Outgoing POTY of 2010, Jeremy Johnson was a shoe in. I mean.... who else could have been chosen last year?
But this year the selection seems to be wide open.
Of course, I'm obviously open to input and nominations from the Peep Population at large.... not that I would give it any consideration whatsoever.
In the past, some of the POTY selections were pretty controversial..... with quite a bit of hate mail received after the Tommy McMahon and Laren Rathbone coronations. Michael "Murph" Murphy and Jeremy didn't cause as much of a ruckus, but there still were ruffled feathers galore.
I'd like this year to be a tad less emotional.... although, in keeping with the honored tradition... I really don't give a shit who gets the final nod.... or what the hell you think of it.
Whith all yer cogitatin' and real estate maneuverin', don't overlook the
season tide. Throw a yule log on the bonfire and gather your
neiborlike folks to join hands and drop them house keys in the fuzzy bag
- its Yankee Wife Swappin' Time! Ho ho ho! Hoooooooeeeee!