Saturday, December 26, 2009

No Obligation

It's nice when the day after Christmas falls on a Saturday.  Because the Day after Christmas is a day for doing nothing.... or at least, not anything that you are normally obligated to do.  Kate went with us out to FreshAyer for our visit, then we had lunch at the Boston Yacht Club.   It was an interesting contrast.  Both were enjoyable in such different ways.

Tuna Lips said...

Sounds like yer going gay, Not that there is nutting wrong with that, Ise specatates.

Friday, December 25, 2009

POTW Week 52

It was a nice Christmas.
Just the right amount of joy and stress, with no apparent blowouts... yet.
Course we missed our guy in FreshAyer, and will visit tomorrow, but harmony and good will prevailed.
Now the attention will turn to the crucial New Year's Resolutions and the sacred task of choosing the Nanepashemet Peep of the Year.   There is always the chance that some of you could buy the title by bringing me a case of Lagavulin, but I can't let myself get carried away with hope.
But the year went by fast, didn't it?  That's why I don't get too depressed by the time left for FreshAyer.
Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for the 52th week of 2009.
Emily Ingardia
Tom Raich
Joe LeBlanc
Chevy Chase
Vicky Kennedy
Maria Rowen

Course, you are free to nominate Peeps for the Peep of the Year designation, but as usual, I will pay little or no attention to your suggestions.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Wishes

Before the Holiday gets hazy and confusing, I'd like to take this time to wish the Peeps glad tidings of great joy in this festive season.
I know that I've been hard on the Democrats this year, but they are people too, and I wish them well as they celebrate  politically correctly during this religiously inspired national holdiay.  May they never require health care as they age and deteriorate.
The lefty news media also deserves a "Happy Holidays" shout out.  May you never run out of crayons to color the incompetent actions of your favorite President.
Tiger Woods deserves some well wishes.  You've successfully debunked the myth that having random sex with Hot Babes is all fun and games.
To the worker at FreshAyer who lost his job in the unfortunate racial slur incident, I wish you "Felice Navidad y Prospero Ano Nuevo"....  may you cease to be a Loser Bigot  in your next job at Walmart or wherever..
For my various Lawyers to whom so much of my cash flowed so freely this year, I bid you "Comfort and Joy".   Each of you were worth every penny in your respective efforts.  I'm so grateful that the economic spigot stayed on the open position all year.
To our friends who lost loved ones this year, our prayers are with you during this time of family and memories.
I have to back off at this point, because this list could get long and tedious, and I don't want to lose my nice positive buzz that I woke up with this morning.
But sincerely.... I wish a happy, "Merry Christmas" to all of the Peeps who stood by us this year.  You know who you are, and we do too, and we will never foget how you helped and supported us.
As crazy as everything was, we have so many reasons to be thankful and happy that bitterness and betrayal have no place to take root.  So please accept our wish to you of  "Peace on Earth, Good Will toward Men".

Tuna Lips said...
My dysentary presence is required at the Christmas party hosted by Jasper Ricketts at the "Nuttin' Butt Horseplay" roadhouse. Weeze makes quite merry, what with all the spirits a flyin' and traditional yuletide lap dancin'. Havin' been down this road many a time, and before Ise bows down before the porcelain honda and upchuck the pigs in a blanket and baloney roll ups, I bows before the baby Jesus and give thanks and praise for creatin' me in his imagery and seatin' me on the side with the proper folk. I extends to all thems that deserve my extendin' it to them a seasoned greetin, and a pull of this here bottle of christmas magic. Shoo Fly isa comin' by with our dates. His old lady got furloughed and she has a runnin buddy likes to whoop it up. Ho ho ho!! Ize gone!
Maria Rowen said...
Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful.-- Norman Vincent Peale...I believe in the magic...and the cookies and milk will be set by the chimney with care...Peace and Thanks for the fun!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Preliminary Greeting.

Even though I have one more business meeting tomorrow morning, I think it's time to rachet it down and get ready for some serious Xmas celebration.  We'll be sending out our annual Christmas wishes in the next post or so.   But if I get too much cheer between now and then, Merry Christmas.


To those of you high-minded, self-righteous, lefty-leaning, Nanepashemet Peep Wannabees who think that I can't stand Katy Couric simply because she is a forward promoting female..... how do you explain the fact that I really like Meredith Vieira????
Yeah... I thought you would have trouble with that one.
I find Vieira to be as forthright, engaging and honest as Couric is deplorable, obnoxious, and phoney.
So your hapless attempt to thwart me is foiled again.
Better luck next time.

Senor Balzac said...

And she is much easier to look at then The Couric.

Tuna Lips said...

Yis fergot to menshun her fabulous buttocks. That is one prize virginny ham, I'd eat a mile o' dirt to have a bit outta that marble peach. Hooeeey!
Maria Rowen said...
To Il Senor and Senor takes a Mountain of a Man to admit that sometimes left is right...

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Nice Fix

I've been listening to all of the pork attached to this health bill. What a freaking free for all with our money.  All of these extra allocations for Nebraska and Florida and other shameless localities whose politicians are polluting this federal legislation.
The Health Care Bill seems so out of control. 
Even when they have the votes, the Democrats don't seem competent enough to pass the legislation.  Can you imagine how phucked up the actual implementation will be as the Democrats seek to have Government tend to our health needs???
This can't be happening.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Canine Christmas

Good News from FreshAyer.
Ryan is in the dog training program, in charge of a yellow labrador named Gigi.  Naturally, he's enthusiastic as hell about it. Now he can quit his night job at the water treatment plant.   Lucky Dog.
It's like a Christmas Miracle.

No Tidings of Comfort and Joy

Shouldn't the week before Christmas be a time to wind things down?  You would think so, but we have bids to file, leases to negotiate and permits to pull with no respect for the tidings of the season.
Course, I get paid for doing this stuff, so I shouldn't complain, but I wouldn't mind a little time this week so that I could partake of a wassail bowl or two.
Doesn't seem like I'll be able to fit in the merriment.

Tuna Lips said...

I seconds that emoticon, and point out that I has yet to wake in a pile of my own sick with a stocking hangin from my wahoo this here holiday seasonin'. That is downrite un-american. Damn commies, ruinin' my yuletide.

Maria Rowen said...
If you have not already heard...Wednesday is Bring-Your-Wassail-To-Work-Day...So file and lease...Hang a stocking on your mantle...and don't forget to put your chestnuts on an open fire...Oh the merriment!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

SnowBlow Season

Tommy O is out with his snow blower so I guess I'll have to get off the couch, put on my boots and dig out my shovel.
Or maybe not.
Tommy and I have an unspoken rule.   He snowblows my driveway in the winter, and I take him fishing in the summer.
For me to get out and start to shovel, might disturb this delicate balance.
So maybe I'll just stay on the couch.

Philanthropy and Blasphemy

Busy evening yesterday.
Early on, I had to support my old friend, Harvey Rowe, by attending the silent auction at the Boston Yacht Club for the benefit of My Brother's Table.   Consumed quite a few oysters on the half shell and bacon wrapped scallops to demonstrate my committment to the cause.
Then over to Tyler and Liz Gill's annual Christmas Party, where Sandy Greenlaw made a revolting suggestion.  Normally I find Sandy to be an intelligent and engaging conversationalist, but she really went over the line this time.
Mentioning the Blog, which is always a poignant and relevant topic, Sandy said that she supported my position on Al Gore, but felt that I should lessen my allegiance to Sarah Palin.
Have you FREAKING FLIPPED Sandy????
I never lost my cool, and other party goers had no idea how extremely agitated and pertubed I was as her comment was absorbed.   A Mountain of a Man like me can't freak out every time a Peep utters a blasphemous remark.
Just so you know, Sandy, Sarah is still sizzling hot, and I could never be swayed against her.

Sandy Greenlaw Said....
Okay ... I got up this morning and looked at all the global warming piled up in my driveway and sidewalk ... not a problem ... we agree. But, puh-LEEZ .... you really admire a pair of stiletto heels, a couple of winks, and a "you bethcha"? Boy, am I disappointed!!

Like I said Sandy.... Sarah is sizzling HOTTTTT!  (And I wasn't even thinking about the heels.  Thanks for bringing that up!)

Saturday, December 19, 2009

POTW Week 51

Snowstorm in Copenhagen... Snowstorm in Washington, DC.
We're waiting for a potential blizzard to hit us this evening.
What a bummer for the global warming delegates!  Al Gore just can't catch a break.
I don't deny that we have global climate changes....  the freaking Sahara used to be an ocean.  My bitch is with the Moonbats who say that glaciers are dissappearing on Mount Kilimanjaro because we a are bad people.  Then they make up false documentaries to support their political agenda.
It is so pretentious to think that we can impact the climate of the earth.  Where were the Moonbats 10,000 years ago when the glaciers were dragging boulders all over the place!!!!

Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for the 51st week of 2009

Paul Perocchi
John Walsh
Tyler Doyle
Robin Smith
Kerry Pierce
Kelsey O'Shea

I better get the tarp over the Tender before this snow moves into New England.

Peep of the Year, Lauren Rathbone said... 
I am trying to take in every last day of Peep of the Year 2009. Thank goodness I have been not be ousted in these last days. We will be in North Conway for the new year! If you and Joanne are up that way, send me an email. I will buy you a drink to celebrate what a honor peep of the year has been!

Pisc said...
got a 10 lb chicken roasted, with stuffing an taters baked in the drippinngs. Stuffed the bird with sausage and bread, onions and celery. Pint of Beam. Folks are fed, left overs a plenty, gas heat. Let er rip, Nor' Easter!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Mighty Mooseknuckles.

So I'm sitting on the couch watching the Jimmy Fallon Late Night Show, looking for a little peace and quiet before I take my meds and drift off to sleep, when Mike busts into the house with the news.
Mooseknuckles won in a squeaker....  14 to 2.  The hapless other hockey team was so bad that Mike didn't remember their name.   I heard that the team was so bad that even Dave Bruett scored.
Could be a big season for the Mooseknuckles as they plot their course through a hazy, beer soaked season, culminating in a April drinking tournament in Montreal.
I'll be keeping you Peeps appraised of the season highlights.

Maria Rowen said...
Tigers and moose(s) and tunas oh my...a veritable wild kingdon in the land of Nanepashmet...