Thursday, December 22, 2011

Blog to Go

Just got an urgent message from a Peep requesting  a mobile phone app to access the Nanepashemet Blog. 
It's a fair request.   I'm not the least bit insulted by it.
In fact, such a app already exists.
If you want to view the blog on your smartphone, point the phone browser to
Please enjoy your blog fix responsibly.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Bye Bye Kim

Do you buy the news shots of the hysterically crying North Koreans mourning the death of their beloved dictator, Kim Jong il ?
Seems slightly staged doesn't it?   Like we'll imprison your grandmother if you don't obnoxiously wail  publically.
Really sad.

mjnest48 said...

Oh Herro

Tuna Lips said...
Looks like the reactin' that gos on when I crop-dust the Keno crowd with a "pickled egg and pork rinds" silent but deadly special. The humanity.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

East Bumphuck

Those of you who think that the Mountain of a Man always gets what he wants at a zoning hearing three freaking driving hours from his house would be freaking wrong.  The worse requests are the simple ones.  The kind Board members are inclined to grant the permit, but would we mind just setting up a site viewing and coming back to see them next year or so?
Of course we don't freaking mind.  It is our phucking pleasure to drive to East BumPhuck and come to a whole other freaking hearing a month from now so we can achieve what could have happened easily last night.
Happy to do it.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Brady v. Tebow

I'm patiently waiting for the Patriots - Broncos game this Sunday afternoon.  Should be a good game.  Both quarterbacks are hot.... the experienced Brady and the unlikely Tebow.  The press has been touting this as Tom Brady, the Secular Man of the World, versus Tim Tebow, the Fundamentalist Christian Clean Living Icon.
I'm sure that it is not a confrontation of good and evil.  Just because Brady swears on the sidelines and has sex with movie stars and supermodels.... that doesn't make him a bad guy.  And  Tebow, steeped in thanks and prayer living at home with his mom, doesn't make him particularly virtuous.
I have nothing against either quarterback.   But I think I'm leaning towards Brady.

Jim L. said... 
I find the fact that the Mountain of a Man describes a couple of guys as "hot" just a little disturbing.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Tazed by a Furniture Ad

I'm sure she's a nice person, and this comment isn't going to seem very Christmas spirit like, but I just have to say this.
The shrill voice every morning of Bermie and Phyl's slightly rotund daughter on their TV furniture commercials hits my nerves like a freaking Tazer.
"Get zero percent financing at Bernie and Phyl's!"
Don't Taze me Bitch... Don't TAZE ME!
Otherwise... Happy Holdiays.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Waiting to Kick Back

Sorry for the gap in posts.  I was back and forth to Connecticut for the past three days and the drive time is tedious.
It's not like a bunch of blogable stuff didn't happen.... like finding out where about ten thousand crows roost at twilight in Hartford (on the trees surrounding the cell site that we were working on.   It was like an Alfred Hitchcock movie.)
And we've been combining cell site construction with zoning meeting work in the evening, which has contributed to the hours being freaking crazy.  Although I like to write and don't feel too much effort in doing it (which probably shows in the content), it is still hard to summon up the strength when you are dead tired.
One more trip to New Haven County next week, and I'll kick back for the Christmas Holiday.  But only after a bunch of customer care holiday events.   MOAM... don't fail me now.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

New Toy

Bought a tool to bend PVC pipe today at  We'll use it to bend some PVC at a cell site that Nanepashemet Telecom is building..... but then I have a lot of other stuff in mind.  Like some wild outdoor furniture, or some complicated plumbing for the Japanese water garden that I'm planning, or some resilient bumpers for the Marblehead Gunning Dory.
Any tool with it's capabilities tends to widen your mind with its possibilities.  This one, which allows a resilient, rigid, material like PVC pipe to be transforimed into highly manipulated curves, is going to be a boon for all sorts of imagination.
I'm wicked psyched.

Tuna Lips said...

I was wonderin' who was gonna snap up the late Missus Hornstroffer's 2-in-1 vacuum hose and dildo with vibratin' action. You can tell a lot about someone from a yard sale. I reckon it'd suprise nobody that peoples far and wide knowed her fer keepin' a very tidy home.

dougmaxfield said...

I would love a report on how this tool works. Could be quite useful for changing my buoy system that I currently am not so impressed with.

And you shall have your report, Waterman.
The system basically turns 1 1/4" PVC pipe into plyable spaghetti for a period of time when you can easily place it into any form.  After that, it cools to its original rigidity.  Check out the videos on the website.

Feel free to give me a call if you want a personal demonstration.

Skull Caps and Slumber

Gail Johnson was over the house yesterday when a shipment of Tuna :Lips Skull Caps was delivered.  I could tell by her facial expression that she intensely desired to own the high quality knit garment so I gave her one and another for her slightly schizo spouse Dale/Buck.
Once that was done, we were emotionally free to have an enjoyable dinner, after which I retired to the bedroom, strapped on my sleep apnea apparatus, and had a long and restful December night slumber.
I know it's not a particularly interesting or insightful vignette, but it's all I have for now.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Cousin Eddie

Someone hacked into my account and placed the CLARK GRISWOLD Christmas Vacation Chicago Blackhawks CCM White Hockey Jersey in  my checkout cart.
Who would do such a thing????

I can think of a couple of people.
If it wasn't such a high quality item, I'd be really pissed.
At any rate, if you are the Cousin Eddie who did this... I would watch your back.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Order Madness

So I'm at the Duluth Trading Co. site ordering some shoes and they say that my size has sold out.  A nice lady even called me on my cell phone to tell me that they couldn't fulfill my order, and she gave me a code for free shipping on my next order.  Excellent customer care.
But, as cool as they are at Duluth, you won't find that problem at the Nanepashemet Blogging Apparel Store.  All of our advertised stock is readily available so you won't experience the bitter dissapointment of order rejection. 

Even though the Tuna Lips Skull Caps are flying out the door, there will be one ready for you when you finally get up the gonads to fire up your plastic. 
Despite massive orders from 50 states as well as Canadian Provinces, the Tommy O Tank Tops are fully stocked for your muscle shirt enjoyment.

And the Atty Jeremy Johnson Wannabee Boxers in all sizes are ready for order.... although there has been a big run on the 2X's.
Some of you Peeps have accused the Mountain of the Man of selling this stuff in a shameless effort to raise some extra Holiday scratch.  Very insightful.  But that's not the only freaking reason.   The fact is that all of the profits from this enterprize will be donated to my favorite charity... the JJ Fund... dedicated to keeping the Mountain of a Man as solvent as possible.
And before you click to another site in disgust, consider this ..... if the JJ Fund isn't sizably healthy.... how do you expect to get your pathetic Nanepashemet Blog fix.... day after hopeless day????  Yeah.. You didn't think of that, did you?

Friday, December 09, 2011

Small Town

Living in a small town used to mean that you dealt with gossip and people who wanted to know everything about you.
But the information age now means that the entire world is really a small town for purposes of finding out anything about anyone.
That's why the news seems to be so prone to gossip about celebrities and low life situations.
Gossip seems to help people let go of the absurdities and incompetence in their own lives as they search for the failings in others.  Now we don't have to hang in the village square to find our topics.  They are brought to us electronically from the four corners of the Earth.

Pisc said...

My tuna lips winter cap arrived today. Perfect

Thursday, December 08, 2011

Crap Shoot

My friend, Will Murray, called yesterday and asked that I attend a zoning hearing at the City of Peabody this evening.
Naturally I'll be there.  Will seemed pretty worked up about it. 
A big part of my livelyhood is getting permits from various municipalities.  And there is always a lot of anxiety around it, because people you don't know  can really drop a monkey wrench in your path.  But things generally work out the way they're supposed to. 
My company has gotten over a hundred permits in the last two years.   And I have been skunked badly once in that time in a little Berkshire hill town... didn't see it coming at all.
This one tonight is not business for me... I'm just there to support a friend.  Betting that he beats the odds.