Monday, February 07, 2011


Thanks to the help of some great peeps, the move was bearable.
More to follow.

Thursday, February 03, 2011

Feeling Bullish

Real Estate is where it's at.
If you live in New England, you have to realize that that this part of the country is mint and the prices are bound to go up.
Give me a call and we'll make some money together.  781-727-6516.

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Monkey Wrenches

Moving day looms near and the weather has continued to toss monkey wrenches into the critical path of this project.  The remodeling work is not complete and we will be forced to put furniture into the unfinished rooms.  And the kitchen appliances have not been reinstalled.
So there will be a lot of workarounds left for the next couple of weeks.
But being a Mountain of a Man means that you take these inconveniences in stride, and realize that they are small in comparison to say... being a rice farmer in Cambodia or a Peruvian copper miner, or something like that.
You get the picture.   I wouldn't be caught dead whining abount how much work this has turned out to be, right in the middle of record setting winter storms.   Being a MOAM says, "You throw all of the snow and slush my way, and I'm still going to pull the move off in style.
Well, maybe not exactly in style...  But the offers from Peeps to help on Saturday morning keep pouring in, and I'm sure that my bar bill at the Gerry 5 Saturday afternoon will reflect the considerable help that we receive.

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Pablum and Heating Oil

Once again, Joe Kennedy is asssailing the networks with television commercials starring him and picking out disadvantaged individuals and thanking the "people of Venezuela" for giving our poor Massachusetts families a handout of home heating oil.
Quell the nausea.
I'm not sure why this act turns my stomach so much.  Maybe it's because he's so obviously trying to talk down to us and forcefeed some bleeding heart bullshit down our throats.
It doesn't bother me that he pulls over $400k as a salary from his non-profit Citizen's Energy Corp.
Nothing's for nothing.
Which brings me to the question of who is really profiting?   And please don't repeat that "people of Venezuela" line.   They don't know us, and could give a shit less.   Why do the "people of Venezuela" single out us poor Northeastern Americans for their largess???  I mean, send money to Peru or Somalia or something.  Us New Englanders sitting in the richest nation in the history of the world have hardly put out the donation cup to Caracas.
I have no way of proving this, and probably shouldn't say it,,, but this is my blog, so what the hell!   I figure that Joe Kennedy has found a profit making revenue stream through his "non-profit", and needs to feed a mega political ego as a by-product.   There is a certain bleeding heart liberal constituency that feeds on the pablum that he serves and the circle is complete.
Plus some poor sick New Englanders featured by Joe on TV gets to be mortified before Joe saves them.
Call 1-800 JoeforOil,.... or set your browser to www.


If I was a kid, I'd love this winter.   All this snow... all of these snow days.
But it is starting to cut into Nanepashemet Telecom profits by making sites inaccessible and prolonging schedules.   And the time I've had to take moving it from Beverly Ave., Sundance and the Peabody Shop has definitely affected the Sundance renovation project.
We are still moving on Saturday, but there will be a ton of loose ends to take care of.
And naturally we are staring at a forecast today and tomorrow for another foot and a half of snow.  Which means that instead of taking care of Sundance details, I will be expending a great deal of my limited middle age energy shoveling and snowblowing.
In a couple of months, all of the snow will be gone.... we will have fixed everything at Sundance.... and this period of stress and strain will be another footnote.

Jim L. said...
"Limited middle age energy"? And, this, from the mouth of a mountain of a man. Somehow, the world just seems different today.


Just to clarify, Jim... being a Mountain of a Man sometimes means that you recognize long naps and no heavy lifting with appropriate acceptance and dignity.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

POTW Week 4

Had another bout of frustration with the Bank of America today holding my deposits.   But this time, the blame is mine for not getting off my ass and switching banks the last time this happened.

Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for 4th Week of 2011

Peter Crawford
Scott McBurney
Steve Lewis
Emily Engardia
Lisa Panakio Rowe
Alex Watts

It I had enough money, it wouldn't bother me that that the bastards steal the float.

Jill Phillips said...

please let me know you complaint...I will be sure it will be heard.

Done Digging

There's something about the inherent futility of shoveling snow.   Working so hard to move a material that will eventually turn to water and flow gently away by itself.
There is an ironic, life's lesson somewhere here, but I don't  feel like digging it out.
I'm done digging today.... whether it be snow or for Life's Hidden Meanings.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Justifiable Lapse

This has been a decent lapse between Blog posts.  It's because on Tuesday, the new cabinets were delivered to Sundance, in between snowstorms.  The extra activity of snow removal is an unplanned contingency that has strained the daily progress.Plus I've had a nagging cold that has sapped my energy big time which has really been a hurdle.   In the middle of it all, Nanepashemet Telecom has been busy, and I had to spend the day today at the Dennis job on Cape Cod.
Course, it's none of your frigging business why I haven't posted recently, but I guess my exhausted physical condition has caused me to let my guard down. and be nice to you.
Anyway... the move date stays firm for a week from tomorrow, and I'm optimistic that all of the big stuff will be in place.  Joanne has done a great job painting, and we are getting some help from a bunch of close friends with a range of the remaining details. 
Ultimately, it will all get done, and life will slow down a little.  When that happens, experience shows that some other crazy bullshit that I don't even know exists now, will liven things up.


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Extreme Violence and Strong Sexual Content

Spartacus is back on Starz and is as bawdy and gory as ever.
If you like extreme violence and strong sexual content, then this series is for you.
But historical research has shown that the Roman culture, which accepted human slavery, and watched human butchery in the Gladitorial arena with the same zeal that we watch a football game, makes the depictions accurate in detail.
Granted, the Spartacus series presents the worse aspects of the culture, and if some future audience viewed a depiction of our culture with its most lowly face, then we too would seem to be barbaric, with our drugs, alcohol, random acts of violence, technological warefare,  and the disolution of the family with a 50% divorce rate.
But the Roman practice of Gladiator combat makes for an interesting series.

TommyO said...

Loved the first episode of this season.
Can't wait til Friday Night....

Monday, January 24, 2011

Simple Drop Off

It was a cold day today with temperatures starting off below zero and staying in the single digits.   A good day to stay indoors and get some paperwork done.   But I had a couple of 80 lb. bags of concrete in the back of my F-150 from the Cape Cod job, that I knew I had to get into the warehouse or they would be ruined by moisture
As it was, we didn't show much intelligence in loadng the bags in the first place and they were carelessly thrown next to some shovels and hoes which pierced the bags on the ride home.   So I had a bit of a mess with loose concrete mix combining with handtools, straps and snow.  Had to climb into the back of the truck and shovel out the loose mix
Just opening the door to the warehouse required a decent amount of shoveling too.
So a simple drop off ended up to be a decent physical ordeal.   I had the workcoat that Katelyn bought me for Christmas and figured that the low temps would bother me, but I actually broke a sweat.  That coat is really warm.
This wintry weather is starting to complicate things.   Another foot of snow due by mid-week.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Nice Initial Take

Dale and Gale Johnson picked us up last night for a an evening of revelry and food at Harry's 240 restaurant on Rantoul Street in Beverly, Massachusetts .
Peeps who know me best, know that I don't recommend a place to eat right off the bat..... even if former POTY, Jeremy Johnson's, parents put an enthusiastic hype on it.
Dale and Gale are regular patrons though, and Dale even has the nickname, Sea Otter, from the waitstaff, which I never did get an adequate explanation about.  
We ate at the bar, and I wish that I drank martinis, because they really looked good, but the Sam Adams on draught worked out well enough.    Great mussels and nachos for aps, then I had the swordfish.  Prices were reasonable, so we'll be going back.  So far, so good.
But I don't want a lame nickname.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

POTW Week 3

Joanne reminded me this morning that it was time to pick the Nanepashemet Peep of the Week.
I know.... I don't need any prodding.   What she doesn't realize is that the POTW selection is not a conscious action... It happens organically from a source deeply ingrained in the Akaskic Records.   I don't select the Peeps.... I am just a Channel writing down the Devine Decision.
Or something like that....
Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for the 3rd week of 2011

Mike Rockett
Gino Cappelletti
Tom Brady
Linda O'Shea
Katelyn Nestor
Tommy McMahon

I really don't have any say at all.