Friday, June 28, 2013

Juice Fast Planning

I can feel a Juice Fast coming on.
It will be time to DeTox after the 4th of July celebrations.
Just bought three dozen 16 oz Mason Jars from Amazon. to handle the three day quota.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

The 4th in Marblehead

A week from now, it will be the 4th of July..... a big deal here in Marblehead.  This town had a huge role in the American Revolution, and basically drove any Tories out for the duration.   Townsmen served with valor and were particularly noted for ferrying Washington's Army across the Delaware River at the Battle of Trenton.  
The loss of manpower put the Town in dire economic straits for a considerable period after the war, and when Washington visited Marblehead a few years later, he noted the tired and dilapidated state of the homes and Town facilities.
And those were the same homes that are found in Old Town today.
The town was a hardworking fishing village in those times, and its people were noted for their independence as well as a liberal attitude to race issues that plagued other areas.   It was also irreligious based upon the standards of the time and didn't relate to the Puritanical nature of other New England communities.
This past lingers in Marblehead, and the 4th of July seems to focus the present on a heritage that remains so prevalent and strong here.   We'll spend some time in Old Town and on the Harbor next week, and feel the effects of a storied past during the patriotic holiday.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013


Those of you who know me best, know that I never reveal personal or business details in this complex yet simplistic compilation of Blog Posts.  They are none of your business anyway.
And I'm not going to start now.  
But today was a placemarker at Nanepashemet Telecom.   A day when it is safe to say, we will look back as a turning point.... when a ton of effort and hard work lifted us to the next plateau.
Nanepashemet will never be a Fortune 500 company, nor do I wish to guide it to this position.  But it should be a viable entity for the foreseeable future, because of the event of this day.


Turf's UP!
This pram is the first boat that I built about seven years ago, from available plywood and lumber that I had on hand in the garage.  It has gone through a few iterations and now does service at the Marblehead side of Salem Harbor.   It came from a stock John Gardner plan with a few modifications, and this summer, I hope to sail it for the first time after setting up a sprit sail rig and centerboard.
I'm pretty sure that it is unsinkable, but it probably can flip pretty easily with a fat guy at the tiller.

Marvelous for Moonbats

A tip of the Cap to the Massachusetts Moonbats who now have the team of Liz Warren and Ed Markey as our US Senators.  This is a perfect time to work on that pesky gag reflex that I tend to get when the Lefties tell us how to run our lives.   No sense getting sick over the crazy shit that they will be trying to stuff down our throats.
The Prez has a couple of card carrying sycophants to help him solve Climate Change, open the gates to illegal immigrant voters, and screw up our health care.  We really have to invest in some tether lines down in DC to make sure that these lightweights don't blow away.
And speaking of our POTUS...., how is that Sequester going anyway????  So far, it has had the disastrous effects of closing the White House and grounding the Blue Angels.  Thought the government was going to shut down with millions unemployed?  Whatever....
Thank God it didn't effect the global travel of the Obama Royal Family.  That would have been the real disaster.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Awesome Camel

Election Day

I voted today.
So don't blame me if a Democratic Senate stands by while your liberties, wallet, and rights are assaulted by the Totalitarian Lefties in the White House.
At least I tried.
After making a deposit in the Pleasant Street Bank and pointing out politely to the Tellers who they should vote for, I went next door to the Marblehead Masonic Lodge and cast my ballot.
Turnout was sparse.
That could be good for Gomez, but I'm not getting my hopes up.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Y'ALLL Don't Come Back Now

Joanne loves the Cooking Channel.... almost as much as I love the History Channel.  I can deal with her hogging the clicker for the most part and watching all this Foodie stuff.   The only show that I really can't "stomach",so to speak, is the Paula Dean stuff.
Her voice makes me cringe and when she says "Y'ALLLL" which is every fourth word or so..... I truly feel nauseous enough to hurl.
Now we find that she has no common sense when it comes to race relations "speak".
Peeps... we have free speech in this country.   And you can say anything you want without getting thrown into jail.   But that doesn't mean that we can't loathe you if you say stupid ass shit, nor does it mean that you can keep your job.
In this country, with a horrible heritage of slavery, bigotry, and segregation.... be prepared to pay the consequences if you run fast and loose with racial epithets.  I don't care if your grandpa was George Wallace... there is no excuse, and you deserver to have your ass kicked if you glibly drop the N word, or think that any vestiges of our Jim Crow past might be "sentimental".
Bye Bye Paula Dean.... I for one won't be missing "Y"ALLLL" on the Food Channel anytime soon.

Going Gomez

Tomorrow, Massachusetts chooses a new Senator.   I've given the nod to Gabriel Gomez, and not just because he's a Republican.  And not because he is an Hispanic.... I wouldn't dream of calling people racist who vote against him.... do you hear that Jimmy Carter????   Do you hear that Hardball Hypocrite Chris Matthew????   Two fine idiots who played the race card early and freely regarding anyone who had issue with our Indonesian Muslim President with the White Mother and the Irish ancestors.
I reckon that Massachusetts will vote for Markey because of his tendency to vote with the  Democratic, non-thinking, give away other people's money sheep herd.
Do yourself a favor.  Vote for a thinker and a doer.  The guy is a Navy Seal who went to Harvard for Crissakes.  Massachusetts deserves something better than the Warrens, the Markeys, the Posers and the Hacks.
Give yourself a present.... vote for Gomez.

A Little Lack Lustre

Yesterday, while tieing up with the Flying Elvis on SandDollar Beach, Superpeep Brendt D'Orio pointed out that the Blog has been lacking lately.
My quick retort was that I have been out straight trying to make money at Nanepashemet Telecom.... but that can't be the only reason.
Usually I turn to posting on this pathethic Blog because of some issue that is disturbing me...... politics and the Obama issues are the great motivators.
But since the phoney Indian, the lying whacky professor, Elizabeth Warren, was elected over Scott Brown as the Massachusetts US Senator, and since BO and Hillary Clinton can get away will lying and obvious obfustication with Benghazi, I've become jaded, and can't risk committing emotionally.
So those are other reasons.
Do you think that the Mountain of a Man is starting to lose it????   Getting a little soft????  Gone off the edge????
But I still have my faith in life.... and life is all about renewal.
Something will start to aggravate the crap out of me soon.... and this Blog will be restored in it's former lustre.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Features of Fieldstone

This weekend, I got out into the yard and moved all of the stone that the developer across the street left in the side of my driveway a couple years ago.   Every stone was placed in the planter walls at the Stramski Way side of the property.
Peeps.... I am one sore, advanced -middle-edged, pudgy, white, Irish- American Buckaroo.  I mean, sore... as in my arms, thighs, back, knees, stomach, buttocks, etc. are all screaming for mercy.
Rolling, lifting, shifting and placing fieldstone is something that this Mountain of a Man will not be looking to specialize in.   You won't see stonemason on this MOAM resume.
Sure, the wall came out handsome as hell, but that is beside the point.
My hats are off to the colonial farmers who placed all of those fieldstone walls throughout New England.  They must have been tough sons-a-bitches.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

POTW Week 22 of 2013

A little words of wisdom for you here before disclosing the lucky yet hapless Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week.
Just in case you didn't know it, everybody is phucked up... and everybody has issues.  It doesn't matter if you are a professional athelete, pole dancer, PhD, Indonesian Muslim President of the United States, Business Billionaire.... or even a Mountain of a Man like myself.
Everybody is phucked up... and everybody has issues.
Once you truly internalize that fact, it is much easier to deal with all of the Bullshit that comes your way in your personal and business relationships.
Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for the 22nd Week of 2013

Maria Rowen (Automatic Lagavulin Rule)
Eric Johnson
Jessica Rincon
Peter Lojko
Jim Lundgren
Jeremy Johnson
No relation between the two Johnsons.