It was the first warm day of the year.
A great day for dump runs. The warm weather makes you take a walk around the property. With the fire on New Year's Day and the resulting renovation, there is a tremendous amount of trash all over the place, and we succeeded in getting a good bit of it to the
Marblehead Transfer Station this morning.
My plan was to make a serious dent in Mike's coffee table project, and to transition into the Workbench project. After the first dump run, I made it over to
Moynihan Lumber in Beverly to pick up some
meranti mahogany 2x4's to complete the workbench base.
As soon as I got back, Harvey Rowe showed up on his weekend run from the
Marblehead Y and I introduced him to Tommy
When I got back to the driveway, I remembered that I had to make a second dump run since I missed the trash pickup this week. Plus I was fresh out of Dark and Stormy supplies so I stocked up at Beacon Hill
After the dump run, I remembered that I hadn't touched base with "My Friend Who Doesn't Want His Name Mentioned in the Blog" lately.
I found said "Friend" and his talented authoress wife, Nancy, on their back deck and
FWDWHNMITB succeeded in breaking my will power with the first beer of the day, on or about 12 noon.
When I got back home, Joanne had a big priority for me to build a gate for the deck so that our Grandson, Will, could go out there without tumbling down the deck stairs. All the stock for the gate was readily available from the stuff that had been removed by the fire and basement renovation.
By the time that was done, Tyler Gill dropped by to see Ryan, and the call went out at about 4:00 PM to break out the Dark and
Stormies. Priorities and job plans went to hell shortly after that.
Mike, Kate, and
Superpeep Emily
Engardia showed up for dinner and the beer flowed like wine.
So I'll regroup, and see what I can salvage tomorrow.
Ise dry humps my coffee table when the spirit grabs me. Good fer you, dry fittin' indeed.