Sunday, September 16, 2007

Lost Lure

The day went as planned.... got some tiling done, got some rowing in.... the only glitch was that when I brought the Tender out to the mouth of the Harbor, about 100 yds. off of the Marblehead Lighthouse, I lost my only lure on the first cast.
Didn't really bother me, because I was only out to row anyway. But in the future, I'm going to bring a little extra tackle.
I rowed about a quarter of the way into the Marblehead Channel and picked up some decent wakes and swells. The Tender really is a stable and seaworthy design. I pulled the oars up and floated aimlessly out there for about a half hour or so. Nothing metaphysical or anything, just enjoying the movement of the water in the Channel under the Tender.
Anybody passing by thought I was fishing anyway, so it probably didn't look so weird.
But I was just sitting and breathing. It was kind of like when I go fly fishing in the Saco River with my rubber pants on. Just standing there feeling the water pass by.
On the way back, I stroked the oars fairly vigorously... a decent workout. It will be interesting to do this around mid-November when all but the working lobster boats will have been hauled out of the Harbor.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Get a book on Knots, too dude. Lost a few $8 lures before I wised up. Prepare your tackle kit, however small, with your lineup of lures you think they are going to bite on. Its key, and our last run at the fish is upon us. Liberate the seas of these brigands. And enjoy a buttery Chardonnay with a striper from the sea and some squash. I like squash with some fresh basil steamed in foil on the grill. Who is this freak talking about eating possums?