Thursday, September 29, 2011

Wicked Shockah

The Red Sox had a 9 game lead to make the playoffs at the beginning of September.... and they lost 20 games during the month, being elimimated last night.
Did that just happen?
What kind of an Alternate Universe is this anyway?
All month long, I expected them to turn the slump around.... but they followed it right into the Shitter.
There will be a call for heads to roll... Tito, Theo, etc.  I can never authomatically buy into this kind of thinking.  Tito Francona or Theo Epstein are not doing the pitching and hitting.   Did we blame them when we were riding high at the beginning of the month?
It's just a Wicked Shockah!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Republican Metabolism

No news day.
Gov. Chris Christie of NJ seems like a straight talking politician.  I was watching Keith Oberman on MSNBC last night and Keith was coming up with all sorts of reasons why Christie shouldn't run for President, which makes me think that the Looney Lefties are afraid of this.
That alone is reason to back Christie, although it's a little weak.  And No... I wouldn't be supporting him just because he is a fellow Fat Man.  As a Fat Guy, I see no reason why his weight should be an issue... metabolism is not an ideology
Other than that, I have to head out to Littleton, MA today to pull a Builidng Permit for one of Nanepashemet Telecom's clients.   The best thing about driving to Littleton is that I'm not driving to New Haven.  We're making Alex do that.
Like I said... No news day.  
Yet you read this anyway.

Monday, September 26, 2011

All Quiet in the Gulf of Mexico

You don't hear much about the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill these days.   Remember the BP leak that people like Congressman Ed Markey were saying had ruined the Gulf of Mexico forever?
Apparently, fish counts are triple what they were before the spill.  Some are attributing this to a ban on commercial fishing with little residual effect from the spill.
So the Gulf Spill goes into the same file with the Swine Flu.  Another "end of the world as we have known it " scenario that the Liberals made a run with. 
Another Dud.  But another scare is soon to come.  Fear mongering is part of their MO.

Peering Through the Years

I've been running into some people from the old neighborhood, the Highlands in Lynn, lately.... people I haven't seen or really thought about for over 40 years.   Then when you see them, you peer through the gray hair and body changes and see the kids that you used to hang with on the Little League fields and basketball courts.
Seems almost supernatural.  How the hell did we get this old?  When did the time slip by?  When you see these guys, you get the same feelings that you had when you were 12 years old.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Progress Report

Been getting a lot of questions from well-meaning Peeps asking how sales are going at the Nanepashemet Blogging Apparel store.
I mean... how many people have you seen walking around with the Tuna Lips logo or in a TommyO muscle shirt?  Don't expect to see a Nanepashemet Peeps Thong necessarily, but I thought by now that a lot of WhaleEye Blogging Caps would be making the rounds.
So... there's your answer, Beearches.  Things are way below projections.  And those Indonesians are expecting to get paid soon too.

Squirrel Poontang

So we're traveling the regular every other Sunday route to FreshAyer.... down 128 up Rt. 2A to Rt. 2.  All of a sudden, I started to notice the high amount of squished squirrel carcasses littering the roadway.  Must have passed about a dozen little red mounds of grey fur and squirrel innards.
Plus, there were a lot of squirrels darting across the road.
This can only mean one thing, and I don't mean a run on acorn hoarding.  
These squirrels are undoubtedly looking for a little nookie, a little tail, or in their case, a little more tail.
And they are willing to pay a stiff price for squirrel poontang.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Neighborhood Upgrade

This is the back of the Official Nanepashemet Tommy O Taking Out The Trash Bathrobe.
Bend over in style.

POTW Week 37

To those of you who think I've taken my eye off of Nanepashemet Telecom with this Blogging Apparel Line.... wrong again Pickle Breath!!!
Truth is that this was a banner week for the steadfast Project Management company as we diversified into another service segment and identified  a high potential project that could keep us in the black for the next two years.

Nanpashemet Peeps of the Week for the 37th Week of 2012

John Williamson
Jeremy Johnson
Dr. James Allen, Surgeon at Salem Hospital
Linda O' Shea
John Fish
Kelly Light

Multi-Tasking is a way of life for a Mountain of a Man.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Indonesian Salutation

Here's the thing. Peeps.
I might be dumb, but I'm not stupid.
How long did you think it would take me to find out that " Besar Gemuk Keparat" didn't mean "Esteemed Business Partner" in Indonesian?
Basically it took me less than a week to figure out that it mean't "Big Fat Bastard"..... thank you Google Translate.
So now that we understand each other, keep pumping out those T Shirts.

Tank Top ReTool

Had to redesign the classic Tommy O Tank top.  The Indonesians just couldn't get the Irish Tri-Color Flag right and they were gouging me on the price at the same time.
Those low paid Asians can really be a pain in the Ass.
So I bit the bullet and came out with a Tommy O logo that costs a lot less to manufacture.
Sometimes being a Mountain of a Man means that you can change if prompted by screaming Asians.
Click to See this in the Store

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Pronouncing Cancun

The other day, I heard Obama mispronoucing on an ethnic basis the names of some places... like Cancun and Copenhagen.   Here he is, talking along with his faithful teleprompter, when all of a sudden he veers into some ethic accent when he mentions these places.
Turned me right off.
The French call their city "Paree"... but we Americans call it  "Paris".   As long as I'm an American from Boston, I'll continue to call it "Paris".
You hear a lot of this phoney pronunciation from people on National Public Radio and other liberal media outlets.   It always has some sort of elitist twinge to it.
Sorry but I miss Bush butchering the language. At least he didn't overpronouce stuff on purpose. Natalie Jacobson on Channel 5 used to be the worse. Give her a Latino name or Serbian town to pronouce and she was off to the races with her own ethnic version of the name. Techs at the station told me she was a real Jerk anyway.
Couldn't believe it when I heard Obama do the same thing.

Tuna Lips Wannabees

To all of you nagging, clamoring Tuna Lips fans whining about his inclusion into the Nanepashemet Blogging Apparel line.... HOLD YOUR FREAKING HORSES!!!!
Like I'd really leave out ole TL????
The Indonesians were having a little trouble getting the Tuna Lips graphic just right, so I cut them a little slack.
Hope that was OK with you.
Anyway, after enduring a ration of Indonesian obscenities, I finally did get the first Tuna Lips entry out of the sweat shop and on line for purchase, although I basically don't recommend that you buy this T Shirt.
Do you really want people to treat you like Tuna Lips?