Friday, May 01, 2009

Peep of the Week - 17

So the PC Police have changed the name of the Swine Flu - ostensibly to save the lives of innocent pigs who were being slaughtered in third world countries.
No word lately from Mexico. Now that a few Americans, who went South of the Border, have the sniffles, there is no attention at all given to that hot bed of influenza. If the flu was so catchy, they should be running out of body bags in Baja California. But no word.
I personally think that the pandemic is a bust. And Joe Biden, telling people not to ride the subways, is quite the leader to be a spokesman for this crisis. Is he an idiot, or is it just me????
That was a high soft one, by the way.....
Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for the 17th Week of 2009

Jenny McCarthy
Jill Phillips
Emily Angardia
Paul Pierce
Eric Johnson
Jay Severin

So stock up on the Purell and don't be spreading your Swine viruses my way.

1 comment:

Emily said...

JAY!!!! SERIOUSLY! My name is Emily INGARDIA! Last week it was Engardia, this week Angardia. Get it right, already! P.S. I really want you and Joanne to come to Boston soon to my place for dinner, now that Mikey lives in my hallway!