Friday, December 16, 2011

Waiting to Kick Back

Sorry for the gap in posts.  I was back and forth to Connecticut for the past three days and the drive time is tedious.
It's not like a bunch of blogable stuff didn't happen.... like finding out where about ten thousand crows roost at twilight in Hartford (on the trees surrounding the cell site that we were working on.   It was like an Alfred Hitchcock movie.)
And we've been combining cell site construction with zoning meeting work in the evening, which has contributed to the hours being freaking crazy.  Although I like to write and don't feel too much effort in doing it (which probably shows in the content), it is still hard to summon up the strength when you are dead tired.
One more trip to New Haven County next week, and I'll kick back for the Christmas Holiday.  But only after a bunch of customer care holiday events.   MOAM... don't fail me now.

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