Friday, May 15, 2009

Uncle Sam's Advice

Einstein's :Lament

We Know

You know that we know what you know.
Do you know what I mean?
And doesn't it piss you off that you know that we know?
Don't worry. Even though we know, we won't act like we know.
But we won't act like we don't know either.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Lobster Permit

Got my Massachusetts non-commercial lobster permit tonight. Stay away from the blue-green-purply buoys. Those lobsters will be giving it up for the Peeps all summer.
I plan to use my lobsters judiciously. Won't be giving them away to customers to curry favors. That would be downright unethical. I'm sure that the customers don't like lobsters anyway.

POTW Week 19

Heading into Friday.
But not until I get an ungodly amount of paperwork done tonight to beat a deadline for my largest customer. Like I always said to my staff at General Dynamics..... the job isn't done until the database is updated.
Although I never appreciated what a pain in the ass that could be until now.

Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for the 19th Week of 2009

Brian Butler
Will Smith
Whitney Watts
Bill Shanahan
Glen Davis
Kelly Light

Come to think of it, a lot of the stuff that I used to preach when I was on the top of the heap have come back to bite me now that I am a humble contractor. It's hard being a responsible businessman.

Island in Rhode Island

Man, did this week get away from me!
Monday and Tuesday I crammed paperwork in because I knew that I would have a long day on the Coast Guard project in Block Island on Wed. So up at 4:00 Wed. morning, I headed to Seekonk to pick up some ground rods then deadheaded to the Block Island Ferry at Point Judith, RI.
Naturally, Murphy's Law was in effect on the Block Island site, and we didn't pour concrete until 3:30PM.
Nobody told me that you couldn't drive onto the 5:15PM ferry to Point Judith at 4:49PM. When the ticket lady said I was too late, I sort of didn't give a shit. I was too tired to bitch at her, and I felt that I was in the wrong anyway.
My only real issue was that I was dirty and sweaty and needed a change of clothes. (Note to Self... in the future.... always stash a spare pair of scivvies in your briefcase for occasions like this.)
So I found a hotel room on the Island at a good rate, bought a clean t-shirt at the hotel shop, showered, and had beers and dinner with the Watts boys who were staying overnight to finish tooling the slab pours. It was an enjoyable evening and I awoke at 4:30 AM to a rooster annoucing the pre-dawn. Couldn't sleep, so I got up at 5:00 to cruise around the Island in my F-150 at dawn.
Block Island is really stunning. People are friendly, and there are some spectacular waterside homes. I hear that the fishing is great and was encouraged to see a keeper Striped Bass chasing some baitfish at the Ferry Pier in Point Judith.
Hope those bass are swimming this way.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Real Wealth

Such a highly eventful, fun weekend, filled with fun Peeps.
Among the notables....
Jim and Kathy Peabody at the Boston Yacht Club, where we ran into "My Friend Who Doesn't Want His Name Mentioned in the Blog, along with his lovely wife Nancy....
All of the forementioned Peeps at the Butler Surprize Extravaganza for Stacey....
Steve Lewis, who along with Mike, is about to take the White Soul Food Catering Market by storm with his slow smoked ribs, pulled pork and macaroni and cheese....
Auntie Susan Raich, who came through big time for Katelyn this week....
My old friend Harvey Rowe, who was in the middle of a 13 mile run with his jogging buddy whose name I forgot but will remember.
Grandkids Ethan and Will, who are undoubtably the best grandkids in the world....
Emily Inguardia, possibly the nicest Peep east of the Pecos.....
Bam and Bampy, Ryan, Katelyn, and Michael.
It was the kind of weekend that money can't buy. A true definition of real wealth. It will be a hard weekend to match this summer.... but we will give it a try.... each and every time.

Party Review

It was a nice surprise birthday party hosted yesterday afternoon by SuperPeep Brian Butler for his SuperPeep Spouse, Stacey.
Lots of former POTW's there including Jill Phillips, POTY Lauren Rathbone with Ethan and Becket, Tina Rhodes and Emily Azgardia.
Jack Dog had a little bit of distress going on as he mingled among the guests, but that doesn't have to be mentioned.
I think the highlight of the party was when Brian made me a highly creditable Dark and Stormy.... and then one more.
Dark and Stormies are like Lay's Potato Chips. Nobody can have just one. Brian planned accordingly.
The lowpoint of the party was definitely when Brian asked if he could be Peep of the Week for this fine effort. A major faux pas. It's an unalterable rule that you can never ask for this honor/disgrace.

Friday, May 08, 2009

Active Weekend

It's the weekend already.
Mike and Kate are in from Boston, and Ryan and the Grandkids will be around tomorrow, so this place will be really active. Plus when they all show, lots of you Peeps tend to make an appearance over here.
Any chance of peace and quiet is out the window.
Who needs peace and quiet anyway??? You can have plenty of that when you're dead, and you're dead for a long time.

Thursday, May 07, 2009

POTW Week 18

Every once in a while, someone decides to muster up the courage to take a shot at me on this blog.
That's alright.
If you are an asshole, and you like me, then that would make me an asshole like you. Course, sometimes I do act like a bona-fide asshole. But I still don't want you to like me when I act like you .... you asshole.
Which makes this start to sound like a Zen Haiku.
Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for Week 18 of 2009.

Peter Caruso
Kevin Gallegher
Sean Booth
Jennifer Geraci
Ellen Forgione
Maria Shriver

So you are really an asshole if you think that everytime this Blog mentions an asshole, it refers to you. But you already know if you are an asshole. You asshole.

Tuna Lips said...
Yer anger keeps me warm, like watchin' pappy pistol whip a no good poacher, poachin' on his poachin' ground.

Manny Being Banny

Manny Ramirez is banned for 50 games this year... it will cost him over $7M... for using a banned substance.
I know it is wrong and cheating and everything.
That's easy for me to say.
I've got the God given ability to eke out a living, but I don't have a rare talent that allows me to make millions of dollars playing a game.
If Manny wasn't a professional baseball player, he would probably be driving a bus in the Bronx or something similar.
His options are the bus or baseball. The temptation to secure even a little advantage in advancing his million dollar career must be overwhelming.
I can't say for sure how I would act in the same circumstance.

Class and Manners

Hey Clubber....
Isn't it the case that the people who try so hard to maintain a prim and proper image ultimately have the least amount of class and very poor manners?
You have spent so much effort trying to control the behavior of others, that you completely lose sight of the fact that you are so damn self-centered and crass.
What an Asshole.
You're such an Asshole that you immediately assume I'm talking about you. You Asshole. I guess that's crass to call you that, but you're an Asshole anyway. Asshole.