So I've been working on the finish carpentry at the Nanepashemet House the last few weeks and have fallen into the nasty habit of listening to National Public Radio.
The last time I stooped to tuning into NPR was when I was doing cell site permit work in New Haven, and need some stimulus to keep me sharp during the 3 1/2 hour commutes. The obnoxious Libbie elites on NPR kept me aggravated enough to eliminate drowsiness during the long driving stretches.
Between trips to the chop saw and wielding the finish nailer, NPR has been filing the void on the current construction job with pretentious, condescending Liberal dialog.
Lots of Russia talk, Trump bashing, and climate change laments fill most of the radio commentator. comments. These people detest Donald Trump so badly.... it starts to get funny after a while. The NPR Libbies are really in agony.
And naturally, the current hurricane weather pattern is clearly caused by climate change.... which is the term that they use for global warming. Course, since the global warming data just isn't panning out, they changed the name.
But I finally heard them claim what I had anticipated for the last few days...... that the Mexican earthquake was caused by..... CLIMATE CHANGE. Who knew?
And the underlying sentiment about climate change is that if you don't buy into the glacial melting, polar bear dying, oceans rising propaganda, then you are a DENIER.... which somehow makes you the cause of this ticking time bomb called Earth. And since most Deniers are Conservatives, then now you have someone to blame for Hurricanes and Earthquakes. Republicans and Trump.
It's funny. You would think that listening to NPR all day would make some of my Conservative viewpoints edge a little bit more to the Liberal side. But by the time I power down the radio after eight to ten hours, I am so relieved that this country had the foresight to elect Donald Trump, and that these Moonbats continue to seethe in agony.