Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Power of the Nanepashemet Nod

>Seth Moulton34,45549%
 John Tierney (Inc.)28,88241%
 Marisa DeFranco4,2826%
 John Devine1,5252%
 John Gutta6871%

The power of the Nanepashemet Nod is mysterious indeed.

Course it doesn't work all the time... if fact, this is the first time that it has worked in years.
But there it is... for all you Peeps to see and admire.

I hope Seth Moulton proves to be worthy.

Monday, September 08, 2014

North Country Weekend

This weekend, I had a great time in North Conway.    Mike and Pam dropped by as they were checking out venues in the Mountains for their big event, and Ryan and Kim brought up the Grandkids, Will and Ethan, for a visit to Storyland.
It was the type of weekend that you live for.
The only fly in the ointment was the Patriots game.   Time Warner Cable had an issue providing service to the area in the first half, then when service resumed in the second half, the Pats game came apart.  They'll regroup.
It was kind of nice to get away from the Moulton-Tierney Congressional race as it intensified this weekend with election day next Tues.  As you Peeps may have ascertained, the MOAM has invested a bit of emotion in his support of Moulton, who shapes up as a fresh, honest face with a solid record of military and academic accomplishment.
In North Conway, the local news markets cover Portland, Maine and Manchester, NH, and both electorates appear to have a strong sprinkling of both Liberal and Conservative views.  Scott Brown looks like he will have an uphill battle with Jeanne Shaheen if you take your indications from the number of roadside political signs that are scattered throughout the area.
But what surprised me the most was the amount of political ads that place opponents in photo opportunities with President Obama and view that as a given negative.
Generally, if you are a politician in a photo with the POTUS, it is a positive indication that the President supports you.  That's why Presidents are a sought after commodity in local fund raising events. But each political ad in the North country that featured Obama posed a proof positive assumption that the candidate supported ObamaCare, Illegal Immigration or some other insidious policy that exposes the candidate in an unfavorable light.

You don't see those types of ads in the Boston Market.

Wednesday, September 03, 2014

Why Vote for Seth Moulton?

So the obnoxious political ad says that you shouldn't vote for Seth Moulton because a ..... Republican..... group gave him money.

Course his opponent, John Tierney, is a lock step Nancy Pelosi Democrat, who has never wandered a a smidgen away from the standard Democratic lines that they feed to their unthinking herd.

I'm an Independent, and I highly resent it when some close minded dweeb decides that calling someone a "Republican" is the ultimate condemnation.  It doesn't even bother me that Seth Moulton characterizes himself as a "Progressive Democrat",  I just want to see people in office who have the fortitude to speak the truth as they see it.... and by the way..... if you think Tierney didn't know anything about all of the dirty off-shore money that his wife ran through his personal checking account, then I've got a Bridge in Brooklyn that you may be interested in.

Moulton is a guy who had the world by the Balls, coming out of Phillips Andover and Harvard..... he could have written his own ticket....but obviously he answered the need to give back and serve our Country in Iraq.

Your Nanepashemet Mountain of a Man doesn't know him, never met him, never even shook his hand.  But a guy with his promise doesn't show up that often.

When I look at the photo above, taken during one of his four tours of duty in Iraq..... I see an "American".   I  will register as a Democrat if necessary, but I'm voting for Seth Moulton for the Massachusetts 6th Congressional District seat.... and I hope you do too.

Tuesday, September 02, 2014

A Leadership Vacuum

We have a State Department with Embassies and Consulates all over the world.   We have an ingrained CIA, NSA and God Knows What Else surveying and gathering intelligence on a massive and constant basis.  We have the largest and most powerful Navy in the world and control the international corridors.   When President Obama says we have no strategy to deal with ISIS in Syria, he is either confused, insincere, or has no ability to manage the immense resources at his disposal.
Are you happy that we elected this Community Activist from Chicago with an affinity for teleprompters?   The fault is not Obama's.   It is the herd that elected him.... Twice.

Monday, September 01, 2014

Popping the Question

Mike popped the question and Pam said yes.  How AWESOME is THAT!


Sunday, August 31, 2014

Benefits of A Seth Moulton Vote

I don't always vote for Democrats.
But when I do....

I vote for Seth Moulton for Congress.

This is how you will feel when you vote for Seth.

Thursday, August 28, 2014


The little girl who killed her instructor with an Ooze Automatic weapon when it recoiled..... we lost a perfectly good village idiot in that tragedy.

Martha Coakley is taking  a page out of Elizabeth Warren's book.... campaigning against the Big Banks and the Old Boy Network.... it is phony, yet fodder for the Democratic herd which will elect this vindictive and hurtful politician.

Brad and Angelina got married.... freaking whoop di do.

If Massachusetts doesn't elect the ticket of Baker and Polito, it will get what it deserves and will lose a huge opportunity for professional management to solve its massive issues.

Why are we paying millions on the Boston Marathon Bomber's defense?

I can't wait for the medical community to admit that deep fried food is good for you.

Facebook is an incredible invention that has rekindled relationships and reunions that were never before possible and I am grateful.

Summer comes and goes quicker every year, and global warming is a crock.

Angry Orchard Hard Cider and Captain Morgans Spiced Rum is a delicious cocktail but will get you looped after two.

Enough for now.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Karyn Polito

Went to see Karyn Polito, Republican Candidate for Massachusetts Lieutenant Governor this evening at a meet and greet organized by my old friend, Louis Markakis, at Palmer's Restaurant in Downtown Marblehead.
She is the real deal.

Strong Emphasis on taking personal responsibility and weaning people away from depending on Government.  Lower Taxes... cut Goverment Regulation... all those things that make sense but scare the pants off of Liberal Big Government.
I liked her, but question whether she and Charlie Baker can get elected in this Commonweath of Entitlement.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Post Secret Project

I'm starting get the hots to build this greenhouse that I designed last year, somewhere on the Sundance Property.

Maybe in the Driveway where it will double as a garage.  But nothing can happen until I finish the secret project.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Secret Project Progress

The secret project that I have been working all summer long is at a critical milestone.   I will disclose it at the proper time, but as of now, it is a secret... so don't be asking about it.

Saturday, August 23, 2014


Anne Freeman Hill just sent me this photo of Joanne and I with Phil and Marva Freeman at Jeff and Kathy Middleton's Wedding.
I had forgotten how good looking we all were back then!
Hard to believe they both are gone, but I have to believe they are together in a better place.
Anne is Phil's youngest sister and she used to be a little pip squeak who would get in my face and call me Nestor-Mestor whenever I showed up on Collins Street Terrace in East Lynn.

She married a great athlete from West Lynn, Tony Hill, and matured into a beautiful woman..... But even though we are all forty years older,  I still picture her as this little kid trying to torment me.
Thank you, Anne, for sending me this memory.


Friday, August 22, 2014

Testing the Water

Maybe it's time to trade in the WhaleEye for a new model.  Ryan and I looked at a nice MayCraft down at CoastlineMarine today.   I was impressed with the dealer, and the boat seemed to be a solid no frills fishing platform.

We have to see what accounts receivable looks like at Nanepashemet Telecom.