Thursday, May 17, 2012

Catching the Wave

Oh Baby...
After a little comic diversion this morning, the day really picked up.
Remember that business tsunami that I told you Peeps about a few months ago?
Wax the surfboards.
Screw surfboards.... need some heavy duty white water rafts.
Time to catch the wave.

Another Kennedy Tragedy

Kennedy Tragedy.
Man... These words seem to go together, don't they?
Is it that the family is cursed? Or is it that they have been American royalty, watched closely, and go through the same challenges, setbacks, and foibles as any extended American family?
 Maybe due to their celebrity, we see every bit of their bad luck.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Film Extras

After an insignificant little detour today, we were back to making money at Nanepashemet Telecom.   Plus, it seems that Adam Sandler and his Marblehead GrownUps 2 film crew is looking for extras, and naturally, the Mountain of a Man is at the top of the list.
I'm not a little concerned that I will steal any scene that I appear in the background and really piss off those Hollywood types.
Just another MOAM burden that we must bear.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Milking the Culture

Never heard of a sippy cup?
Nobody asked me, but in this culture, I'll bet real American Dollars that this kid turns out be be an Asshole.
Because his mother sure looks like one.
Here's the thing, Mommy.... your little prince is going to get a royal schoolyard screwing regularly in his formative Middle School Years because of your little mammary indiscretion.
At least he would if he went to Eastern Junior High in Lynn like I did.
Not that I would ever have taunted him....I prefer homogenized ice cold milk anyway.
But I wonder what happens when the Momma's Little Darling gets a stiffy?
C'mon Time.... let's uncover some more investigative journalism..... get to the Nub of the Matter... so to speak

Casting Federal Stones

A good friend of ours just got socked with a Federal Indictment for doing something stupid.  She'll be going away, because the way the Feds work, if you don't take a plea and agree to go away for a few years, they put the hammer down and push for the maximum.    Did she do it?  Probably.  But let he who is without sin cast the first stone.
I know I won't be throwing any.

That seems to be going around a lot in this country these days.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Forward Looking from the Past.

I was explaining one of my concerns with my old friend and Attorney,  Harvey Rowe last evening and he agreed to take out his legal skills and bring them to bear.  All of my friends would like to help, but Harvey with his litigation skills can absolutely  help and I'm expecting a really positive week.... like the old days.

Looking forward to it.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Don't Care

So much of the Morning News is just gossip for filler.
Is there anyone who really cares about John Edwards and Rihal Hunter and the campaign money that was funneled to try to keep the knocked up Bimbo quiet as Edwards sought the highest office of the land?
And does anyone really care that John Kerry chose this complete asshole as his Vice-Presidential Running Mate?
And does anyone care about Kerry's inside investment and his tax evasion with his multi-million dollar yacht that he had built in New Zealand, when he could have revitalized a New England Boatbuilding company with that investment?
And does anyone care that Obama was doing drugs in High School, but the evil Romney cut someone's hair?
And unless you are a Homo, does anyone really care whether you get married to someone with similar genitals as you?
It's just Gossip.  Except for the Kerry Stuff, I don't care.

tuna Lips Said...6:23 PM
Ise likes me some sn*tch. For the record. Honest Injun and such. Part of my platform.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Pier Fishing

It was the first beautiful warm evening of the early summer, so I rigged up my casting rod and headed for the new pier down the lane in Gerry Playground.  Ryan had said that some guy down there claimed to have landed a keeper Striped Bass, so I thought I'd give it a try.
The new pier was blocked by a piece of plywood, so I had to give my overweight, overage body a little challenge in scaling the fence to get out to the end.  I did it... but it wasn't pretty .... either getting on or getting off.  When they get the floats in, it will be a lot easier.
Two fish jumped which was a good sign, but none were enticed by my offering as the sun went down past Salem Harbor.
I will be trying again.

Swinging Pendulum

The Washington Post doctors up a story about Romney in High School, manipulates witness accounts, and besmirches the reputation of the now deceased victim according to his family.... but Barach, his grade transcripts etc. etc. are untouched.  
I don't get it.   When I was a young man, I used to think that Liberals stood for truth and justice.  Maybe they did back then.  Maybe the pendulum has just swung.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Happiest Coastal Towns in the US

According to Coastal Living Magazine's new rankings based on sunny days, beach quality, low crime, commute time, education of residents and other factors the happiest Coastal Towns in the US are....
1.   Kiawah Island, S.C.
2. Naples, Fla.
3. Sausalito, Calif.
4. Lake Bluff, Ill.
5. Tiburon, Calif.
6. Laguna Beach, Calif.
7. Half Moon Bay, Calif.
8. Chatham, Mass.
9. Jupiter, Fla.
10. Lahaina, Hawaii
11. Marblehead, Mass.
12. Stinson Beach, Calif.
13. Cohasset, Mass.
14. Duxbury, Mass.
15. Solomons Island, Md.
These lists are always subjective crap shoots.  I know for a fact that there are numerous miserable bastards in Nanepashemet's home town of Marblehead.  And when we owned a condo in Naples, the Condo Commandoes never seemed too chipper either.  
On the other hand, when I did my work stint for a year out in California, I headed on the forty mile trek to Half Moon Bay as much as I could, and Sausalito, under the Golden Gate Bridge wasalso  stunning.
I guess when you get familiar with a place, you start to take it for granted,,,, so I have to agree, Marblehead is really the Balls.

Mitt the Bully

Now they're saying that Mitt Romney was involved in a bullying episode against a gay kid while he was in high school.
Romney says he doesn't recall, but that he did a lot of stupid stuff in high school and he's sorry if he offended anyone.
We'll see where this leads.  Wonder what nasty things will come out about BO growing up as a young Muslim lad in Indonesia?
I'd hate to be blamed for the stupid stuff I said and did in High School.
The Spindoctors have hit on a nice combo here though... bullying and gay bashing.  I don't agree with bashing gays, but I've seen a lot of times when Scumbag Girly men whine "Bully" because they are legitimately getting their clocks cleaned with some nice Payback.   It's OK for them to screw with people, but when it comes back their way, they are being "Bullied".  
Don't let the tears stain your Bib.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Total Recall

Every once in a while, I think that the Assholes are going to get away with it.
Then I remember the Law of Karma.
They are really screwed.
They can win a Skirmish, maybe even a Battle.  But they are doomed in the War.

Anonymous Wild Bill Said...7:53 PM
"All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must seem inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near. Hold out baits to entice the enemy. Feign disorder, and crush him."

- Sun Tzu
 Once again Wild One, you have pointed the way.