Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Wish

It's Christmas Eve.
A time of many happy memories of family and friends.  To me, the classic Christmas movie is the 1989 "National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation" because so many of us can identify in our own way with the emotions and frustrations that Chevy Chase portrays.
Looking back at the stages of my life, it's readily apparent that we have had bountiful blessings.  Some have been bestowed by our own hard work, and some seem to come from the benevolence of a guiding spirit.  Some of our blessings have material manifestations, but the real blessings are the love and friendship that come from family, friends, and even you pathetic Nanepashemet Peeps.
I feel blessed to have run into you during this brief wander on planet Earth.
My wish to you on this Christmas Eve is that you take strong notice of the bounteous blessings that rain upon you each and every day amid our daily trials.
Merry Christmas Peeps.

Maria Rowen said...

And for the most fortunate, it is the bountiful blessing of brandy in the breakfast egg nog... I too feel blessed to have wandered into your planet this morning... Thanks for another year...

1 comment:

Maria Rowen said...

And for the most fortunate, it is the bountiful blessing of brandy in the breakfast egg nog... I too feel blessed to have wandered into your planet this morning... Thanks for another year...