Sunday, July 12, 2009
Adirondack Chairs and Lobster
I also cleaned and organized the garage somewhat, and the workbench may be getting some life soon.
Tommy O and I rebaited all of the lobster traps and caught 16 shorties in the process, which we lawfully returned to the sea. By Wed of this week, when I get back from Swan's Island, ME, we will pull the traps with the hope of getting six keepers or so. Then on Sat. the same thing, which will insure a great clambake next weekend. Stay tuned.
If you think that there is a lot that I'm not telling you, you are dead on. But discretion is the greater part of valor.
When the time is right, I will tell you how we dealt with all the bullshit, but now is not the time. For way too long, we have been waiting for the pendulum to swing back. Soon, it will begin it's karmic drift, drastically challenging those who felt that they were secure in their self serving precarious perches.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Bonus Plan
Tommy O and I baited the lobster traps yesterday afternoon, and the boat is a mess. Plus there is some unprocessed bait that I have to take care of. High tide is around 3:00 PM. So I'm thinking of going out around noon, bringing the boat into Village Landing for a hose down, then heading out to Bluefish Alley behind Baker's Island for a troll or two.
That will get me back to the dock by 3:00 PM.... Time for a nap before we rev up the evening with Harvey and Lisa Rowe. We'll probably do a harbor tour with them.
So that leaves between now and 12:00 noon to start Kate's Adirondack Chair in the garage. I'll cut the patterns out of luan plywood and use these for final pattern routing of the chair parts.
Many a beer and Dark and Stormy was encountered. Statistics are hazy.
- J.
Friday, July 10, 2009
POTW Week 27

Wednesday, July 08, 2009
You Go Sarah

To the pathetic Peep who emailed me asking if my fondness for Sarah Palin has waned since she has resigned the Governorship of Alaska, I have this response.
What are you freaking Crazy????
She's still sizzling hot isn't she????
Plus I love the way that she brought that sanctimonious "funnyman", David Letterman to his knees.
Whatever her reasons for resigning were, this much is true. She was brilliant in her timing.
All those lefty media types who are so threatened by her were too busy fawning over the untimely death of Michael Jackson. Even though she could never slip under the radar, nobody had the chance to tee off on her like they would on a slow news week.
We haven't seen the last of Sarah Palin. And that is all right by me.
- Paul on the road to Damascus said...
Now its all about Barry, no more smug mocking - you wont have Palin to kick around anymore. The whole "economy we inherited" bit is starting to lose some resonance. Joe Plugs has been like a broken record with that.
And Medvedev and Barry seem really tight, but when the Russian version of Darth Vader appears (Putin) Barry decides its wise to lecture the real leader of Russia that his ideas are in the past. And that "stern" proclomation about the fledgling democracy in Georgia, that has the Georgians feeling real positive about the stand they took for popular governance at the beginning of this century. Wow, the moral authority, Russians historically respond well to that. Where have you gone, Dick Cheney? What do the Iranians think of the democracy (admittedly fledgling) that you established in Iraq, in light of their "democratically" elected officials murdering them in the streets. The Mullahs are to Achmadinijad as Putin is to Medvedev. Playing nice with the folks who can't make deals, why, that reminds me of the sales folk that would golf with the lowest level lackey in a customer's orgnaization, and claim progress. Its playing business.
For the moonbat reader, note that the G-8 countries told him to go shove his global warming talk - Gore can get a medal, but the Europeans, who invented racism and excess, ain't havin' it.
It will take time to have all this nonsense discredited, but it will happen. Thanks to Governor Palin for falling on the sword, and stepping away from a rigged game.
Your home mortgage is a good hedge against inflation. The dollars you pay down with will not be worth the dollars you borrowed in real terms - the banks get Josed.
Mostly about things like weight loss, acai berries, phoney college degrees, Rolex watches, and the ubiquitious "pills to make your pee-pee get bigger".
Just so you Spammers know, I don't need any of this shit.... especially the weeny peenie crap.
Tuesday, July 07, 2009
Not Lip Service
My friend, Harvey Rowe, is a doer not a talker.
Although he can still talk a good game.
But he doesn't just say that "My Brother's Table" soup kitchen in Lynn is a worthy cause.
He actively recruits his friends and family to lend a hand.
Not a bad looking dishwashing crew!
Tuna Lips said...
I eats at the shelter anytime I gets to not having no food around the hacienda. I reckon it would be Tuna Lips service, then, sho nuff! Hoo ha, reglar Bob Hope I is!
Harvey Rowe said...
Thanks John/jay but the heroes are the ones in the picture like Ryan who gave his all and helped get 200 or so people feed and made their day a little better.......
I didn't exactly refer to you as a "Hero", just as a freaking "Doer". I think you've read a little too much in.
Saturday, July 04, 2009
Happy 4th
We finally had a sunny dry day up here in the Boston Area. Went over to Will Crawford's house in Old Town, where his brother Chris was smoking five huge racks of ribs.
Many cool Peeps dropped by, including the very beautiful granddaughter of "My Friend Who Doesn't Want His Name Metioned in the Blog", Caroline Bruett.

Kevin Rockett gave us his insight of some of the intrigue at the Gerry Club, a

Pictures to follow.
Friday, July 03, 2009
Nanepashemet Job Opportunities
Be careful what you ask for.
Not every day is as good as this one.
Celebrating with Johnson
Plus, the Johnson's 4th of July Cookout is this evening and we want to harvest some lobsters, boil them, shuck them and bring the meat over for Lobster rolls. I suppose that we have to bring mayonaise, celery, and the imperative Nissan Hot Dog Rolls. A huge bonus is that Amanda and Jeremy have flown in from California and Minnesota... this is big time special.
So all in all, we will be pulling the traps and dispatching about twenty lobsters for this Dale and Gail Extravanganza. The Johnson's are the real deal. You find out who really counts during times like these.
Most of you really count too and have shown your friendship and support. Our family will never forget you.
Have a great 4th of July. You deserve it.
Tuna Lips said...
I am celebratory with my johnson every ding dong day. Why, you throw in a run away and a strung out street walker, its a regular marty graw. Me a my johnson is tight like that. No less than whitnee huston said learning to loves yerself is the greatest love. I likes that. Words to live by.
I guess this Post Title was a High Soft One for our friend Tuna Lips. He took the bait quick and hard.
Thursday, July 02, 2009
Dirt Under the Fingernails.
Is this a misuse of talent???
I don't care what you think.
A little sweat, dirt and grime doesn't hurt... as long as I don't have to do it everyday like those guys.
Wednesday, July 01, 2009
Karmic Justice
Just remember that people with axes to grind and negative motives tend to self destruct. Their transparency becomes obvious despite the rhetoric.
Don't worry. Justice ultimately prevails. The law of Karma dictates that.
- Tuna Lips said...
TL alway prevails in de end, too. I often tell that no good hoochie Miss Pudding such. Restrainin' order or no restrainin' order.
When was the first beer cracked/dark & stormy mixed? Peach of a day it was.