Sunday, May 17, 2009

Health Benefits

There is nothing like a power nap in the late afternoon. About 30 minutes of sleep can completely revitalize you to plow through the rest of stuff that you have on your agenda that day.
But a lot of times, a nap is not appropriate.
First... it is socially unacceptable in a corporate work place. Anybody caught dozing, like President Reagan years ago, is thought to be incompetent for some reason. Of course this is complete Bullshit, but I'm not going to get revved up about this.
Second..... there is really no place that you can safely grab a power nap during the business day.
Third.... since I'm on the road alot, a nap can be downright dangerous.
Fourth.... there's only three things I can think of right now.
So when I get really drowsy, especially driving hundreds of miles, I usually bang down a can of Red Bull energy drink.
Katelyn and Ryan are all over my case about this. They say that Red Bull is bad for you. But my extensive research during 10 minutes of Internet browsing reveals that there is no obvious health risk. And it really perks me up.
I figure the health risk of falling asleep during a 65 mph drive is a lot worse than ingesting a can of Red Bull from time to time.

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