are responsible for all of the problems that Libbies face. The don't take responsibility for their own lives and want government to fill their void for security. So they vote against Republicans and will gladly support a liar and manipulator like H who panders to them rather than exposing the harsh truths that comes with taking care of yourself. 

If you are someone who will not pander, like Trump, then you are a big, meany bully or worse.   Conservatives wants them to stand on their own two feet.   Which of course, they can't.

Unfortunately, when they stand, they stand in lock step like a herd of sheep.  In our electoral system, they are effective in maintaining a majority of votes, which sweeps their shepherds into office.

That is my expert opinion given that I took Psych 101 at UMASS, which originally was an agricultural college.

But I have been getting more and more proficient in Liberal Language these days.

"BAA BAA BAAAAAA" translates as "We love Hillary.  We don't care about her corrupt, money laundering foundation and her lies about email and Benghazi."

And "BAA BAA BAA BAA BAAAAAAAA" means "Give us free stuff.  Take money from big meany millionaires and give it to us."

So that is my theory of Moonbat Libbies and their thought process.  The Sheep Don't Care.   Why they think that way is still a mystery.  I think it must be a disease.

Saturday, September 03, 2016


Saturday Checklist

  • 1 hour bike ride around Marblehead
  • Frame out Aquaponics Greenhouse
  • Plant rhubarb and kale
  • Shower
  • Buy Beer
  • Grill Something
  • Chill
  • Catch up on early "Ray Donovan" episodes
  • Play Banjo on the Deck until Joanne Complains
  • Log onto Facebook and try to lure my Libbie Friends into a debate.
  • Go to bed and listen to weird paranormal sites on YouTube
  • Cuddle with Henry the Cat
  • Sleep perchance to Dream
Give Thanks to God for the Blessings of this Day.

Friday, September 02, 2016

Salvaging the Summer

So it's Labor Day.
Freaking Already!!!!

Every Summer it's the same thing.   Slips by without any real celebration.  No fish, no vacation.... just lots of work.

And so it was this year.

I had numerous business details to tend to, and the summer walked right by.  My Mother died,  My Mother in Law went into Hospice, Daugters in Law got pregnant.... the circle of life remained in full array.

The Aquaponics project showed promise though.  Even though Critters stripped any vegetables away, I learned a lot, the fish survived, and I will build a greenhouse enclosure to thwart whatever gopher or raccoon who has treated me like his Bitch.

Mike and I will be heading to Cape Town and Johannesburg to celebrate the wedding of Nathaniel soon, and I hope that this will be a milestone to remember.  After that, I will get the Herreshoff Tender back into rowing shape and see if I can salvage some autumn fishing.

There still is September, and that will have to do this year.

Friday, August 26, 2016

A Crack in the Smashed Glass Ceilling

Pay attention to Kellyanne Conway.

She is the new Trump Campaign Manager.

She is a strong, articulate woman who will cause consternation with the Libbie narrative about Hillary's "Smashed Glass Ceiling".

Clinton Shill, George Stephanopoulos, just got manhandled by Conway on his Clinton Propaganda Yellow Journalist Good Morning America mainstream media Liberally biased show.


This is getting good.

Friday, August 19, 2016

The American Dream

Barack Hussein Obama is a Muslim born in Kenya, raised in Indonesia. His family and mentors were Marxist. His birth certificate is unobtainable. His college transcripts are unobtainable. He grew up to be President of the United States. It is an unbelievable accomplishment. Forget his Leftist Antti-American agenda, Attaining the Presidency was a remarkable unparalled achievement. Hats off to Barack Hussein Obama for pulling off the most unlikely path to the United States Presidency ever conceived.

Job Description

No Peeps.... That's not me, nor will it ever be me.

I would be too afraid to climb the step ladder that leads to the first climbing peg.  My fear of heights causes a sick feeling in my groin that no amount of cajoling can overcome.  Don't know why.... probably an unfortunate past life fall or something.

My job is to find the courageous climbers who don't have this fear and hire them to perform tower work.

drone charging

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Kate and Dad


My Daughter Kate and your MOAM a number of years ago when we launched the Columbia Herreshoff Tender.   Lots  of stuff has happened since then.

Kate got married to my favorite Son-in-Law, Brady Boyle.
Then she bore our third Grandson, Connor, who has already become such an important member of the family.

Some peole that we love have died... Lisa Panakio Rowe and my Mom come to mind.... completing the circle of life.

Business has been good, bad, good, bad.... the Lord ultimately provides.

And the Columbia Herreshoff Tender is now in dire need of resanding and revarnishing.... to the extent that I will not row again until I have invested about 20 hours in refurbishment this late summer and fall.

100 years from now, this will all be unknown.... even to our direct descendents.  My hope is that Connor might be around.

Tempus Fugit.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Cupcakes and Bullys

Pussyfication and Cupcakery.

It is the condition that arises when "Progressives" get their feelings hurt when the Big Meany Donald Trump says bad things about  the fragile and demure Hildebeest.

Donald is such a "Bully".   It's not fair for him to hit back when BO and H make up phoney shit about Trump to feed to their sheep.  Course the stuff that they say about Trump is ok because Trump deserves it.

The Pussyfication of America is gathering steam with each melting glacier.  It will only stop when the Big Mean Bully is stymied by the mainstream media misrepresenting his every utterance  and he stops calling poor H a scheming Crook.

"BAA, BAA, BAAAAAAA"..... which is Liberalese for "Yay Yay Hillery.  We love you so much and hate Evil Republicans".

But just for the record......  There is basically no difference between a Pussified Cupcake and a Phoney Liar.   Because anyone with a brain can see through the Cupcake Act.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Offended and Outraged

Lately there has been a lot of stuff that Donald Trump says that has offended people and caused outrage.

I don't buy it.

Nobody is "Offended" and nobody is "Outraged" and if you believe this, then you are as goofy as the Cupcakes who pretend to be "Offended".

The pandering media and Manipulative H think that we all are part of their sheep herd.

I'm counting on enough people out there who actually have a brain of their own.