Monday, October 10, 2011

Campaign help for Senator Brown

Speaking of silly, Nancy Pelosi, the outspoken and undiscerning former Speaker of the House, sounded off on the Senator Scott Brown comment about not wanting to see his opponent with her clothes off.
Nancy says that the comment proves that Scott is "clueless".
The thing that amazes me here is how such an idiot as Nancy Pelosi could rise through the ranks of the House of Representatives.  How could anybody hope to give this ridiculous exchange between Scott and his Democratic opponent any credibility?    Apparently Pelosi hopes to.
Nancy... Am I to believe that you wish the Senator had stated that he wanted to see his Democratic opponent naked?   It's so hard to figure out what people really mean when the silliness starts, isn't it?
I have to believe that Pelosi's criticism can only aid Scott's campaign.  Stick around Nancy.  We need to cushion Scott's polls.

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