So President Obama is taking time out of his busy day today to have a beer with some Cambridge guys who had a run in. President BO calls it a "Teaching Moment".
Do you find this to be just a bit pretentious? A tad irritating maybe? A little condescending?
Let's face it. The Gates controversy points out that people who make a living out of extolling racist America are on the run. Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Skip Gates, and quite a few of the twisted ideolog professors that I remember at UMASS and BU are losing their subject matter.
Racism in America is on the wane. Somebody should point out to them the WE ELECTED A BLACK PRESIDENT. And the FACTS behind the Cambridge racial profiling incident clearly show that this was not an issue of race at all... from the 911 call down to the African American police sergeant who responded to the scene immediately after Crowley, the evidence is clear that race was NOT taken into account by anyone but Henry Louis Gates.
Now it comes out that the evil white Sergeant Crowley is a widely respected teacher of racial profiling to Massachusetts police cadets. Pesky fact.
President BO lectured to us that the "Cambridge Police acted stupidly." Did they also act stupidly by issuing you 17 tickets while you were a student in Cambridge, that you only paid when you decided to run for President? That's another one of those pesky facts that keep moving this from the trite rush to judgement that Obama embraced.
I guess the most annoying thing about this is that America has made great strides, and it is obvious that guys like Gates have an equity position in seeing that racism persists.
We should never forget our racist past... but we can't denigrate our achievements in escaping that past.