Monday, May 21, 2007


Jim Cramer says that he is celebrating the recent stock market surge by switching from Johnny Walker Red to Lagavulin 16 year old, single malt scotch.
I'm impressed.

Mooring is Ready

Went down to the Harbor today to check on my mooring. We are in good shape for a WhaleEye launch this week.
BTW, A Blackbird visited the feeder yesterday. Just one. It had a black body and a purple head. Maybe it's a sign.
Right now there is a beautiful red cardinal out there. As pretty as a cardinal is, it's song .... a distinctive, high pitched "chew, chew, chew"... is just as neat.
I don't know how a Blackbird sounds.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Soprano's Wrap Up

Two more episodes left. I'm thinking that Tony gets whacked.
How else can the series end?
I predict that his Shrink knocks him off in self defense when he tries to murder her for knowing too much.

It's All Good

Keep thinking those good thoughts.
The Law of Attraction guarantees that your ass will get kicked if you don't.
It's going to be a great week, right?
We're gonna make some money, right?
We're gonna close some business, right?
We're gonna get along and appreciate each other, right?
Right on.

Some Assembly Required

I finally got a little work done on the trailer.
If I didn't have a metal grinder and heavy mallet, I would be out of luck. Also, far more mechanical skill is needed than I anticipated. I really didn't expect this to be a project in and of itself.... I naively thought I was buying a boat trailer by mail order and not cartons of steel and bolts.... but it is what it is.
There are four or five hours easy in this effort, which I had not planned for.

Good Song

Dropkick Murphy's

Finch Alert

So far on the feeder, the usual culprits.... lots of Sparrows, Chickadees, Mourning Doves, Cardinals and Blue Jays. Also some Tufted Tit Mouses (Tit Mice???).
Although I have seen a few House Finches, they have been rare visitors and the Goldfinches have not made any appearance at all.
Of Course, the pig squirrels are constant visitors... the guests who wouldn't leave.
Why the picture of the trailer? Because I wouldn't be sitting on this couch lamenting the lack of finches if it wasn't raining and I could be assembling the trailer. That should have been able to go unsaid.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Stapleless Plywood Clamps

For the new boat, I will use a stapleless clamping method of plywood clamps secured against the frames, with a wedge against the frame and a wedge against the strip. The strips will be persuaded into place by the use of a heat gun with the system.

Nice Dinner

So I have to admit that Three Cod Tavern was pretty good for dinner tonight.... except for the fact that the owner was blatantly hitting on my daughter, Katelyn, right in front of Joanne and I. It would have been funny if it wasn't my daughter.

Stepping Out

Kate dropped by and wants to go to dinner with us.
We're heading for the Three Cods in Marblehead, which was terrible when Tyler Gill and I had lunch there. But the two Nestor women want to go so I have no say.
I'm pretty sure that Katelyn is not picking up the check.

Boogie Down

If you haven't tried a Neti Pot, then you can't know the liberating feeling of having your sinuses completely rinsed and drained.
It's not fair for me to keep this secret to myself.
All of my Peeps should experience the thrill of mucus free breathing. Your nostrils will thank you for using a Neti Pot.

Pop Culture

What is the popular fascination with the personal lives of people like Joey Butafuco and Anna Nicole Smith? Why does the media focus on people who act on the outskirts of propriety? I suppose it is entertaining to fantasize on the possibility of acting with outrageous abandon, but it gets tiresome to see characters like this constantly on mainstream TV.
Why can't the focus be on renegade boatbuilders, or wireless telecom contractors, or basement tile layers? I suppose that will never happen, but that would be truly fascinating. I mean, I could get into that.