Thursday, December 28, 2006

Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week - 8

As I told you earlier, Jay Turner bought me a bottle of Lagavulin for Christmas. Bingo! He's in.
The rest of you didn't heed my suggestion, and must be evaluated by the remaining criteria.
So be it. Here Goes....
  • Jay Turner
  • Paul Lynch
  • Susan Raiche
  • Mitt Romney
  • Dan Brown
  • RobbyDoyle
Not bad for the last week of the year.
Now for the biggest challenge yet...... the Peep of the Year selection.
You're automatically in with a case of Lagavulin if somebody wants it bad enough.
The big day is Mon. Jan. 1, 2007. Even I can't wait for this one.

POTW -8 The Final Designations for 2006

By the end of the day, a few more of you may have achieved the ultimate.
Because today is Thursday.... and Thursday is Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week Day. The last one in 2006.
Don't put pressure on yourself. There is still life for those who are not chosen. A lesser life, yes, but all is not lost. There is still time to meet the automatic selection criteria. Just do what a few brilliant individuals have done - have a bottle of Lagavulin delivered prior to 6:00 PM EST.
Good luck

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Bird Bonanza

On the feeder, right now.... two chickadees and three tufted titmouses. Or would they be tufted titmice?

Book Proposal

I was invited to send the book proposal to an agent in NY based upon a query that I e-mailed. Nice. I was expecting total rejection bordering upon ridicule.
The proposal will take some preparation. I actually bought some books on Amazon detailing a successful book proposal. They should be delivered today.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Head Cold

I have a wicked head cold. I slept down on the living room couch last night because I didn't want to be hacking next to Joanne. You would think that she appreciated that!!! Nope.
All day long, she gives me dirty looks when I cough and sneeze. Let's be honest. I'm only sneezing, hacking and snotting to annoy Joanne. This head cold is a ruse to be extra irritating to her. Maybe I'll really piss her off and get pneumonia.

Christmas Presents

I hope you got some nice presents for Christmas. I did. You all know about the boat trailer that Joanne got for me. It came in FIVE BOXES!!!
... with some assemble required. Then she got me a paper towel holder for the kitchen counter. I was so sick of always looking for the paper towels. And the kids gave me some more really neat stuff.
Ryan and Courtney gave me a brass thermometer and a great book on the Herreshoff Yacht and Boat Builders of Bristol, R.I. I had actually lusted for this book down at the Marblehead Spirit of 76 Bookstore, but denied myself because of the price tag.
Mike gave the the National Audubon Society, state of the art, Sibley Guide to Birds.
Boats and Birds.... some serious reading enjoyment.
Katelyn bought me a sweater and a Dark and Stormy Gift Box, with Ginger Beer and Goslings Black Seal Bermuda Rum. You will recall that Dark and Stormies are the official Nanepashemet Drink of Summer. I wore the sweater during the Chistmas Eve parties and emerged stain free by the end of the evening. That's a great omen.
Jay Turner gave me a bottle of Lagavulin... you know what that means!!! He is an automatic for POTW. Brilliant move.
All in all, some thoughtful presents from an awesome family.

Sundance Chores

Met with Mel Blackmun to have the lead certification done. I have to replace the wrought iron railings at the front entrance.
I also talked to both Paul Lynch and Mike Rockett regarding the permit submittal. Hopefully to be done tomorrow with the parking spaces laid out. Kept Sparky in the loop.

Design Review

Joanne and I are meeting this morning with Eric Rumpf and Steve Livermore to crank out the final design details on the new Sundance building. I'm looking forward to meeting with them, but I'm afraid I'll gross them out from the sound of my headcold. It certainly grosses me out.

Flashing the Bird

I'm not entirely sure why, but my friends and family seem to take great pleasure in flipping the bone, flashing the bird, and/or giving me the finger.
Don't they know that at any time, I can lose my senses, go beserk and pummel them mercilously?
Apparently not.
Lucky for them that I am the poster boy for tolerance and self-control... that I'm able to see beyond the gutteral meaning of such base expressions....
.... that I'm cool and they suck.
I will continue to ignore their juvenile assertions, and seek the truth through the lens of my honest Canon Digital Camera.
Don't worry Peeps... it takes alot more than a lousy middle finger to make me forego my obligation to bring you your daily life's inspiration. I won't be deterred!

Katelyn's Christmas Collage

Kate seemed to have a good Christmas. There were no eardrum piercing screams or high pitched vulgarity.
Happy Holidays Katelyn!

Monday, December 25, 2006

Tighty Whities v. Boxer Shorts

I remember that my father wore boxers. But my brother and I never had a pair that I recall. We only had tighty whities.
My boys wear boxers exclusively, while I have carried on with my tighty whitey briefs. Joanne bought me three pairs of Tommy Hilfigers for Xmas.
It will be interesting to see which choice that the grandkids follow.
Maybe it's a generational thing.

Merry Christmas

Hope all of the Peeps had a fun holiday. I'd have to say that this year was particularly low key and pleasant. It was the first Christmas in 30 years that Ryan wasn't on point for Christmas morning. He and Courtney came over by 11:00 AM.

Then the usual crew showed. The roast beef was awesome and Joanne's new Rachel Ray Furi knives made short order of the slicing chore. It was Jay Turner's first Christmas in Marblehead. All in all, no incidents, nothing particularly annoying. A nice day except for a wicked head cold that took root in me.