Thursday, September 13, 2007

POTW Week 37


There is a theory that time passes quicker, the older you get. Not sure how this would be validated, but it sure seems on the mark.

Lots of great stuff happened this week. Weddings, Births, Purchase Orders, the Debut of Dory Construction. Some things still irk the hell out of me, but you have to love the good stuff.

Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for the 37th week of 2007
  • Bob Wojcik
  • Mike Rockett
  • Lauren Crawford
  • Doug Maxfield
  • Jaime Andrews
  • Tina Rhodes
Now if I could run into a Bluefish blitz this weekend - it would be total satisfaction.


Anonymous said...

head up to Thatchers/milk island area. Plenty of Bluefish...plenty of bass...and at slack tide the occasional football tuna. And don't let Ryan talk trash about Bluefish. he may think he's a big buoy, but he's still just a fender.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to all the peeps of the week. It is a weighty laurel you carry, do so knowing that generation to follow will tell of your glory.

On another note, I really think we need to create a submarine to torpedo these bathtubs that El Jeffe is allegedly building and sailing. His engineering specs would be rendered completely useless! Arggh!