Saturday, February 14, 2009

Bullshit Barristers

On my way to the Marblehead Transfer Station (aka Town Dump) this morning with Ryan, he made a comment about what assholes the "Barristers" at Starbucks are.
Man... did he hit the nail on the head!
On average, the Starbucks people who sell you coffee are rude and smug. Not sure why.
Is it because they resent you because of the station in life that they presently find themselves? They really don't seem to do much. For the Bold Medium that I buy, they just fill up the cup. I have to put the Splenda and Half and Half in by myself.

BTW, I simply refuse to call the size Vente, or Tall. That's just plain stupid.
Maybe being forced to call a "medium" a "Vente" all day long brings out the asshole in you. I guess I have to give them the benefit of the doubt.
The bottom line is that I like Starbucks coffee. I know that some people call it "Tarbucks", I still prefer it over Dunkin Donuts. But the people at Dunkin Donuts are way better that the Starbucks asshole barristers.
Now... is everybody who works there an Asshole??? Of course not!..... just the majority.

Tuna Lips said...

Sounds ta me like homo anxiety. Folks dont much give a rat's arse fer where ye gits yer joe.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds ta me like homo anxiety. Folks dont much give a rat's arse fer where ye gits yer joe.