Monday, January 07, 2008

A Crying Shame

Are you paying attention to the Presidential Primary in New Hampshire? Hillary lost control of her emotions and started crying twice yesterday. There was a part of me that really felt bad for her. I know that when I am dog tired, I feel like crying.
But that's me, and I'm not running for President, for the crying reason, as well as many others.
I don't want my President to cry, so I probably won't be voting for Hillary. It's not a political thing. Anybody running who cries automatically lost my vote. I need my leaders to be tougher than I am.

Dear Fearless Leader (that would be Dr. Nestor, not H.C.),

The paraphrased question posed to Senator Clinton, at an approximate 18 female round table in a diner, was,

"We are all women and we know how hard it is to leave the home every AM looking our best, yet you do it tirelessly day after day. How can you manage?"

Rather than tell the truth, which is the Senator travels with a hairdresser, make-up artist, and female valet, she responds, and again I paraphrase,

"People think running for President is a game blah blah blah blah but it is the future of America blah blah blah blah catch in the voice blah blah blah."

The End.

Nancy Bruett

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Fearless Leader (that would be Dr. Nestor, not H.C.),

The paraphrased question posed to Senator Clinton, at an approximate 18 female round table in a diner, was,

"We are all women and we know how hard it is to leave the home every AM looking our best, yet you do it tirelessly day after day. How can you manage?"

Rather than tell the truth, which is the Senator travels with a hairdresser, make-up artist, and female valet, she responds, and again I paraphrase,

"People think running for President is a game blah blah blah blah but it is the future of America blah blah blah blah catch in the voice blah blah blah."

The End.

Nancy Bruett