Monday, September 21, 2009

Traumatic By-Product

The weird by-product of times like these is that you find out who really matters to you and your family.  Your friends come to the surface and the pretenders fall by the wayside.  Very valuable insight.   Too bad something traumatic has to happen for this revelation to surface.
I think that true wealth is defined by the quality of your friends and relationships.... and we are so fortunate to be extremely wealthy.
This will pass.  We will all emerge from the backside a little older, a bit better and a lot wiser.
It's easy to take a hit with friends like you.

Tuna Lips said...

I take this time to recall my pappy's wisdom, said it come from the ancients: thems that don't run you into the bog and smash yer still make yea stronger. In fittin' with yer thinkin' on by-products.

Voices in me noggin', gots to run . . .


Maria Rowen said...

...and in between some good days and some not-so-good days...we live...we laugh...we hope...

Tuna Lips said...

I take this time to recall my pappy's wisdom, said it come from the ancients: thems that don't run you into the bog and smash yer still make yea stronger. In fittin' with yer thinkin' on by-products.

Voices in me noggin', gots to run . . .