Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Mayan Trash Talk

Nostradamus says that he could see out to the year 3797 AD.  That puts a lot of pressure on the Mayans, who are counting us out by the end of  2012.
I'm not buying the Mayan prophecy for the end of days, and after December of 2012, I was thinking of heading down to the Yucatan Peninsula for a little trash talk. 
Stuff like..."Hey Mayans... nice end of the world... Way to Predict... Nostradamus kicks your ass."  But then I'd cool it down by setting them up at the bar with a few Dos Equis and some Nachos.   Hopefully the Mayans down there have a sense of humor. 
I'm sure they're not happy about their dire prediction anyway.  A few good Mexican Cervages should soothe over any ruffled feathers.
The thing about lies is that they have to be rehearsed.  It's much easier being forthright and genuine, and takes much less effort. 

Snow Emergency

Those of you who know me best, know that I'm a tolerant person.... willing to live and let live..... with an appreciation of diversity and my fellow man.
Why is it then, that I feel such seething hatred for these irritating assholes on Channel 5 Eyewitness News this morning who are trying to make a major issue over a few freaking snowflakes???
When did a snowstorm emolt into highly charged news in New England?
We've had the Governor on the line, and some asshole from the Town of Marblehead called me at 9:00PM last night with a computerized message about the "Emergency Blizzard".
The "Emergency" is not the freaking snow... it's having to put up with these egotistical assholes who have nothing better to talk about.
I suppose this post sounds a little grouchy, and maybe it is, but I'm not in the mood for silly bullshit this morning.  We'll be firing up the new snowblower soon enough.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Snow Low Blow

Big snowstorm coming.
Bring it on.
Bought the Ariens 920014 Compact ST24LE (24") 205cc Two-Stage Snow Blower today.
Just look at this baby....

•  205cc OHV 900 Series Briggs & Stratton® engine
•  120 volt electric start with recoil back-up
•  2.9 quart fuel capacity
•  6 forward speeds / 2 reverse speeds
I had held off from the purchase of a snowblower throughout my adult life, but the configuration of the new Sundance House on the corner of West Shore Drive and Stramski Way, with two driveways and all of the paved parking area is a hell of a lot of shoveling.
Plus, I could always depend on TommyO to come across the street with his snowblower at Beverly Ave.  The least that Tommy could do is move across the street from us up at West Shore Drive.
But with all of the driveways and no TommyO, I broke down and grabbed the last snowblower left at the Danvers Home Depot.
It's no replacement for TommyO, but it will have to do.

TommyO said...

Not Bad,
Jay cranked this boy up this morning and took care of the 'hood here on Beverly Ave.
The legend grows.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Peep of the Week - Week 1 of 2011

2011 started off pretty good for us in business and the Sundance move is coming along nicely as well.  I don't hold out any hope that major irritation won't occur in 2011, but I'm thankful for the first week.

Peeps of the Week for the first week of 2011

Brian Stanton
Brendt D'Orio
Brian Butler
Dave Bruett
Chris Crawford
Jim Lundgren

A good start of the year.

Sunday, January 09, 2011


Our prayers go out to the victims of the Congressman Gabrielle Gifford shooting.
These senseless things are a random consequence of life in our society.   With substance abuse and mental instability, we unfortunately always have to be on guard.
Naturally, George Stephanopoulos of the ABC Spindoctors is placing the blame on politics, without a shred of evidence of what the actual motivation of the crime was.  My prediction is that the shameless leftys will have the Tea Party tried and convicted for this shooting before sundown.
Despicable behavior, after a despicable crime.

Managing the Move

The offers from you Peeps to help us move are pouring it.   Joanne and I are very touched.  Even Harvey Rowe offered to carry a box of books or two.
We'll probably set the date for Saturday, Feb. 5 at 10:00AM.
Although we are not limiting the amount of you who wish to participate, I am getting a bit nervous about my follow up bar bill at the Gerry.
After all, this was an attempt to save money on a moving bill, but now it looks like the Gerry afterward will cost me more.

Friday, January 07, 2011

Celebration Sip

On the way back from Dennis, I checked on a job proposal that was submitted prior to the Holidays with a Wireless Carrier that we have been trying to break into for a year or so.
Bingo.  Price is good, job is accepted, more bid requests to be sent out next week.
This is the end of the first week of 2011.  If we can reel in this customer for a couple of jobs a month, it will be a whole new outloook for Nanepashemet Telecom.
Good a reason as any to pour a celebratory Lagavulin this Friday Evening.

Thursday, January 06, 2011

A Moving Idea

With the addition of the 18 ft utility trailer to the physical assets of Nanepashemet Telecom, it now seems entirely feasible to make the move ourself from 32 Beverly Ave to the Sundance Building on West Shore Drive during the beginning of February.
I'm starting to think that if we got enough Peeps together, the job could get done in three or four hours.  After which the bar would be set up at the Gerry Club.
Let me know if you would be interested in participating in this noble cause.

TommyO said...
Count me in Brother...

Lisa P said...
Do you have to be a guy?? Because if not, I am in.
Harvey said he will help too if he finishes his workouts in time.....

Cape Cod Concrete

Heading down to Dennis, Mass. on Cape Cod early tomorrow morning to help on a labor shortage setting some fence posts for a cell site project that we have down there.
I know what you are thinking.... "Why is a Mountain of a Man like J humping his middle-aged ass pouring concrete posts in the middle of winter instead of doing important executive business management stuff."???
By sheer coincidence, I was thinking the same thing.
But it's not a topic to be dwelled upon.   It's not like I'm schlepping 80 lb. bags of concrete everyday.   Once in a while can't hurt as long as I keep my eyes on the big picture the rest of the time.   And as long as I don't throw out my back.

Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Utility Trailer

I lost the MegaMillions lottery.  Was only off by every number.  Which is surprizing because I was feeling lucky.   Must have been some kind of cosmic mistake.  I'll try again when the prize gets up there.
But, this morning, I found a great deal on a 2010 Dual Axle, 18' Carry On brand, 5200 lb payload, utility trailer from Airport Trailers in Leominster, MA.
After checking out Craigslist and Ebay, it seemed like we would have to pay $3,000 or more for a used double axle, but I found a great Internet clearance deal for $1995 if I paid in cash.   So I'm picking up the trailer tomorrow.
A heavy duty utility trailer gives us a lot of flexibility to get things done at a bargain price.  Plus, I'll have it to move stuff into the new house.

Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Lottery Plans

Megamillions lottery tonight is coming in at $355M with a cash option of $244M.
After taxes, you would be left with about $120M.
I don't care.  I only bought 2 tickets for a buck each so I won't be out too much if I lose.   The odds of winning are 176 million to one.
I know I shouldn't be too optimistic, but I'm feeling pretty lucky about this one.   And Lord knows... I could use the $120 Million.  Not that I would do anything particularly noble or altruistic with it.
Basically, I'd take $100 Million and invest it as conservatively as possible in equities designed to yield 2% per year.   This would generate a gross income of $2M per year.... so that I could pocket $1M after taxes year after year.   The remaining $20M would be the crazy money.
The first $10M would go to paying off debts and setting up family trusts.  The Last $10M is all mine baby.  After a long vacation and seeing a lot of the world that I've only read about, I'd use whatever is left to design and build my ocean side New England house and office/workshop, and resume being the Blogging Asshole that you've always known.... bitching about things and banging around with Nanepashemet Telecom.
Success or failure will not be that important anymore.... not that it ever was.