Sunday, October 25, 2009

After Adirondack

Made a lot of progress with Kate's Adirondack Chair today.  It's all assembled, and I have to glue some screw plugs, sand, and begin the finish work.
I've deviated from the traditional Adirondack chair based upon the most complicated through mortise and tenon joinery that I've ever attempted, the meranti mahoghany that was used instead of pine or cedar, and a more daring, eclectic back pattern.
It's one of the better pieces that I've done, and depending upon the outcome of the varnish work, I may submit photos to Fine Woodworking to see if they will publish it.  This is the first piece that I have felt that confident with, although I was really happy with Will's Toychest that I built a year and a half ago.
Course, I'll share some photos with you Peeps before I let Fine Woodworking expose the work to the rest of the woodworking world.
Next up for projects is the Nanepashemet Sign that I was carving for our warehouse, and I've got to finish the fence in the backyard before the weather really turns.
Sometime after that, the Marblehead Gunning Dory will be back on the priority list.

Katelyn Nestor said...
I love it!

Sap for Senator

There was not much chance that I was going to vote for Democrat Steve Pagliuca for US Senate to fill the seat vacated by Ted Kennedy.
But now there is no chance in Hell.
Naturally, he calls himself a "Progressive".  Whatever.....
But what clinched my distaste for him was when he declares that he was against "Bush's War in Iraq" in his sappy campaign ads.

Steve - you tout yourself as a smart business man, but obviously you can't count too well.   Congress voted for the war.   Lots of people.  Even Leftys like Hillary Clinton.   The war is an AMERICAN war.  Supported and fought by AMERICANS.  It wasn't the Republican Army who sent the dictator Hussein to huddle in a dirt hole until he was captured and executed for his atrocities to human beings.   It was the AMERICAN armed forces.
I hate the way that Democrats treat us like idiots.
Looks like you have money to burn in your quest to bring your "Progressive" Values to the Senate, Steve.  But you can't buy my vote.


Mike Murphy and Dave Bruett took in some Fresh Ayer yesterday.   A nice gesture from some good friends.
After taking care of some obligations this morning, I'd like to take one more ride in the WhaleEye to see if I can find the traps that were missing around Marblehead Rock.  I'd hate to think that they were lifted like Billy Oliver said they would.  He said that the professional lobstermen would see the quality of my traps if they pulled them by "accident". and would take them.
But losing three of eight traps is probablyacceptable given the level of neglect that I showed in pulling them this season.  Fresh Ayer and Nanepashemet Telecom demands caused the lack of lobstering diligence, but a Mountain of a Man makes no excuses.
Ryan Marine will be hauling the WhaleEye out next week.  We'll get em next year.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Gay Progressive

First, the homosexual community walked off with the word "Gay", which used to denote happiness.  Remember the Flintstones jingle???

When you're,
With the Flintstones,
Have a Yabba Dabba Doo Time,
A Dabba Doo Time,
You'll have a GAY ole Time.

It's pretty clear that Fred and Barney were not Homos.... and I'll bet that Betty and Wilma were straight too.  So you have to conclude that you'll have a happy ole time with the Flintstones when you're with them.

Now, the Democrats have stolen the word "Progressive".  It used to mean "moving forward, making progress".  Now you have Moonbats calling their lefty notions "Progressive" all the time.  And they call themselves "Progressives".
So are all Homos "happy", and are all Democrats "forward moving"????  I'm sure that isn't 100% of the case.  Granted, I know some Homos who are happy alot, and Democrats aren't wrong all of the time.
But they have stolen the words "Gay" and "Progressive" from the English language.  Not sure if that should be legal.

Maria Rowen said...
All those progressive democrats have a gay ole time drinkin' koolaid...choo choo cherry, jolly olly orange, rootin-tootin rasberry (guessing TL's favorite) and goofy grape. The next thing they will want us to believe is Fred and Barney were step brothers. *_*
Jim Lundgren. said...
Jay, you have to admit Fred and Barney were pretty damn close over the years! Oh, shit! Did I just use profanity! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  
This isn't freaking Facebook.  You are free to talk dirty here, Jim.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Torture for Terrorists

So the Town Council of Amherst, MA  wants to give a warm welcome to Terrorists detained at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

The Associated Press reports.....
Amherst leaders are backing a resolution offering the Massachusetts college town as a possible resettlement home for two Guantanamo detainees if they are released from the military prison.
The board voted 2-1 yesterday to endorse a warrant article filed on behalf of the two men by the group Pioneer Valley No More Guantanamos. The resolution would require approval from town meeting. It also calls on Congress to lift a ban on relocating former Guantanamo prisoners — even those cleared of wrongdoing — from resettling in the U.S.
That solves the problem for me.
For a while now, I have been wondering what we could do to make those terrorists miserable for life.   Sticking them with the Amherst Moonbat Liberals  is a suitable torture.
Do you think the Town would see it in it's heart to open its doors for released pedophiles and rapists as well?  I can't keep dwelling on this or I'll find myself at the Salem Hospital Emergency Room with a serious bleeding heart.
Maybe Amherst could start up some aid programs for the American families that lost loved ones in the 9-11 attack.  I'm sure they see all sides of the equation.
Amherst, Massachusetts - Moonbat Heaven.

Battle of the Titans

I thought that an innocent post like "Seize the Day" would give the Peeps a little motivational push.
Instead, it appears to have stimulated a heated exchange between Tuna Lips and Maria Rowen,
In French no less!!!
I find it refreshing to see such keen intellects locking horns in a desperate struggle of wit and wisdom.

Maria Rowen said...
The gloves are off. As the French say in Italian...Può la vittoria dell'uomo migliore...Viva l'italia!
Tuna Lips said...
I likes me a frisky lass. You is an unreformed politics fool, Boomhower. Ye likes that, Miss Senorina Rowen?

Handle It

POTW Week 43

Another Friday.  For the most part, I've done a good job this week of clearing the Nanepashemet Telecom decks for action.   Got a nice indication that there will be a storm of activity from next week to Christmas.  Should take us to a great position by the 1st qtr. of next year.

Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for the 43rd Week of 2009

Jorge Quiroga
Oprah Winfrey
Dick Cheney
Steve Pagliuca
Bernie and Phyl's "Kids"
Maria Rowen

BTW.....Clearing the decks is a shitload of work in and of itself.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Traps and Hits

Pulled the traps today, lost three and the others had so much creepy organic growth that we had to cut the ropes and toss the gelatinous mass overboard.   The stuff was squirting water and was really squishy and gross.  Plus there was all these crustacean like things with long legs waving through the mass.  It really looked alien.
All the while, we harvested seven keeper lobsters so we will be having lobster rolls with Tommy O and Linda this evening.
BTW, hits on this blog went over the 60,000 mark today.  That's sixty thousand times that you Peeps have sought to access the Nanepashemet Blog in order to find meaning in your humdrum, everyday, pathetic existences. 
I just don't get it.

Maria Rowen said...

60,000 plus One... the existential journey...un-identifiable organic matter...that's who we times humdrum...maybe even pathetic...but never boring...let 'em eat lobster rolls!

Thanks for clearing things up Maria.  I'm starting to understand now.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Seize the Day!

Everything that you've done in your life has lead you to this time and place right here and now. A place of power... a time of action.
Carpe Diem!

Tuna Lips said...

I thinks here and now I need to cop me a squat. I thinks it was the fandango burrito with hellfire sauce and bottle of tekeller that led me to this place.

Maria Rowen said...

'Carpe'someone you love and enjoy the 'diem'!

Tuna Lips said...
Well senora, or senorina, I am in line with yer cogitatin. Tell ole TL yer hopes and dreams. Shhhh. Ise keeps it a secret . . . .
Lauren Rathbone, POTY, said...
FYI- Oprah Winfrey is interviewing Sarah Palin on a show airing nov 14....Thought you and your peeps may want to tune in. I certainly will be.

Maria Rowen said...
A signore...with the indulgence of this blog's author...I respond in kind...Questa buona singnorina voule l'amore di buon's that simple...and it's no secret...*_*

Tuna Lips said...

My o my, Missy Rowan, you even parlay the French. Can ye cook a fine fricasee ta boot?!


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Calling It Quits

Much as I hate to admit it, the boating season is drawing to a close, and I have to pull, clean, and store the lobster traps in the next few days while the weather holds.
Not the most productive fishing season due to the demands of Nanepashemet Telecom and Fresh Ayer.
We'll get them next year.
In the meantime, if I get the urge to wet a line, I can always launch the Tender in Marblehead Harbor to see if some Stripers or Blues are lingering inshore.

Monday, October 19, 2009

No More War

The War in Afganistan is Bullshit. Trying to bring democracy to people who prefer to live in the Middle Ages. 


No more American kids should die. We have already proven to Al Queda that we can kick their ass, so let's declare victory and leave.

There is no economic reason to continue to be there, no political reason, and no threat to America.   We  can't force these people to like us, or want to adopt our way of life.  I was happy to see our involvement in eliminating the maniac Saddam Hussein. And we have sent Bin Laden to live hidden in holes.   This was the noble and suitable thing to do for the time.  But we have made our point.  

We can't stop future Husseins or Bin Ladens from emerging.  But now they know what will happen to them if they take a run at us.   Let's get our troops back here and out of harm's way.


We can't solve the problems, so let's manage them with vigilance and readiness.   But let the Iraqi's and Afgan's have their camel paths back.


Kerry Russell D'Orio said....

My vote is that we adapt isolationism as our foreign policy. No one ever appreciates the sacrifices that this country makes on their behalf. Screw them all and let them pound down our door when everything goes to hell in a hand basket!