Monday, August 10, 2009

Impatient with Karma

I'm sorry, but if you want to piss me off, then just do these three things.
1. Think only of yourself and your narcissistic existence.
2. Take absolutely no responsibility for anything.
3. When questioned or seeking to make a point, simply lie or make up the facts.
That behavior is guaranteed to give me fantasies of smashing heads like pumpkins.
Granted... I know that the law of karma says that I need do nothing to see torture come back to you sooner or later. But I still fantasize about helping it along.

Tuna Lips said...

Now hold on there, mister, that sorta principalled livin' dun raised a generashun of us folks and placed us among the giants in the hoboin' and 'shine runnin industrial complex.

1 comment:

Tuna Lips said...

Now hold on there, mister, that sorta principalled livin' dun raised a generashun of us folks and placed us among the giants in the hoboin' and 'shine runnin industrial complex.