Friday, June 25, 2010

Needs, Trends, and Gaps

I was thinking of changing careers this morning... Maybe I'll hone my acrobatic skills and join the Cirque du Soleil.   They probably have a slot for an overweight, middle-aged white guy, because I never see one in their ads.
That's why I'm such a good businessman.... I have this inate ability to spot the needs, the trends, and the gaps.
But then again, I can't leave Nanepashemet Telecom.  The Apple IPhone is the killer technology that will tultimately drive the demand for the wireless antenna site infrastructure that we provide.  Just have to be on the right surfboard when this big wave hits.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Business Rhythms

So I started the day today by going to the Dentist.  Never a good start of the day.  I was anticipating taking care of some odds and ends and didn't hold a great deal of hope for business advancement.
We were awarded a job by one customer, got some great insight and indications of new business with another and closed out two construction jobs in Dedham and Jamestown, RI.
That' s why I always get irritated with people who claim to know so much about business.   Because you never can really predict what will happen on a day to day basis.  Sure... you can pick the trends, and try to influence decisions.  But the actions of business seem to follow a rhythm of their own.

Tuna Lips said...
Ise finds them highjenists often has large jugs which is prime fer spectatin' whilst in that funny blue chair with the plastic fer spillage, if ye knows what I thinks.

Now, like my pappy, I tends to loosen my drawers when so reclinified, not fer no particular reasonin' cept to ease the persure of my gut against my sciatica. Feller can't be blamed fer payin' to relax, exspechally when the stress of someone pokin' arounf yer mouth is upon ye.

I "ll say it again, I did not have genital contact with that big jugged tooth lady's pants or any part of her garmentery. I is not an animal!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Cyber Bad Mood

I've decided to cool it on Facebook.
You post something stupid that gets misinterpreted, or you say something sarcastic that just comes across as mean spirited, then people respond with a little trash talk that pisses you off, then you're sitting there in a bad mood.... for no freaking reason whatsoever!!!!
There is enough legitimate stuff in my life to get pissed off about.   Stupid shit in Facebook isn't one of them.
So I've decided to cool it on Facebook.   If you want to aggravate me bad enough, you can always leave a comment on this pathetic blog.  But then again, this Blog is about me pissing other people off.... it's not supposed to be the other way around.

Lauren Rathbone  said...
I am so mad at facebook right now..I got that spam virus and it sent my friends emails and postings suggesting a weight loss plan, or a free iphone, or some acai berry thing. And people have been emailing me or texting me all day asking if I think they are fat..WTF..

Jim L. said...
Don't let trash talk throw you off your game. That's how Larry got into other player's heads. It only worked when they let it.

Shake it off and have a good weekend.

More White House Beer

My friendly "Thought Police" on Good Morning Anerica are all aghast over the critical remarks made by our commander in Afghanistan, General Stanley McChrystal, about his impressions of President Obama.  Naturally, if you read the article in The Rolling Stone, it is no big deal, under normal circumstances.
But the cries for his resignation are bellowing from our elite liberal thinkers.  Imagine opining that Biden and Obama have some faults!!!
Regardless, the General has protocols that have been crossed, and he should be replaced
BO has the General on the carpet in the White House this morning.   Let's see if a beer can solve this one.

Lauren Rathbone  said...
I wanted to let you know, that I purchased the sam adams perfect pour glasses for Fathers Day, for both Jason and my DAD. I was a big hit, and worth the drive to JP to get them. Even though I got really lost trying to find the brewery with two angry kids..So thanks the blog inspired my fathers day this year. Hope you had a good one.

Maria Rowen said.....
Ah…the written word is Mc-Chrystal-clear and better than any open mic mischief with Senator BiteMe… But once again America looks bad and that’s not good… And we lose a four-star… because whether you like it or not…the boss however ‘dis-engaged’ is still the boss… So bring on the beer and while you all opine I shall owine…cheers!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Division 1 Endorsement

We found some time during a slow day at Nanepashemet Telecom to get to the Winchester Fishing Company in Gloucester and replenished the lobster trap supplies.  The came the call from Ben Martin to meet he and Scuba Steve Lewis down at the Three Cod to say goodbye to Benny before he made the drive to Texas A&M..
I was never a big college football fan, but now that the Nanepashemet Blog has an official endorsement for an NCAA Division One team.... namely the Aggies of Texas A&M, we'll be keeping close tabs.
Benny will be missed in these parts.

Tuna Lips said....
Reminds me of the time ole One Tit Tammy passed. Sure, she was about 98 oounds soaking wet, more close to 70 towards the ends, but that gal, bestruck by carsinoma given a 2 pack a day Winston habit, never lost her fire, to the very end. Would not consort with "outsiders", and, assma soaked lungs be damned, sheed a sucked the crome offa trailer hitch to the day they found her face down in a puddle nearby the pond we watered ole Sal, Pappy's mule, back when we was relocated to the swamp cuz o' Pappy's love of nature and the local folks asking him to get to the swamp. Good times.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Recommended Hits

Don't you ever get sick and tired of reading this pathetic Blog????
It's not such an  outrageous question...... even I look for a  little variety once in awhile.  I'll admit that I check in with some other blogs almost daily.   The authors are not as neurotic as I am, and sometimes they skip a few days between posts.... while I have averaged 1.39856 posts per day for the past four years here at good ole Nanepashemet.
The first Blog I usually check is Harvey's Thoughts, which features the stylings of Harvey Rowe, an accomplished attorney and claims adjuster who has a strong committment to Catholic values and practices what he preaches.  Harvey is an old partner of mine and a trusted friend, and I highly recommend that you Peeps check in with his "Thoughts" if you want a dose of centered and moral values.  Plus he is pretty sharp on his insights on pro sports.
The second Blog that I usually check is Northshore Waterman, whose author is Doug Maxfield from Essex.  Doug likes to make people think that he is the consummate Blue Collar fisherman from Cape Ann, when in reality he is a highly skilled English major touting from St. Michael's College in Vermont.  His wife, Sarah, is also a wicked smart Harvard grad.   That said, Doug gives great insight  into the life of a Cape Ann Fisherman, and he's pretty funny too.   Doug was best buds with my son, Ryan  at St. Mike's and I bought the WhaleEye from him.

I really don't give a flying flip what you do with your free time.   But  if you are going to spend it wasting away in Cyberspace,. you could do a lot worse than giving these insightful  Blogs a look every once in awhile.

Traps Set

Out of the ten traps that I had last year, I lost three and only three were ready to go into service today.   The other four need additional line and painted buoys.
Plus I have to head up to Gloucester to the Winchester Fishing Company on Washington Street which is the Lobster equipment supplier to replace the three lost traps with lines and buoys.
But three traps are out there... and I can't tell you where, but they're in a place that we pulled some nice lobsters last year.   The largest had me and Tommy O all psyched.  About five pounds of beautiful crustecean, but then it lifted its tail and it was covered in eggs.  A FEMALE!  
Since I abide by all laws and regulations, this beauty was set free.   Hopefully in a few years, I will be harvesting her offspring.

Pure Soccer Excitement

It's official.
Soccer is much more exciting than watching paint dry.   And I don't care what color paint it is.... or what the paint is drying on.
Doesn't matter if it is oil-based or latex.... Soccer is still more exciting.
If you don't believe me, paint a wall right next to your TV and turn on the World Cup.   You'll find yourself watching the TV way more than 50% of the time.

TommyO said...

Excellent observation.

Linda and I were yukking it up while reading your comparison. TommyO and Linda.

Sunday, June 20, 2010


Lots of people dropped by to celebrate Grandson Will's birthday today.  As usual, Joanne did most of the work, but I manned the grill.
And that's something.... right?
The secret of good grilling is that you need both high heat in the 500 degree range and low heat in the 300 degree range.  So you sear the meat for the first couple of minutes at high heat on both sides then patiently slow cook the meat at low heat until it's done to  rare, medium, or well done.
But the real secret is to pay attention.
You can't be knocking down beers and carrying on with the company if you expect to produce some good grillwork.  I use a timer and constantly turn the meat at five minute intervals.  Chicken takes three times as long as everything else and hotdogs and burgers go on dead last.
If you're trying to talk to me while I'm grilling, and I seem aloof and unattentive... that's because my mind is on the freaking grillwork.  I'm sure that whatever you are saying is totally interesting and relevant, but it can't be more important than screwing up the meat.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

POTW Week 24

Epoxy Resin is the preferred modern glue for boatbuilding.  But it is tough to apply, hard to finish, requires multiple coats of marine varnish to keep it from deteriorating due to UV rays, and if it is pierced, it peels and causes substantial sanding and refinishing.  I think that I am leaning toward a preference for paint these days.
But if the epoxy is done right, it looks the balls.

Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for the 24th Week of 2010

Sue Sue Raiche
Ray Allen
Ben Martin
Kobe Bryant
Carrie Paige
Linda O'Shea

I'll epoxy the seats in the Tender tomorrow morning after I drop three or four of the first lobster traps of the season.

Big Move for Benny

Big News Peeps!!!!
You remember Mega-Super Peep, Ben Martin, who is the offensive line coordinator of the Official NCAA Football Team of Nanepashemet, Merrimack College???
Ben just accepted a job as the Offensive Line Coach at Texas A&M in Houston.
Way to go Benny!!!!
This is a trip to the big time and Ben really deserves it.   Not only are the Aggies of national caliber in football, they also are at the apex of NCAA Division 1 Track and Field.
This is just another example of the power of the Nanepashemet Blog.  As soon as we designated Merrimack as an official endorsement, great things happened to Ben.
But now we probably will be leaving Merrimack and giving the endorsement to Texas A&M.  I have to think about the implications of this for awhile.

Great Grandkids

The Grandkids are coming over this weekend.  Their visits have become the highlight of our life.  I know that most of you think that I live for this pathetic Blog.... and I'll admit that the Blog has its place.... but since we are the proud grandparents of the best Grandkids in the World, that takes the priority.
We'll get them out to see their Dad at FreshAyer, and Kate and Mike will be dropping over to hang out with them.  Since Will has only just turned three and Ethan is 1 1/2, it is hard to see how that have gained centerstage in such a short time, but they have  great personalities and are really fun to be around.
Will is proficient in Latin and Greek, and Ethan likes to solve polynomial algebraic equations.  And they both love to chase tennis balls.
Just kidding.... except for the tennis balls.
I'd like to teach them how to build boats, and play the guitar, and a whole bunch of other stuff.   But in the end, they are on their own path, and will move to a destiny of contribution and fulfillment that meets the unique requirements of their time in this life.  I'm just happy that we are in the mix.

TommyO said...
Looks Great