Friday, November 16, 2007

Government on Steroids

The possibility of Barry Bonds going to jail for lying about steroid use is ludicrous. The prisons couldn't hold all of the athletes, trainers and team officials who are guilty of this.
Using steroids is stupid, but is it cheating? Does lifting weights give an athlete an unfair advantage? How about jogging? How about cortisone shots?
I don't condone the use of steroids because it is stupid, not because it is cheating. If Bonds wants to tear apart his future body for a short term career satisfaction, that is his stupid choice.

BTW, looking at Bonds' photos at the beginning of his career and then now is completely bogus. I'm 100 lbs heavier too, and never stuck the juice into my ass cheek. You get old, you get heavier for most of us. Live with it.
Bonds apparently is a man of low character. That is why he allegedly lied about taking steroids. But to set him up for indictment is a waste of government resources.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm gonna have to disagree with you J. Bonds thinks they are coming after him because he is a big name athlete. But at the same time he feels like he should get special treatment because he is a big name athlete and be able to purchase and use illegal substances and on top of that lie to a grand jury. If it was your average Jo Schmo heroin dealer/abuser doing the same thing I bet you would think differently.

(and yes I used the word dealer up there in a comparison to Bonds because he passed on the information on where to get it to other athletes. ie Gary Sheffield. Might as well have been dealing it himself.)

Giambi didn't lie about it in front of the grand jury because contray to popular belief he isn't as big of a moron as bonds. So he takes his punishment with no jail time.

Lock Bonds up for 30 so he can't spend the 10s of millions of dollars he got because he put up such big numbers from cheating.