Friday, July 03, 2009

Celebrating with Johnson

It's technically a work day at Nanepashemet Telecom. So we'll have our conference call, do some accounting, make a bank deposit, and tend to a few details. No big road trips today. Time to rachet this business machine back and shift into idle.
Plus, the Johnson's 4th of July Cookout is this evening and we want to harvest some lobsters, boil them, shuck them and bring the meat over for Lobster rolls. I suppose that we have to bring mayonaise, celery, and the imperative Nissan Hot Dog Rolls. A huge bonus is that Amanda and Jeremy have flown in from California and Minnesota... this is big time special.
So all in all, we will be pulling the traps and dispatching about twenty lobsters for this Dale and Gail Extravanganza. The Johnson's are the real deal. You find out who really counts during times like these.
Most of you really count too and have shown your friendship and support. Our family will never forget you.
Have a great 4th of July. You deserve it.

Tuna Lips said...
I am celebratory with my johnson every ding dong day. Why, you throw in a run away and a strung out street walker, its a regular marty graw. Me a my johnson is tight like that. No less than whitnee huston said learning to loves yerself is the greatest love. I likes that. Words to live by.

I guess this Post Title was a High Soft One for our friend Tuna Lips. He took the bait quick and hard.

1 comment:

Tuna Lips said...

I am celebratory with my johnson every ding dong day. Why, you throw in a run away and a strung out street walker, its a regular marty graw. Me a my johnson is tight like that. No less than whitnee huston said learning to loves yerself is the greatest love. I likes that. Words to live by.