Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Nice Fix

I've been listening to all of the pork attached to this health bill. What a freaking free for all with our money.  All of these extra allocations for Nebraska and Florida and other shameless localities whose politicians are polluting this federal legislation.
The Health Care Bill seems so out of control. 
Even when they have the votes, the Democrats don't seem competent enough to pass the legislation.  Can you imagine how phucked up the actual implementation will be as the Democrats seek to have Government tend to our health needs???
This can't be happening.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Canine Christmas

Good News from FreshAyer.
Ryan is in the dog training program, in charge of a yellow labrador named Gigi.  Naturally, he's enthusiastic as hell about it. Now he can quit his night job at the water treatment plant.   Lucky Dog.
It's like a Christmas Miracle.

No Tidings of Comfort and Joy

Shouldn't the week before Christmas be a time to wind things down?  You would think so, but we have bids to file, leases to negotiate and permits to pull with no respect for the tidings of the season.
Course, I get paid for doing this stuff, so I shouldn't complain, but I wouldn't mind a little time this week so that I could partake of a wassail bowl or two.
Doesn't seem like I'll be able to fit in the merriment.

Tuna Lips said...

I seconds that emoticon, and point out that I has yet to wake in a pile of my own sick with a stocking hangin from my wahoo this here holiday seasonin'. That is downrite un-american. Damn commies, ruinin' my yuletide.

Maria Rowen said...
If you have not already heard...Wednesday is Bring-Your-Wassail-To-Work-Day...So file and lease...Hang a stocking on your mantle...and don't forget to put your chestnuts on an open fire...Oh the merriment!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

SnowBlow Season

Tommy O is out with his snow blower so I guess I'll have to get off the couch, put on my boots and dig out my shovel.
Or maybe not.
Tommy and I have an unspoken rule.   He snowblows my driveway in the winter, and I take him fishing in the summer.
For me to get out and start to shovel, might disturb this delicate balance.
So maybe I'll just stay on the couch.

Philanthropy and Blasphemy

Busy evening yesterday.
Early on, I had to support my old friend, Harvey Rowe, by attending the silent auction at the Boston Yacht Club for the benefit of My Brother's Table.   Consumed quite a few oysters on the half shell and bacon wrapped scallops to demonstrate my committment to the cause.
Then over to Tyler and Liz Gill's annual Christmas Party, where Sandy Greenlaw made a revolting suggestion.  Normally I find Sandy to be an intelligent and engaging conversationalist, but she really went over the line this time.
Mentioning the Blog, which is always a poignant and relevant topic, Sandy said that she supported my position on Al Gore, but felt that I should lessen my allegiance to Sarah Palin.
Have you FREAKING FLIPPED Sandy????
I never lost my cool, and other party goers had no idea how extremely agitated and pertubed I was as her comment was absorbed.   A Mountain of a Man like me can't freak out every time a Peep utters a blasphemous remark.
Just so you know, Sandy, Sarah is still sizzling hot, and I could never be swayed against her.

Sandy Greenlaw Said....
Okay ... I got up this morning and looked at all the global warming piled up in my driveway and sidewalk ... not a problem ... we agree. But, puh-LEEZ .... you really admire a pair of stiletto heels, a couple of winks, and a "you bethcha"? Boy, am I disappointed!!

Like I said Sandy.... Sarah is sizzling HOTTTTT!  (And I wasn't even thinking about the heels.  Thanks for bringing that up!)

Saturday, December 19, 2009

POTW Week 51

Snowstorm in Copenhagen... Snowstorm in Washington, DC.
We're waiting for a potential blizzard to hit us this evening.
What a bummer for the global warming delegates!  Al Gore just can't catch a break.
I don't deny that we have global climate changes....  the freaking Sahara used to be an ocean.  My bitch is with the Moonbats who say that glaciers are dissappearing on Mount Kilimanjaro because we a are bad people.  Then they make up false documentaries to support their political agenda.
It is so pretentious to think that we can impact the climate of the earth.  Where were the Moonbats 10,000 years ago when the glaciers were dragging boulders all over the place!!!!

Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for the 51st week of 2009

Paul Perocchi
John Walsh
Tyler Doyle
Robin Smith
Kerry Pierce
Kelsey O'Shea

I better get the tarp over the Tender before this snow moves into New England.

Peep of the Year, Lauren Rathbone said... 
I am trying to take in every last day of Peep of the Year 2009. Thank goodness I have been not be ousted in these last days. We will be in North Conway for the new year! If you and Joanne are up that way, send me an email. I will buy you a drink to celebrate what a honor peep of the year has been!

Pisc said...
got a 10 lb chicken roasted, with stuffing an taters baked in the drippinngs. Stuffed the bird with sausage and bread, onions and celery. Pint of Beam. Folks are fed, left overs a plenty, gas heat. Let er rip, Nor' Easter!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Mighty Mooseknuckles.

So I'm sitting on the couch watching the Jimmy Fallon Late Night Show, looking for a little peace and quiet before I take my meds and drift off to sleep, when Mike busts into the house with the news.
Mooseknuckles won in a squeaker....  14 to 2.  The hapless other hockey team was so bad that Mike didn't remember their name.   I heard that the team was so bad that even Dave Bruett scored.
Could be a big season for the Mooseknuckles as they plot their course through a hazy, beer soaked season, culminating in a April drinking tournament in Montreal.
I'll be keeping you Peeps appraised of the season highlights.

Maria Rowen said...
Tigers and moose(s) and tunas oh my...a veritable wild kingdon in the land of Nanepashmet...

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Turning Away Business

A nice cold snap outside this morning.   I have to head down to Foxboro for a day long customer meeting so I won't have the ability to keep the Morso Woodstoves stoked up this morning.  Too bad, because today would be the day to burn a ton of scrap from the Nanepashemet Boatbuilding activities.
Speaking of boatbuilding, I had to turn down a dory order this week because of the amount of business in Nanepashemet Telecom. I recommended that the prospect check out Lowell Boatworks in Amesbury for a wooden dory.
Even though the boatbuilding work is infinitely more fulfilling and enjoyable, it is also fairly unprofitable unless you gear up industrial processes or charge an ungodly sum for the hand work.
So the boatbuilding orders will have to wait until the Telecom business makes me enough money to retire.  Which won't be too many years from now if the current business trends maintain.

Tuna Lips said...
Ise can sentimentize with yer predicamint. The sun don't often set on a day that ain't seen my charms beguilify the local wenchery. Thems hungerin and thirstin for ole TL knows no satiety. Just like they profeseed in the old testament. I am that golden calf. Its an allergy, you know, something that means somethin' else, for the women folk needin' to be pleasured. Yet they is only one TL. Those left ajar should turn to the good book and take solace in readin about them that is almighty. I can only annoints so many. The rest we turns away, unless they got a sheriff and a warrant.
Maria Rowen said...
I don't know a whole lot about boatbuilding ...but thinking about asking Santa for a little dinghy to do some fishing in 2010...'cause it just might be a good year for fiddlin' with some blue fins...

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Tis the Season.

After my highly successful sales lunch this afternoon, I cruised over to Costco to pick up some wholesale discount Christmas presents.
I always overspend there, but maybe it works out in the long run.  After all... I won't need another bottle of Listerine for the next six months.  And I still have that huge bottle of Tums antacids that I bought last year.  Plus I ran into SuperPeep. Brian Butler and showed him the special gift that I bought for Katelyn.
Tis the Season to be Jolly....

Monday, December 14, 2009

Tiger the Duck.

I don't want this blog to be "ALL Tiger, ALL the time".
But some of this stuff just screams to be said.
Like him asking us to be understanding with him as he tries to patch things up on his $22M yacht.   Sure, that will get a lot of understanding and pity.  He has to get out there, make a statement that he has a problem, and start swinging his golf clubs.
Spill your guts Tiger.  Your efforts to gain privacy are having the complete opposite effect.
Believe me, most people will forgive you for having sex with beautiful women.... as long as you pledge future fidelity to your wife and admit your mistakes and weaknesses.
Everybody has a bump in the road.  You have your money because you are the world's best golfer, not the world's best guy.  Right now, you're a sitting Duck.

James Morrison said...

Next comes the tale of performance enhancing drugs. Guy got pretty buff following the knee surgery. Mickelelson lost his boobs as well. Lump him in there.

Burn the whole sh*thaus down!

Stick a Fork in It.

Usually, the Telecom business gets really heated up at the end of the year, as carriers strive to meet their build plans, thus gaining executive bonuses.   This year seems different and I am definitely sensing a winding down. Which is fine with me.. 
Anytime this year ends will suit me well.
Even though business was good and next year is looking very promising, all the other stuff that hit us this year... people dying, careers lost, marriages ending.... makes me more than willing to put this year in the archives.
I'll bet that Tiger feels the same way.
Don't get me wrong.  A Mountain of a Man like me never lets anything get him down.   And I truly believe that all happens for the best in a cosmic sense.
But I'm still anxious to stick a fork in this year.

Maria Rowen said...
...and surely you'll buy your pint cup...and surely I'll buy mine...let's raise the cup and say goodbye to two thousand and nine...Slainte Mohr!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Pleasant Surprizes

Last night, before we went to the Blue Ox restaurant in downtown Lynn, we had cocktails at Maria Rowen's Swampscott apartment with Lisa and Harvey Rowe and Lou Panakio.

It was a nice gesture by the Tuna Lips Antagonist, Maria, but I didn't expect her to pull out all the stops.   Which she did when she had a bottle of Lagavulin Single Malt Scotch Whiskey ready and waiting on her kitchen counter.
That is pure class.
So was the dinner at the Blue Ox.   I was expecting a pub food menu and atmosphere, but it had the taste and the feel of a high end Boston location.  Hats off to owner, Charlie Gaeta and his partners.
Although I was a little disappointed that I didn't run into some old Lynn guys, we did see some Marblehead people that I hadn't seen in a long time, including Chris D'Orio, one of my all time favorites.
But the surprizes didn't stop last night.
When we returned from our Fresh Ayer trip this morning, Tommy O'Shea dropped by with a bottle of J&B and a bottle of Dewar's White Label that he had in the house.   Tommy isn't a scotch drinker, but he can hold his own with anyone if Coors Light is in the mix.  To be sure, these are blended scotches, and not Lagavulin, but it's the thought that counts.... not the Scotch.
Maybe I should buy him a six pack of Coors.

Tuna Lips said...
sound o things we oughts ta give you a merry honika greetin'.