It's been a long time since I've given you Peeps a cooking lesson.
Yes, now that I've taught you about Dark and
Stormies, Buffalo Wings,
VO and Cider, and Fried Turkey, you would thing that I have exhausted the entire culinary topic.
But No. I've just made the perfect kettle of macaroni and cheese, and since I'm feeling a bit generous this evening, I've decided to share my expertise with you regarding this ultra important, staple of life, food of champions.
The first step is important. Get a two quart soup kettle. Fill it half way with cold water and put it on the stove to boil.
While the water is boiling, place about a cup and a half of whole milk into a saucepan, and turn the burner on medium heat. Go the
refridgerator or freezer for 1 1/ 2 cups of shredded cheddar cheese and place this into the milk. Stir this until the cheese is melted. The mixture will seem more milky then cheesy.
By now, water will have come to a rolling boil and take a lb. box of elbow macaroni, dump it into the kettle and set the timer for 7 minutes. I prefer
Barilla or Prince elbows.
Keep stirring both the macaroni and the milk and cheese with a wooden spoon. Take 1/4 cup of white flour and stir it into the cheese mixture. It's amazing how this thickens. Keep stirring and cut up one stick of butter and add it to the cheese. Salt and pepper the mixture while continuing to stir.
Do you notice the stirring theme???? This is macaroni and cheese!! It must be constantly attended to if you want to achieve the pinnacle of success.
By now the timer has rung.... immediately remove the macaroni from the stove and shut off the burner. Use pot holders, unless you are oblivious to pain. Bring the kettle to a
colander that you have placed in the sink before this whole affair began.
Dump the macaroni to drain in the
colander and then refill the kettle with the drained macaroni.
Take the cheese mixture and mix it into the kettle. Move the kettle onto the burner that the cheese came off of and keep it low. Mix
thoroughly with the wooden spoon. Hit it again with some salt and pepper.
Put a lid on the kettle.
Enjoy your comfort food to excess.
I reckon your mountainship is a fig newton of your imagining. I horse whip the fairer sex if necesscitsatifying to get me a path cleared fer mobilied. Check yerself. And have a Merry fesivizing with your homo friends in Massawhatever, I means that from the bottom of me hart.