Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Armed and Dangerous

This Virginia Tech stuff is getting more and more bizarre. At first I thought that the problem was gun control... just keep the guns out of the hands of insane people. And that is the central focus.
But toss in the effect of violent video games as well as shoot em up, body count movies on the criminally insane and you have a mass murderers merit badge training program. I heard an expert on the radio saying that you can't control society to eliminate this risk. It is the price of freedom.
I don't buy that.
I would never keep a gun in my house. You never know when you might flip out over some non-sensical event, and five seconds of insane passion buys you a lifetime of grief. Even when I thought we had an intruder in the house a dozen years ago, I relied on my pal, Louisville Slugger, as my weapon of choice.
Unfortunately, it was a false alarm.

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