Thursday, March 13, 2008

Revisionist History

Man... What a freaking day!!!
I just found out from a good friend of mine how facts can be twisted and revised to meet the self interest of the pretenders.
Something that could have been great was too threatening to those whose best output is mediocrity and deception. They had to sabotage it, then lie about it.
Don't see how people can live that way.

Peeps of the Week -11

Everything I did today got screwed up. So why should this blog post be any different?
First our inventory delivery was wrong and equipment ordered was much bulkier than anticipated. Got an unexpected workout reorganizing the warehouse.
Then the antenna that was supposed to go to a church steeple in Sherborn was sitting in Marblehead, and I was in Burlington.
While I was slepping the equipment from Marblehead, a bunch of other antagonizing things happened in the meantime that I can't tell you about.
When I finally met the crew in Sherborn, I was really weirded out. I had been to the church before... to attend Art Hadley's funeral, my first boss at GTE. Of all the churches in all of New England to install a cell phone antenna!
The antennas were located stealth wise in the top of the steeple, and after taking ladders to two landings, the actual work was really cramped, but the crew had assembled the equipment and lugged it to the top installation point. It was a complicated and taxing install, but all that was required was for the site to be shut down remotely by the customer.
Then the customer called and told us that the site couldn't be turned off and that the job had to be done on another day. I told them that they would be charged anyway, but it was still ultra frustrating.
There was even more, but I just don't feel like talking about it. It was none of my fault and there is nothing I can do about it.
Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for the 11th week of 2008
  • Steve Lewis
  • Peter Howard
  • Magnus Oejert
  • Jill Philips
  • Joe Collins' Girlfriend, Michelle
  • Tom Kirchmeier
Maybe all of the screwups for the next couple of weeks have been concentrated into today. We'll see.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Tomorrow is Thursday, Peep of the Week Day.
Don't rush it.

McMahon said...


So what's the deal? Not even a brief mention of the woman who sat on her boyfriend's toilet for 2 years for no apparent reason?

You gotta get up to date on the hot topics in the news.


Tuna Lips said...

I had one of them squatter types back in the 70's when I was sellin' used cars in Waco that came with a bag of Shoo Fly's homegrown skunk bud. Sceppin' it warn't my crapper she was a settling on. Heh heh heh. Ooooh shucks, I was rollin' 7s back in the day. Gallo wine and the Spinners on the radio. It doesn't get any batter than that.

Carb Cancellation

Katelyn is right.
Exercise is not enough. You have to eat right.
I thought that if I worked out regularly, I could have all the pizza, pasta, and beer that I wanted. And I have been aggressively testing this supposition.
But even though I've logged over three hundred miles on the Cybex lately, (17 miles this evening), I haven't significantly lost weight.
There are still good effects happening.... I feel wicked better and my knee is completely pain free - I can walk with no problem whatsoever. Even though there is some corresponding weight loss, it is not the bulk that I have to shed to get into shape to start getting into running shape.
So the carbs will have to go.
That's how dedicated I am to achieving marathon glory in October.

Lacrosse in the Old Days

Lacrosse, the national sport of Canada was invented and played widely by the Native People of North America.
(Notice that I didn't call them Indians???? I just love being politcally correct.)
The game was ritualized, and it was believed that the outcome was pre-ordained by the Great Spirit. Tribes sometimes played lacrosse to settle disputes, rather than going to war.
This time of year always reminds me of the lacrosse games that I would go to throughout New England when my kids played for St. Michael's College in Burlington, VT.
I don't ever remember seeing a lacrosse game on a sunny day. Pelting rain and mud was the norm.

Truth or Consequences

Geraldine Farraro is another idiot.
She makes racist comments about Obama then thinks that she can vehemently deny on Good Morning America. Geraldine, your words speak for themselves. You said that if Obama was a white man or a woman, he wouldn't be in the political lead today.
You should have thought before you said what you really felt.
Would it be so bad if what you said was really true? That maybe the Democrats want an articulate and charismatic African American for a change? That a white candidate wouldn't fill this sociological and psychological need? That the things that Obama says might not be followed as closely if he was white because the country wants to heal the deep scars of a country whose founding fathers owned blacks as slaves?
That's not a bad thing, Geraldine.... We don't live in a historical vacuum. Best thing to do when the spinners attack you for telling the truth is to shut the F up. Everybody knows what you said is true, and the spinners will never get off it.
The Democrats have to choose whether they want to be honest or political. You can't have it both ways.
I'm sure that Ferraro isn't truly an idiot. Obviously I spoke before I thought.


Piscatelli said...
For those of us looking for substance and not bluster in our leaders, it is a bad thing that votes are determined by race, either way, over substance.

It goes right to valuing the content of one's character over the color of one's skin of which Dr. King so eloquently spoke.

Fist in the air.


Peeps..... just so you know, this is the same Piscatelli dude who was emailing all over cyberspace that we won't be successful in our Marine Corps Marathon challenge.

Obviously he runs to the defense of Ferraro because of the vowel at the end of her name!

The "Free Speech" policy in this country can be so annoying.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Paying the Price

Having sex is not a crime.
All over the news today is the story of the Governor of New York buying a high priced prostitute in Washington, D.C. There are all sorts of cries for his resignation.
At least he didn't use his office to diddle a twenty year old intern. He didn't use his power to get off on a freebie. He paid big money to a pro who seeks out this lifestyle. There are degrees of betrayal, degrees of stupidity.
But, being a stupid asshole is not a crime. And the moralists calling for dismissal are the latent perverts in denial.

Tuna Lips said...

Amen I say unto them there words. And throw in a hallelujah. And relations with animals make us one with the chain of creation. No sin there.

I am in a composin' frame of thinkin' and thus my silence is defeanin. But I could not stand idly by and not testify. Hookers gotta eat and be clothed too. "When I was hungerin' you gave me to eat, when I was thirstin you gave me ta draink, now enter into the home of my pahhh-ppy. Whatsover you does, to the least of my people, that you does unto me."

In case you were wonderin, thems is the words of a feller I knows, called JESUS. So lay off the Horny Governor of NY.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Punk Piscatelli

Wojcik called me today, wondering how the training was going. He said he begins in earnest today.
Then Piscatelli sent around this blasphemous email saying that it would never happen.
There is movement in the firmament.
If you ever want to motivate me, tell me I can't do something.
I'm not talking about things that are immoral, unethical or illegal.
I'm talking about things that other people can do in business or otherwise that seem to pose a challenge.
Like running a Marathon in freaking October!!!!
Go ahead, Piscatelli.... you Juris Doctoring, Chinese Speaking, South Boston legendary, Street Kid from Taft School, Northern Italian, Certified PMP......
Make My Day.

McMahon said....

Hey J.

These buddies of your do realize they are just battling it out for second place right?

No way I'm losing to anyone on that list.

You realize Tommy, that to come through on this smack, you're going to have to break three hours? Because that's where Towne will be.

I'll be cheering you on.

Before You Even Ask

Cardinals, Blue Jays, Black Eyed Juncos, Chickadees, Mourning Doves, Sparrows, and a few White Breasted Nuthatches.
Plus the Squirrel.
So now you don't have to ask your ultra-annoying question about which birds have been visiting the feeder lately.
Just let it rest for awhile.
And no... not one Tufted Titmouse. You Wise Asses!!!

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Gut Check

Robert Towne, the famous senior ultra-distance runner from the State of Washington, (and my former roommate at UMASS, where I had no trouble kicking his ass) has accepted the Marine Corps Marathon challenge.
This brings the list to....
  • J. Nestor
  • J. Colllins
  • B. Wojcik
  • T. McMahon
  • B. Brown
  • M. Nestor (big maybe)
  • R. Towne
Peeps.... This is so pathetic. Where is your sense of self worth??? Where is your self respect???? How can you be such wussies?
I would have expected the list to be in the hundreds by now. Katelyn Nestor says she is training for a 1/2 marathon. Unacceptable!!!
Courtney and Ryan are non-committal and the Crawford Brothers have not even risen.
Where's Steve Lewis, Benny Martin, Nathaniel Clarke, Kelley Clark ? Where's Dave Bruett, Lauren Rathbone, Mike Rockett, Doug Maxfield, Brian Butler, Lindsey Kepnes??? Absolutely no word from POTY, Michael "Murph" Murphy. The depressing list can go on and on.
Where are You???? Reading this blog entry and sitting on your sedentary ass.
You know who you aspiring Nanepashemet Peep Pretenders.
Fine.... Be like that. But when you see us walking around with cool Nanepashemet Peep Marathon T-shirts next fall, you'll have nobody to blame but yourselves.
Examine your conscience. There's still plenty of time to do the right thing.

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Moose Stats

10,000 moose collisions occur each year around the world, resulting in hundreds of human fatalities.
Makes you wonder, doesn't it?
I wonder what the Democrats will do about this.

Doug Maxfield said....
Make no mistake...if given the chance they would kill you and everyone you love. I'll look for the picture from my accident and send it too you. You would never think anyone could have survived.

That sounds scary Doug, but are you talking about the Moose or the Democrats???

Friday, March 07, 2008

The Tudors

Joanne and I have been watching the Showtime series "The Tudors" about Henry IIX and Anne Boleyn.
Very well done, with high regard to historical detail. I wasn't sure of the validity of the short hair on the actors but found out that the period actually persecuted long hair.
This series seems to capture the intense political intrigue of the period. When Henry was denied a divorce by the Catholic Church he founded the Episcopalian Church.
This was a guy who refused to lose.