Thursday, October 08, 2009


I was uncontrollable with my snoring. Really, really bad. I mean really.
So,  I bought this mouthpiece called "SnoreMeds" from Amazon and that has helped quite a bit.
It was getting extremely aggravating with my wife, Joanne, when she kicks me and wakes me up when I'm snoring, because you have absolutely no control......  plus you can't even hear it. The only reason that I know that I'm bad is that my throat is dry and sore when I wake up.
Plus once when I was on a plane, I woke up and everybody was giving me dirty looks. I asked the guy next to me if I was snoring or anything, and he looked at me incredulously and said "You've got to be kidding."
He was an Asshole anyway.

Maria Rowen said...
I take this post very seriously... but I just wonder if a tuna with lips snores...*_*
Tuna Lips said...
Why, I would blush if I was not red in the face already from chickery coffee and White Lightnin'. Missy Rowen, you fancy a dance with old TL, does ye, to test yer hypothesizin about my nocturnal vociferocity? Great Ceasar's ghost, theys kaint resist me!


Maria Rowen said...

I take this post very seriously... but I just wonder if a tuna with lips snores...*_*

Tuna Lips said...

Why, I would blush if I was not red in the face already from chickery coffee and White Lightnin'. Missy Rowen, you fancy a dance with old TL, does ye, to test yer hypothesizin about my nocturnal vociferocity? Great Ceasar's ghost, theys kaint resist me!