Monday, December 24, 2007
Official Steroid Denial
Like Roger Clemens, I have never taken steroids or human growth hormone.
My excess bulk can be traced to pizza, beer, cheeseburgers, and an overly sedentary lifestyle.
I vigorously deny steroid use.
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Peep of the Year Buildup
But if you are going to continue to pepper me with emails, you should at least remember the rules.
No Dead People and No Animals....
So the Peep of the Year has to be a living person who has done something exceedingly stupid, annoying or inspirational this year. And the automatic Lagavulin rule is not in effect for the annual disgrace/honor. Although a case of Lagavulin would be hard to overlook.
Random Connections
Patriots are playing the Dolphins at 4:15 PM. There will be a gathering at the Gerry.
It's a full moon tonight.
Scott McBurney and his new wife Caroline dropped by to take Mike out for a drink.
I'm baking a couple of Pizzas while waiting for Katelyn to come home.
Are these all random happenings???? Or are they all linked together by the Big Bang and super string theoretical physics???
Whatever the deal is, it's officially time for peace on earth, good will toward men. So let's get on with it.
Mapping It Out
This is my modest domestic project plan for 2008. Click on it if you want to see it better,. I did this graphic in Visio then saved it to JPEG. Visio is a neat program for brainstorming.
I frankly think that Nanepashemet Telecom will screw this plan up big time, and the little free periods that I have will be devoted to mindless vegging and healing.
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Xmas Priorities
Road to Patriot Perfection
Sun 9/9/2007 | @ | Jets | 38-14 | W | |||||||
Sun 9/16/2007 | vs | Chargers | 38-14 | W | |||||||
Sun 9/23/2007 | vs | Bills | 38-7 | W | |||||||
Mon 10/1/2007 | @ | Bengals | 34-13 | W | |||||||
Sun 10/7/2007 | vs | Browns | 34-17 | W | |||||||
Sun 10/14/2007 | @ | Cowboys | 48-27 | W | |||||||
Sun 10/21/2007 | @ | Dolphins | 49-28 | W | |||||||
Sun 10/28/2007 | vs | Redskins | 52-7 | W | |||||||
Sun 11/4/2007 | @ | Colts | 24-20 | W | |||||||
Sun 11/11/2007 | vs | Bye | |||||||||
Sun 11/18/2007 | @ | Bills | 56-10 | W | |||||||
Sun 11/25/2007 | vs | Eagles | 31-28 | W | |||||||
Mon 12/3/2007 | @ | Ravens | 27-24 | W | |||||||
Sun 12/9/2007 | vs | Steelers | 34-13 | W | |||||||
Sun 12/16/2007 | vs | Jets | 20-10 | W | |||||||
Sun 12/23/2007 | vs | Dolphins | |||||||||
Sat 12/29/2007 | @ | Giants | |||||||||
Friday, December 21, 2007
Land of Oz
I'm not the Wizard of Oz...
I can't give you heart... I can't give you courage.... I can't give you a brain.
But at least I can piss you off.
That must count for something.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
POTW Week 51
"Time flies when you're having fun." The adage holds no weight here. It's no fun watching deadlines loom so much sooner. The problem with deadlines is that people get so wrapped around the axle trying to meet them that they basically don't give a crap what happens by the time that the deadline is passed.
If you make it, you hate the naysayers and ballbusters who tormented you along the way, and they don't give you any credit when you finally succeed because of the overall acrimonious nature of the process.
Are you depressed enough now???? It gets worse..... because now it's time to choose the Peeps of the Week.
Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for the 51st week of 2007.
- Gail Johnson
- Josh Dolben
- Dave Bruett
- The entire Membership Committee of the Boston Yacht Club
- Bill Hillegas
- John McCain
Now let's get back to the hand wringing.
Sorrowful Phrase
I'm sorry that I ever heard the phrase "Mea Culpa".
Mea Culpa, Mea Culpa, Mea Maximus Culpa.
Kiss my royal Irish Ass.
The origin of the expression is from a traditional prayer in the Mass of the Roman Catholic Church known as Confiteor (Latin for "I confess"), in which the individual recognizes his or her flaws before God. The "mea culpa," as the Confiteor has come to be known popularly, is not simply a confession of sins, but rather an admission of one's flawed nature and the willingness to make amends for it.
The text in Latin is:
Confiteor Deo omnipotenti,
beatæ Mariæ semper Virgini,
beato Michæli Archangelo,
beato Ioanni Baptistæ,
sanctis Apostolis Petro et Paulo,
omnibus Sanctis, et vobis, fratres (et tibi pater),
quia peccavi
nimis cogitatione, verbo et opere:
mea culpa,
mea culpa,
mea maxima culpa.
Ideo precor beatam Mariam
semper Virginem,
beatum Michælem Archangelum,
beatum Ioannem Baptistam,
sanctos Apostolos Petrum et Paulum,
omnes Sanctos, et vos, fratres (et te, pater),
orare pro me ad Dominum Deum nostrum.
This translates into English as:
I confess to Almighty God,
to blessed Mary ever Virgin,
to blessed Michael the Archangel,
to blessed John the Baptist,
to the holy Apostles Peter and Paul,
to all the Saints and to you, brothers (and to you Father),
that I have sinned exceedingly,
in thought, word and deed:
through my fault,
through my fault,
through my most grievous fault.
Therefore I beseech the blessed Mary,
ever Virgin,
blessed Michael the Archangel,
blessed John the Baptist,
the holy Apostles Peter and Paul,
all the Saints, and you, brothers (and you Father),
to pray to the Lord our God for me.
More like Dorothy if you ask me, you big girl.
4:18 PM
Hey Anon.
Your freaking Toto Turd.
You'll get Dorothy where the Sun don't shine.
5:04 PM
And vice a versa with the pissin off, it seems. Shoot, you'r hackles is up, and here I thunked that the Christmas spirit was powerful in you. In all things, the chicken come home to roost. But fear not, for born unto you tomorrow night is a savior, who is Christ the Lord. Made a couple nickels off that line on local access cable back in Galveston. Love this country.