Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Return to Normalcy

So Kristi Yamaguchi emerged victorious in Dancing With The Stars. I called that one episodes ago. I'm glad it's over though. Time to resume my manly role as a manly man, untainted by attention to a ballroom dancing diversion.

Tuna Lips said...

You call a jap winning anything on Americanish tv normalcy? What next, you gonna open up a 'gay care center' so all the chilluns can get learnt up on not being normal?

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Cause for Concern

There are a couple of points of concern that I have to bring to your attention today.
First... I did not throw a No-Hitter yesterday for the Red Sox against the Kansas City Royals. It was Jon Lester, not John Nestor. The fact is that I've never even pitched for the Red Sox. So stop all of the congratulatory emails and voicemails. You know how annoyed this makes me.
And Second.... I've just recently found out that Dale Johnson, aka "Buck", was noted as the best marksman in his Army battalion. Buck with a rifle. That is definitely cause for concern.

Coming Together

Day Two of a diverse and busy week at Nanepashemet Telecom. Several completely different projects are coming together at the same time - pretty weird.
Of course it all won't pan out as I imagine it. If it did, I'd be looking for loft space with a loading dock near a water put in for my ultimate Nanepashemet Boatbuilding business pretty soon.
That will happen sooner or later... but sooner is definitely preferable.
BTW, Will's Tool Chest is already finished... mentally in my head. I'm happy with the design. Now all I have to do is complete it with some solid craftsmanship. Since I'm not working with a printed plan, the mental part is the hard part.

Monday, May 19, 2008


Between the Celtics going to the Eastern Conference Finals, and the Finals of Dancing with the Stars, I'm afraid that I might go on overload this week. Too much excitement and pressure!

Sunday, May 18, 2008


The lid for Will's Toy Chest came out very well and the design of mahogany and oak accents was successful. I borrowed this design element from the breasthook of the Herreshoff Tender and the hardwood seat that I had to re-fabricate after Jim Peabody inadvertently karate chopped the original cedar one.
The mahogany has some stress cracks, but these will be sealed by the absorption of the first coat of epoxy.
I also sanded out the dovetails but was less than 100% satisfied because the fit was not as precise as I would have liked for a project of this importance. The gaps were filled with a glue and sanding dust putty that will cause the flaws to disappear, but I know that they are there and a juried woodworker will see them.
The vast majority of you Peeps won't have a clue, so I guess I shouldn't get pissed off with myself about it.
The project will be completed well before Will's birthday in mid-June, but I'm rushing it because I want to spray it with multiple coats of marine varnish while the Tender interior is also being varnished, and I'd like to launch the Tender as soon as possible.
Both projects will be completed with the varnishing at the same time.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Clean Up Your Act

My Mother use to say that "Cleanliness is next to Godliness." Not sure where she got that from.
But if cleanliness is next to Godliness, then my garage must be right next to Hell.
That is one filthy place.
I glued and clamped the dovetails on Will's Toy Chest today, but the bulk of the day was spent trying to clean and get order in the garage. It looks pretty good to me now, but to the untrained eye, it still must resemble a chaotic pigsty.
The day ended right though when Tommy and Linda O'Shea came over with some natural casing hot dogs that we grilled with chicken wings and kielbasa... chased down with some Dark and Stormies.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

POTW Week 20

We finally broke down and had our cat Roenick groomed. He was really gross with clumps of fur that contained who knows what. So he spent the afternoon at the Kitty Spa. You can tell that he feels pretty hot right now.

Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for the 20th Week of 2008
  • Sarah Crawford
  • Ted Bruschi
  • Steve Spillane
  • Stacey Butler
  • Charles Sheen
  • Nick Herz
I could use a decent grooming myself one of these days.

Tuna Lips said...

Comes to groomin', whatsoever you does, dont lets em shave your man parts. Why once, I was passing time with some some seemingly decent gents, and we took to tales of grooming and what passed for fashion at the time. This after several white wine spritzers. Next thing I knowed I was garbed in latex and gettin' my nuts shaved by a tattooed feller with a pierced foreskin named Reggie. Castro district has got nuttin'; to do with Fidel. Jeepers.

Cancellation and Obsession

Both of my morning meetings were cancelled today, and I was already out past route 128 when I got the first cancellation. So I used the time to go to Rockler Woodworking in Danvers and picked up the safety closers and piano hinge for Will's Toy chest. I also got a great deal on some Freud router bits, that I really didn't need.
It's true that I am dangerous in a tool store or on Amazon at night. I have no idea why I have bought some of the tools that I have. I suppose that irrational tool buying is a better vice than most obsessions but it's still bad.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Asian Catastrophes

What's with the massive loss of life from earthquakes and hurricanes in Asia? 100,000 dead from a typhoon in Burma... 20,000 dead from an earthquake in China.
Doomsday prophets might give this as evidence that we come closer to the "End of Days".
I think that's hogwash.
As the earth has become a global village via the Internet and other communication media, obscure provinces in China become next door neighbors. In 1916, a meteorite hit Siberia with the force of 1000 nuclear explosions. Nobody knew about it for 10 years. That could never happen today.
At any rate, thousands of people dying in natural catastrophes seems to be more of a 3rd world phenomenon. Katrina in New Orleans left 1800 dead.... a relatively low number compared to the carnage in Asia.
The only thing I can think of for the exponential Asian loss of life is a difference in building codes between the two cultures.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Project Progress

In between some great Nanepashemet Telecom calls today, I sanded the panels to Will's chest and cut the dovetail tails on the front and back panels. Tomorrow I will rout the pins and assemble the carcass.
I showed the panels to Joanne with the combination of oak and mahogany. She was impressed. That's good because she normally has no trouble telling me if something that I've done sucks.
I also received the Epiphanes Varnish from Jamestown Distributors. That gives me no excuse in finishing the Tender refit.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Project Status

I'd appreciate it if you'd slack off a little on all of the annoying emails asking me how the projects are coming. I'm happy to keep you informed, but the constant inquiries are starting to get on my nerves. Yesterday, I even snapped at Katelyn!
Yes, Will Nestor's Toychest is coming along fine. All of the side panels have been have been cut, biscuit joined and glued. The next step is to rough sand the panels, then cut the dovetails. The rough assembly of the carcase should be done by the weekend. Then I have to figure out what the lid and base assembly will look like. I've got a month to get this project done... so no problem.
The Herreshoff Columbia Yacht Tender seasonal fit out is also progressing nicely. Yesterday, I epoxied all of the seat seams and touched up any areas where the epoxy failed. I also epoxied some reinforcing fiberglass to some stress points in the bottom of the hull. Three quarts of Epiphanes Clear Gloss Marine Varnish is on order from Jamestown Distributors, and I will spray this on the interior when I have scraped and sanded the epoxy touchups. Then I'll turn over the hull, attach the brass bar to the keel, and spray a few coats of varnish on the outside hull. Can't see the launch happening before June, but it has to look good so I can impress all of my new friends at the Boston Yacht Club.
The Chamberlain Marblehead Gunning Dory is another story. I keep promising to join the frames to the bottom, and I have them all laid out, but I haven't progressed due to the urgency of the top two projects. When I get some receivables from Nanepashemet Telecom, I'll buy that 8 HP Honda 4 Stroke Outboard from Ryan Marine, and the project will gather some steam, because the engine will require some design modications in the Dory plan. I want the motor to tilt up into the hull and will need to check the mounting and make provisions for the gas tank. I realistically can't see any movement on this until mid-June, after Will's chest is complete.
So now you should be happy enough. You're completely updated on the status of the projects, so ease up on the emails.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Dr. Jim

Jim Bob Peabody came by yesterday and told me that my knee problem is probably a torn ligament. He must be right. After all, he is a trained respiratory therapist.
I was really hoping that it would work itself out. In fact, it starts to feel fine when I regularly bike on the Cybex. But running brings that pain back.
Surgery can't be an option if I'm to make it to the Marine Corps Marathon this October. I've got to figure this out.

Piscabo said...

Don't look at it as a problem. It can and is empowering if you let it. For instance, that pint of Cherry Garcia and that Kettle of Mac n' Cheese, those go unattended if you are out there training. The boat? Same thing. While your knee injury may shut one door, it opens so many others. Seize this opportunity. You can do it.