Monday, July 16, 2012

Nanepashemet Nod for President

In a speech to his supporters in Roanoke, VA yesterday, President Obama said the following....

" If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help.  There was a great teacher somewhere in your life.  Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive.  Somebody invested in roads and bridges.  If you’ve got a business -- you didn’t build that.  Somebody else made that happen.  The Internet didn’t get invented on its own.  Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet."
This above all says to me why our President doesn't get it.  If he ever experienced running his own business, he could never fabricate a statement that "you didn't build that" as you daily meet the challenges to make your business move forward.   That is a cutting insult to millions of small business owners who have made sustained personal sacrifices to make their businesses viable.
"Somebody else made that happen."  ?????  Who?  Who pulled together the customers, the bank, the employees, and the vendors to make my business happen?... and who spent the hours and the money and the sleepless nights to make a simple business success happen????  SOMEBODY ELSE?????
WTF is he talking about???
It's crystal clear to me now, that he has no experience, and no agenda but Government spending, because he can't conceptualize anything else.   Government created the Internet?   I thought it was Al Gore!
Nanepashemet Nod for Mitt Romney.  There is no other choice.

Such contempt for achievement. He needs to stop channeling Elizabeth Warren. When are you Rollin out bumper stickers?
Kerry D'Orio

Sunday, July 15, 2012


Bacon and Eggs on a summer Sunday July morning.
Does it get any better than this?
No it doesn't.

Tuna Lips said....6:30 PM
Short of throwin' a hump into the roadhouse ham lyin' next to me on any given Sunday, I has to agree with ye. Loves me some bacon and eggs.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Good Old Days.

I was over at the Beverly Ave house today in the garage working like the old days when Kathy and Jim Peabody came by to interrupt me with a beer.... just like the old days.
I really like  the old days.
So we invited the Peabody's over to the Sundance House for dinner.  The old days aren't over yet.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Friday Evening

So it's Friday night, we did the BYC porch thing for a light grill dinner, which has become a most enjoyable event, then headed back to the Sundance House.
The grandkids are over for the weekend and are at D'Orio's for Friday night videos.  Current POTY Kerry D'Orio has sent a couple of cryptic texts which we are trying to decipher and Joanne and I are settling in for a relaxing Marblehead Summer evening.
Life is freaking good... isn't it?
I'm on my second can of Harpoon's UFO Unfiltered Wheat Beer and have added an orange slice per the recommendation on the can.  Peeps... it's a taste sensation.   I am totally in admiration of this remarkable brew.
I can sense an official Nanepashemet endorsement in the works.

Dennis Miller Show

Went to see Dennis Miller at Hampton Beach last night with my friend, Peter Lojko.
Peter introduced me to the Telecom business and is one of my two professional mentors, so I was really excited that he invited me to the Miller event.
Dennis Miller delivered as usual....  one hour non-stop, hard hitting jokes and insight.  I was tired from laughing at the end.
I also was impressed with Hampton Beach.... the Boardwalk is cleaned up and you don't get the general public jolt that I was expecting.
An overall highly enjoyable evening.

Another Process

Remember the tenant that we evicted, then collected a Compensatory Damages Judgement for his contempt of the process?
We are very close to introducing him to a new process contained in the Massachusetts General Laws Criminal Harrassment statute.  The next couple pieces of evidence will wrap this up according to the police.
My guess is that this self-destructive guy is ultimately heading for jail time, all due to either incompetence, stupidity or both.
Intimidation of a Mountain of a Man?  Highly Impossible.   
So Close.  One or two more is all we need,

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Official Constable of Nanepashemet

Made the New Haven run today, but not before I picked up some documents from Constable Paul Minsky of Swampscott who did such a good job serving and executing legal stuff for me recently that he merits the coveted endorsement as the Official Constable of Nanepashemet.
It's been a while since I've added to Nanepashemet Official Endorsements, and Paul was a suitable choice to break the ice.
Peeps.... if you ever need to serve legal documents, I highly recommend that your hire Paul.  He gets it done, and has a lot of respect in the profession. A good Constable is worth it  in these situations.... you get what you pay for.
Hopefully, I won't have to utilize Paul's services too much in the future, but it's nice to know that he is there when you need him.
After the Minsky business, I headed out the Mass Pike and down Rt. 84 to meet some landlords and survey some rooftops for one of my carrier customers.   Usually, when we get to this stage, I can close the deal for a telecom site, and today was no different.

Monday, July 09, 2012

Johnny We Hardly Knew Ye

So many of you recently have been asking me lately what is the deal with our Congressman from the 6th Congressional District here on the North Shore of Massachusetts.
Don't you read the freaking newpapers??? Can't you figure this shit out for yourself????
Obviously not.... so in the interest of getting you pathetic whiners off of my back for the next day or so, here is the scoop as I see it.
Congressman John Tierney is under siege lately because of his wife's involvement with his brother-in-law's illegal gambling business headquartered in the offshore Carribean island of Antiqua.
Apparently, Tierney's wife kept the books and cashed checks to herself of a couple hundred thousand dollars.... as well as some other company perks.
And Tierney took two trips to Antiqua to the company headquarters.
But when the shit hit the fan and his wife went to the Joint for 40 days or so, the Congressman claimed that he knew absolutely nothing.
Johnny We Hardly Knew Ye
Here is the complimentary Nanepashemet political advice for the beleaguered Congressman.... Fess Up.   You are going down faster than Barney Frank on his honeymoon, so you might as well do it with a little integrity in the mix.
Obviously you knew something.... or you would have to be accused as a dim witted nincompoop... and that you are not.   So say something like...."I was scared for my wife when I found out that she had gotten so deep into this, and my judgement was flawed by not coming forth to the authorities.   I am sorry and wish to move on from this dreadful matter that has engulfed my family."  And, sorry to say, you should then resign and become a lobbyist or something.
Everybody has family that strays from the path once in awhile.  This would appeal to a more sympathetic response to your unfortunate plight, and you wouldn't be insulting everybody's intelligence by claiming that you were blind to all of the Horseshit around you.
For the record, Peeps, I think that John is a pretty good guy, and I'm sorry to see him take this hit.
And no Peeps.....  I absolutely will not be running for his seat.  If I was elected, I'd have to resign almost immediately with all of the Bullshit in my past.

Sunday, July 08, 2012

Old Neighborhood

We laid out Tommy O's deck today and I already have it built in my head.   Now all we have to do is get it out of my head and into his back yard.  We spent the day in the old Beverly Ave. neighborhood with the neighbors working in the garage like the old days.
As much as I like the Sundance House, I miss woodworking in the garage and the Peeps in the neighborhood who would drop by and successfully get me to shut down the work with a friendly beer... or three.
Being back on the deck and in the basement brought back such great memories with the Peabody's, O'Shea's and others being so close by.
But the new tenants are moving in this week.  Business is business.  @BT

Saturday, July 07, 2012


Getting ready to build another deck.... this one will be a throwback to the first deck that I ever built..... a pool deck.
Former POTY Tommy O'Shea has been most gracious in letting the grandkids use his pool, and his family is pure fun and class.....and we are happy to be able to help him tie a pool deck to his house with about 200sf of deck area  level with the pool.
We went down to the Marblehead Building Department yesterday and pulled a permit from Building Inspector Bob Ives, and I'm pretty excited about the design and potential use for this deck.
Should take less than a month to build and will greatly enhance his property.

Thursday, July 05, 2012

Friday After Monday

It was one of those weird work days.... coming off the celebrations of the 4th on Wednesday.
Seemed like a Monday, with a tough case of the Blahs.  Did a little Permit work at the Town Hall, coordinated some leases and surveys, sent out a few bills, kept my eye on some other minor details.
Tomorrow is Friday.
I've had a lot of weeks at Nanepashemet Telecom recently when it seemed like Friday came right after Monday.   But nothing like this week.
A tip of the hat to the Marblehead Police.   Spent a little time with good  friends discussing the procedure for criminal charges if malicious damages and theft occur when you already have a civil judgement with compensatory damages.   Shitty talk for the 4th of July, but it is what is is.     Consequences can be substantial, but this Loser Defendant seems to have a penchant for self-destructive, self-delusional behavior.... so we are standing by until the end of the day and will gladly pay for the legally forced move that remains on schedule.    Never cancel the eviction process and the moving vans until the house is clean.  Plus the judgement on the Tenant from Hell pays for it all.